Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Camping Slobs

Pretty uneventful weekend. We met some more of the seasonals who dropped their trailers and fifth wheels off for the summer. And we had two sets of young people show up and do some tenting.

After they left on Sunday morning, I went to tidy up their sites. One was not bad, and just required the normal cleanup. However the other was a mess.

How is it that some people can't figure out that there's a difference between a fire pit and a trash can???

Camping Slobs. 

If you right click on the photo and then "open in a new window" you can see a full size picture of all of the items that don't burn! How about a pair of vice grips on the left side? You just gotta shake your head.

Between that and the warning about their dog running loose and the food that I had to pick up all over the site, I flagged their names in the computer. Next time they want to camp here, they can leave a $50 deposit that they can get back after I check their site before they leave!

Yesterday, our major job was to clean the camp kitchen. This is the building where most of our picnic tables had been stored as a major make work project. 

When the snow had melted this spring, the runoff had taken a turn towards the kitchen and the entire floor was covered with mud and debris. When the mud dries, it becomes like concrete and it was a big job to clean it all up!!

I forgot to get a "before" picture. But some of the dried mud was about 4" thick!

After we got the worst of it off, we washed the floor.

It was a big job, and we're not totally finished yet. We still have to clean all of the camp kitchen equipment...

Of course everything is all covered in dust and cobwebs. 

But it's coming. A little each day. We're actually amazed at what we've accomplished over the last month!

Seasonal trailers.

Another group of seasonals.

Ruth's garden when we arrived.

And now. Not done yet, but we'll pick up some more flowers this week.

On to something else. One of our readers, Peter, had mentioned an "app" for getting discounts on groceries. We don't have a cell phone of any kind, so we can't use an "app". But it turns out they have a website that does the same thing. We signed up for it, and although it may take us some time to save up the $20 minimum in discounts, we do think it's worthwhile. And they give you a $2.00 bonus just for signing up. Maybe you want to check it out at www.checkout51.com


  1. It's interesting what age will do. I remember being a 20 something out with friends whether camping or carousing around town. World was our oyster and we probably acted like it. I'm sure we left a few broken bottles in our wake, poorly tended campsites and trash, etc. I distinctly remember the turning point being a stern and very well deserved reprimand from a campsite next to ours in Baja. They had watched with some disgust and horror the night prior as our group realized, in a drunken stupor, that those plastic picnic chairs create great fireworks when they are stacked in an open pit fire. This old timer sat us down the next morning and told us that what we might consider trash was someones property and that we were awful ambassadors for those they may come after us. Have never forgotten that to this day. No excuse other than being young and dumb and feeling that we were entitled in some way to act like idiots due to those simple facts.

    Now a 40+ year old father I look at this and say 'Kids these days!' I do smile a bit at the fun they must have had around that fire but certainly do wish they cleaned up a little more after it was all said and done.
    Quite amusing to look at it all with 20 years of life experience under my belt. You just don't think with much perspective when you're that age - especially in a group setting.

    1. Good perspective Andrew, thanks for that!

    2. You guys are amazing with all you have done there in such a short time!

      as for the "pigs" ...well, their houses and yards probably look just as bad, so that is their "normal"... Too bad they get to inflect it on you and others!

      Karen and Steve
      (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    3. Thank you Karen, we have been working hard and there is still lots to do but it is looking pretty good.

      We are hoping that this isn't going to be a common place thing but we do remember that we cleaned out enough fire pits last year to know that this won't be the only one.

  2. We are in our 5th year of camp hosting. Once in a while we get people who think the fire pit is a garbage dump, but by far our biggest complaint is regarding dog owners. From constantly having to remind them that there is a leash law in the park to picking up the "presents" the dogs leave, we have really had it with dog owners. The majority are just fine, but its the few that really ruin it in our mind!

    1. Interesting. We have been surprised at how few problems we have had with dog owners both last year and so far this year. So few that it really hasn't been an issue.

  3. What, no used feminine hygiene products or used prophylactics? You're lucky so far. :P

    1. Not yet, the season is still young. Last year we had diapers in the fire pit though.

  4. Bunch of slobs, although I've tried that beer, and it's OK. That's all they got going for them however. Kinda cool that their name can now be "flagged". Might come as a bit of a surprise if they ever come back. Not sure that'll happen though.

    1. The only problem would be if they booked under one of the other boys names. Actually when we were talking to them when they first booked in, it had been years since they had been here, so perhaps it will be years before we see them again.

  5. I saw that title and though Oh Dear, they came into my bedroom when I was out. But seriously, I love that you are flagging people and charging deposits. No better way to change behavior than to fine it. Money seems to be the only thing people will pay attention to. Looks to me like you guys have gotten that place into ship shape. What a mess. Ruth your garden looks fantastic. Are you growing any vegetables??

    1. Yes we can flag them but we haven't charged a deposit yet, but we could if we saw a need too.

      The garden will look better when I have a few more plants in it and no, there won't we any vegetables.

  6. Enforcing the rules is the best thing that you can do.

    1. Sometimes that is hard to do, when you see what is left behind and the people have already gone. The flagging should make it easier for the next time.


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