Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Busy hiking trail...but worth it!

The weather here in Seoul has become perfect for hiking, and so we decided to take advantage of it. High temperature of about 16C (62F), and with clear sky and sunshine. Perfect to hit the trails.

Seoul is a huge city, and Korea is a very mountainous country. Depending on what you read, there are about 37 different mountains that you can climb that are located in the greater Seoul area.

Which one did we decide to climb? Well, the tallest one of course!

At 837 meters (2,750 feet), Baegundae Peak is the tallest of several in Bukhansan National Park.

The trailhead is fairly easy to get to from anywhere in Seoul. You just have to take subway line 3 to Gupabal Station, then get on the #704 bus.

So we got on the subway, and after a couple of stops, I looked at Ruth and said "Uh oh. I forgot the camera!".

But Ruth had our old pocket camera in the day pack, so rather than go all the way back, we decided that you'll just have to put up with pics that are not quite as good as they could have been! Oh well.

Yup. Uphill, every step of the way.

Ruth, on the trail.

We had read that we were hiking on what was billed as the optimal day for viewing the fall colors in the Seoul area. They are vivid! The camera really doesn't do it justice and I wished I hadn't forgotten the good camera back at the apartment. 

Beautiful fall colors.

A perfect day for it.

Red, green, and yellow.

With a blue sky in the background!

The only problem?

The people. It was pretty crowded. Our friends Tom and Elicia had been here this past weekend and of course it was packed. So packed, that we had pretty much decided not to come here. But with the great weather, the optimal viewing time for the leaves, and the fact that it wasn't a weekend, we decided to go for it.

And really, we're glad that we did.

Quite a few people on the trails. 

Looking up towards the summit. Little did we know there was a line up to get up there!

People hiking the next mountain over.

A staircase on the mountain beside us.

Yup. Getting a little crowded towards the top.

Nice view looking towards Seoul.

Zoomed in on the rock climbers on the mountain beside us. 
Nope. Not for us.

Kevin, enjoying the view.

Busy rest stop near the top!

We made it! Ruth, standing on the highest point.

 This lady hiked up in these shoes. In all honesty, not the smartest thing to do. Can't believe she didn't end up with a broken ankle, or worse.

We came back down the back side of the mountain, a little shorter route that ended up where there's a shuttle bus to the main bus lines. We ended up not taking the shuttle bus and instead walking a further 2 kms to get on the main bus. We had met a Korean guy on the way back down who spoke some English and it turned out he had lived in Canada for three years, 20 years ago. So he was interesting company, plus he got us on the right bus (#120) that took us to the nearest subway line so that we could get back home.

Overall, a good day despite the crowds at the top of the mountain.

So we get home, and we see this Lamborghini parked outside the building. Nice car, but baby blue? Why would someone spend upwards of $200,000 on a sexy sports car, and get it baby blue in color? Maybe it's a girl's? Who knows, but we don't get it. Each to their own, I suppose.

Sorry for the fuzzy picture!


  1. I can understand why you initially opted not to do this hike. SO many other hikers! But the colours are wonderful and my fav pic is of Ruth at the top. As for the lady in heels...she must truly be a 'lady'!

    1. The worst crowds were either at the beginning of the trail or up near the top. Once people past the beginning of the trail there were other trails that people could and did take but up at the top it bottle-necked because the only real way to scale the last part was with the aid of a rope so people were wanting to come down and others wanting to to go and and in a few areas there was just no room to do both at the same time.

      That lady in our mind was nuts doing this up in heels. The hike up and down was on a steep rocky trail that was at least 2km long one way providing she went on the shortest route and at the top it was shear rock that needed careful footing an shoes with a good grip. She was very lucky!

  2. What a way to ruin a car.
    But anyway, at least the Koreans are "out there". It annoying to see that many hikers, and the good news, there are that many hikers.

  3. Nice summit!!! Looks a lot less busy and you had great weather!!! Nice work!!!!

    1. I think it probably was a lot less busy! We were leary about our decision especially after hearing about your hike up but in the end we were happy that we went ahead with it. We would not have done this on the weekend though. One thing we noticed on our hike was the lack of children.

  4. Congrats on the summit! The air quality looked great. Good decision to go, I think you otherwise would have regretted skipping a famous national park in Korea, especially during peak autumn foliage. Despite the queues it's a rocky, beautiful area, eh?

    1. I think if we had gone on Monday, the air would have been ever better but it was still pretty good when we went. The fall colours were fantastic and we loved the views from the top.

  5. Wow, sure a lot of hikers there. It is a shame in Canada there aren't that many hikers but it does make for a more enjoyable time for those that do. Pretty colours and great views.

    1. One thing you have to keep in mind with South Korea is the size of the country and the population. I think the size of their country is about that of Nova Scotia, it actually is probably a little smaller yet the population is almost double of Canada. Canada may have lots of hikers but we are so spread out that you would never know it. South Korean's definitely seem to be outdoors people for the most part.

  6. Oh, my! Some people just have too much money!! (Others would think there's no such thing).

  7. That hike reminds me of Piestewa Peak in Phoenix, AZ. It's also crowded but that never stopped me from enjoying my hike up. Beautiful mountain but the picture might be deceiving because the mountain next to you looks higher than the one you hiked. Yes, we see ladies in heels up top too...more power to them but I prefer hiking boots.

    1. We have been on a few busy trails before but nothing like this one and this was less busy then when our new friends Tom and Elicia from Yeosu did it on the weekend.

      Other that the picture of me at the summit all the other photos were taken at a lower level so yes it is a little deceiving when you look at a few of the other peaks that are near by.

  8. Yep I always wear heels when I am hiking.... yeah, right!

    1. No quite sure what she was thinking, it couldn't have been comfortable. The shortest trail possible would have been close to 4km round trip and that isn't even adding in all the steep climbing along with all the rocks, roots and steps.

  9. Have you looked closely at your photo of the rock climbers? There is one who looks as if he is hanging onto the rock by his fingers! Everyone else has a climbing buddy, but not him! It almost looks like a rock climbing class. Oh well, all your photos are gorgeous! Glad you are having such a great time.

    1. We hadn't noticed it, or at least I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. It is possible that it was a rock climbing class but they could have just been climbing with a friend.

      Can't believe our time is up now, it sure went by fast!

  10. Thanks for taking me on your trip to Korea,,I was stationed there 30 years ago, there is just no comparison, to the late 70s Korea.

    1. Sure hope you enjoyed our adventures. I hope we were able to bring back a few good memories for you. We can only imagine the changes that have taken place since the late 70's.

  11. If you can afford a Lamborghini, you don't have to worry about other people's opinions. However, I concur, what a waste of a car with that color! ;c)

    1. You are right Paul and Marti, and I guess this person just loves the colour!

      Maybe it is a new method of thief prevention because who would want to steal a car that colour! :-p

  12. Did you meet other tourists on the hike?

    1. We didn't meet any but it would also have been difficult to tell who might have been a tourist and who wasn't. They get lots of tourists from China and Japan. As for any "Westerner's" we did see a few but they could easily have been international students or teachers there to teach English.

  13. Makes you realize how fortunate we are here in North America! We are so used to our large personal space and wide open natural places.

    1. Yes, it sure does and maybe that is why the Koreans all head to the mountains on the weekends to try and get away from the busy cities.

  14. Awesome pictures and loved the colors at "peak". We are hoping to go hiking with peak colors near here soon. I am so enjoying your trip and I also want to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comments! Bless you both!

    1. Hope you get to see some great colours in your neck of the woods soon.

      So glad you have been enjoying our trip.

  15. At least you got some great pictures, don't care if they are a bit fuzzy.
    Good fall colors here too.

    1. Glad to hear you have some good fall colours there too!

  16. With these prices maybe they found a good deal on a showroom model and needed to save a few bucks, or they like blue and money is no object.
    2014 Lamborghini AventadorMSRP: $397,500 - $548,800
    LP 700-4 Coupe $397,500
    LP 700-4 Roadster Convertible $441,600

    Read more:

    1. I think money is no object in this situation! What showroom would display a baby blue Lamborghini? ;-)

  17. Congrats to you two for having another fun day and showing us how much fun hiking can be - love all the photos - more color than we have here!

    1. Thanks Connie and Barry, we have been having a blast!

      Hope you get some pretty colours there soon.

  18. The picture of Ruth on the trail looks just like a spot in our Chipinque Natl Park here in Monterrey. Beautiful hike and views. If you have the money to buy that car, you can get it just the way you like it! I like the blue, go figure! hahaha


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