Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, May 2, 2014

First day of work, and more pics of our park

Off to a good start yesterday! We met our summer student employee, and that's going to go very well. He was here last year too, so he's pretty familiar with things. Probably a few changes coming up just to do things our way, but it's going to work out fine.

I spent the day checking out the equipment and cleaning up the shop.

And what a shop we have!

Our shop and wood shed.

So the brown building is obviously our workshop, and the grey building is our wood storage shed. We've got two gators (the green carts you see), two ride on mowers (one was brand new last year) and a push mower. And a couple of chain saws and a weed eater. 

But the shop was a mess. No idea how someone can work like that, so my first order of business was to get it cleaned up. The new mower hadn't had any maintenance done to it, so we did that, got the deck removed, and checked the blades. Needs new ones. The other mower also needed blades, but I found three new ones on the shelf. Gotta get the oil changed in them too, but need to buy some oil first.

Meanwhile, Ruth started work on our office. Cleaning, and getting things organized. I found her some paint and she painted up a little table that was serviceable, but a little ratty looking. We start taking reservations on Monday, so today we'll get the computer system hooked up and check that the reservation software is set up correctly.

Here's couple of shots of the inside of our mobile home. It's a work in progress and we're still getting things organized...

Living room, looking towards kitchen.

Ruth, in the kitchen.

I went around and took some pictures of the park for you. It's really pretty with lots of rolling hills and it's going to look even better when the leaves come out on the trees over the next two weeks or so.

Oh, speaking of leaves, someone asked if we were going to have to do as much raking as we did last year. Well, we easily could. Last year, they wanted that to be a priority. Here, they have typically just run the mowers around and mulched them as best as possible. A lot easier, yes. But it certainly doesn't do as nice of a job. I already asked if we can purchase a leaf blower, so that will help as well. Either way, it's still a big part of the spring cleanup here.

Some kind of wildflower. There are quite a few of them already out!

View from one of the hills in the park. The grass is already turning green in places.

Going to be great for some hiking. 

The park is mostly surrounded by crown land. It's leased out to farmers and used to graze cattle, but anyone is welcome to hike and explore. It's going to be good to be able to get out for an hour or two here and there and go for a walk.

The beach area.

The water level fluctuates widely. It's low right now, however everyone is telling us that this is higher than normal for this time of year. Apparently it will rise slowly over the next month and won't reach it's summer level until the third week of June or so.

Eventually, the water will reach the shoreline.

The park. It will be nice when there are leaves on those trees.

The view from our deck.

Looking towards one of the seasonal camping areas.

Almost 8:00am here...time to go to work.


  1. What a lovely looking park. I think that you are both going to have a wonderful summer working there. Plus the location makes it easy for friends and family to visit.

    1. We absolutely agree with you Contessa! Are you going to come and visit us this summer? ;-)

    2. Unfortunately like you we work during the summer so are not free to travel. We will be passing that way around Oct. 25th but I suspect you will be gone.

    3. Yes, we will be long gone by that time, maybe some other time.

  2. Looks like a good one! And I like the new quarters you have with all that room. Nice size of a workshop, curious what's inside...

    1. So much space, we aren't used to this we might just lose each other in here! Kevin will have to get some photos of the inside of the shop.

  3. Looks awesome. You're going to have an amazing, busy summer!!

    1. Thanks Doug and Nancy, I am sure that we will.

  4. Forgot to add!.....see you there in June!!

    1. Do you have any idea about what time in June you will be by? Looking forward to seeing you two again.

  5. Funny story, I worked for a John Deere dealer and we went to our time share in Florida for a vacation. Across the street is a miniature golf place with the 18th hole a left hand dog leg into a key hole with the back wall removed and down a small hill with a bunch of two foot alligators in a pond. I told her to hit the ball lightly but she hit it to hard. Down the ball went into the 'Gators. Fast forward, we went back to the condo and were sitting out watching the people driving on the beach to see and be seen when along comes two teenage bikini babes in a gator painted pink. I got all excited, gators are supposed to be green, and said "Look a pink gator" my wife was still thinking about what a wuss I was for not going after her ball and she starts looking for the pink alligators and saying where?


    1. Too funny, I bet she had a good laugh when she figured out what you were referring too! I can't believe that someone had the nerve to paint a gator pink!

  6. Looks like and awesome place and great facilities to, Have fun there.

  7. Looks nice. The flowers are crocuses. First spring flower.

    1. Thank you Brenda they are crocuses but they are prairie crocuses which are slightly different from the regular ones I used to grow when we had a house. They are so pretty!

    2. I grew up in Sask., so I recognized them right away. The first flowers of spring. Lovely.

  8. You two will have everything ship-shape in no time. I like the looks of the park and agree that it'll be much prettier when the trees get some leaves. Good choice for you two.

    1. Yes, we will and we will have another Kevin to thank for the additional help as well.

  9. The place is pretty awesome.
    Hopefully there's a compressor and pneumatic tools to help with the blades. Or at least a Johnson bar.
    I wouldn't be able to handle the messy shop either. I think I'm starting to get a little too anal in my old age. Can't have a mess.
    Good luck.

    1. Yes, there is a compressor and pneumatic tools so Kevin was a happy camper.

  10. Ruth must have known they are crocuses! The park looks nice. Do you have enough bedding for 3 bedrooms?

    1. Yes, I knew that they were crocuses even if they looked a little bit different but Kevin doesn't really care what they are so he didn't ask me, he just thought that they looked pretty.

    2. Sorry, forgot to answer your question about the bedding. We don't have enough bedding at the moment. We bought ourselves a blanket and someone from the board gave us some sheets for the double bed and a bed cover and then we got some more sheets for a queen size when we get the mattress for that. Everyone here has been really good for finding us anything we may need secondhand and if it can't be found then we can buy what we need.

  11. nice looking place to stay for a while!! enjoy all the room!!

  12. We should be there around the 3rd week of June.....


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