Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, September 29, 2014

One more sleep and we're outta here!

We're down to our final day at the park.

We'll sleep here tonight, and then tomorrow morning will be spent winterizing and tidying up the house trailer that we've been living in for the last five months. Oh, and packing! Then, because we won't have any running water after the trailer is winterized, we'll spend Tuesday night at a motel in the nearby town of Cabri.

And then Wednesday morning...we're off!

From Wednesday morning until Friday afternoon we're essentially traveling. It's going to be a long stretch, with a fifteen hour time zone change from here. Our bus leaves Swift Current Wednesday at 11:00am and we have a seven hour bus ride to Calgary. We hang around downtown Calgary for a few hours, then Thursday morning at 6:00am we fly from Calgary to Seattle. A short connection layover at Seattle airport there, and we hop on an eleven hour flight to Seoul, South Korea. Including the time change, it will be 3:30pm on Friday when we arrive!

Boy, it's been a long five months here on the blog, hasn't it? We try and keep things interesting for everybody when we're not traveling, but I felt myself struggling at times to find something worthwhile to discuss. I think next summer we may have to drop it down to two or three times per week, instead of every day.

But fortunately, we're just about done with that. We've got a LOT going on for you this winter, and there will be no shortage of things to tell you about, so we hope you follow along every day now that we're back on the road. And in the air!!

Fantastic sunrise here at the park.

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  1. What a great sunrise! Safe travel friends.

  2. Replies
    1. Trust us George, we will enjoy every moment!

  3. You have done very well coming up with interesting blogs on a daily basis!

    1. Thank you Mom, sometimes it was trying though!

  4. Happy day....safe travels too!! What's happening with LBC?? Won't it be nice to head back to the same place in the spring, knowing that all the hard work you guys have done all year will be reflective in your start-up?


    1. Thanks Doug and Nancy! Little Blue Car has been put to bed for the winter in the workshop here.

      Yes, it will be really nice to come back here in the spring, knowing that we are already ahead of the game from where we were when we arrived last spring. Kevin has all the maintenance done of the equipment so they will be ready to go the first day we arrive. Lots of trimming was done this fall and that will help make it easier in the spring too. Unfortunately there will be lots of leaves still as most of them are still on the trees right now.

  5. Safe travels. Looking forward to following along on another adventure!

    1. Thank you Kevin and Evelyn, and we are looking forward to passing our adventures on to all of our readers.

  6. May all your connections and travels over the next few days go exceptionally smoothly. Looking forward to your travels in South Korea.

    1. Thank you Helen, we are hoping that they will as well!

  7. Please write about what you are packing for this huge trip. Thanks!

    1. Yes, we will do that gypsyrovers, hopefully with in the next couple of days.

  8. I am so excited about your new adventures. I know we're going to see some great pictures.

  9. We had a great time reading about your summer. And now we're really excited about your winter! Bring it on!

    1. Thank you Peter! I don't think will will be struggling to find things to write about, we will probably struggle at keeping our posts to a reasonable length though!

  10. Replies
    1. Yeah!!!! Yesterday morning was the last time that I did that job!

  11. I think you've done a fine job this summer but I understand about 2 or 3 times a week. I don't seem to be able to post any more than that and I'm nearly 3 weeks behind. Safe travels to you on your long trip. I can only imagine how excited you are. I'm excited for you. What an experience!! You two do the most wonderful things.

    1. Thank you Sherry! Next summer we will write when we have something to write about but we won't write a post just for the sake of putting one up each and every day.

      You know, you say that we do the most wonderful things but I think you and David do such wonderful things. You take your time traveling and enjoy everything along the way and to us that is how travel is meant to be done. That is one reason that we don't jump from one country to another in a matter of days, just to say that we have been to a country. We love to explore each country as much as we can before heading on to another one.

  12. Fabulous sunrise! Looking forward to your adventures in the months to come. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Contessa! And, yes it was a beautiful sunrise!

  13. like you're really going to be able to sleep... ;c)

    1. We were so busy yesterday that we had no trouble going to sleep. Tomorrow night at the airport might be a different story though!

  14. Yes I would be interested to hear about what you are packing and of course the amazing journey to South Korea.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Safe travels.
    Sft x


    1. Thank you SFT, we will definitely be doing a post on what we pack, hopefully in the next day or two.

      We are so excited about our adventures in South Korea and what is has in store for us there.

  15. Travel safe and looking forward to all your pictures and adventures!

    1. Thank you Kay, and we are looking forward to posting all about it!

  16. Woohoo, glad for you guys, can't wait for pics of the wedding, and the hiking! I thought you did a great job posting this summer, perhaps next summer you can post some tips on blog writing, such as how to post header pics!! We head out October 4th, after a year of planning! Safe travels.

    1. Thank you Leah, we are so excited!

      We will try to remember to do that next summer. Maybe what we should do is ask our readers what types of things they would like us to write about. We could get some awesome ideas that way.

      Have fun when you head out October 4th, you must be so excited yourselves!

  17. Yep, we will get right on to that Dugg...NOT!!!!!

  18. Love, love, love the sunrise photo - simply gorgeous! We can't wait for your trip to begin. We enjoy all the places you take us to. Safe and happy travels!!!
    Connie & Barry in PA

    1. Thank you Connie and Barry, it really was a beautiful sunrise that day. We can't believe the day is finally here to start another new adventure and we are so excited about it too and what the trip has in store for us.


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