The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

On our way to Mexico City!

Wow. We're finally on our way to Mexico City. Writing this from Phoenix Airport where we're waiting for our connecting flight.

We had a great day yesterday spending some time with our couchsurfing hosts David and his twin 5 year olds Benjamin and Sophia. First, they dropped us off at the California Academy of Sciences while they went for brunch. Then, they brought us outside of San Francisco, a little bit north to the Muir Woods National Monument.

The Sciences place was nicely done, but we've done so many of these types of places lately that we're getting a little "museumed out"! They did have a couple of interesting things though...

An albino alligator. Very strange! He opened his mouth for us, just in time for the photo. Then he promptly closed it again!

We would love to see one of these gorgeous birds in the wild. I guess we're going to have to go to the Brazilian rainforest someday.

The Muir Woods National Park is a beautiful area. We could easily have spent four or five hours there going for a hike but we didn't get there until late in the day. Still, we made it out for an hour and a half walk and did get some exercise wandering around this fantastic old growth California Redwood forest. Hard to believe that it exists only forty five minutes or so outside of San Francisco.

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon it was pretty busy!

Ruth and the big California redwood trees.

Beautiful spot.

Kevin and Ruth.

Ruth, Sophia, Kevin, Benjamin, and David.

Huge thank you to our couchsurfing host David and his wife Antonia. She was in L.A. for the weekend, although we did get to say hi to her very quickly. Hope to see you in Saskatchewan some day!

Anyhow, just a short blog post today...we've only got an hour of free wifi at Phoenix airport! We're off to Mexico City in another hour or so...see you there!

Taken this morning, just a few hours ago after lift off from Oakland airport.


  1. Now you will feel like you are back home.

    1. That's exactly what we thought when we landed!

  2. After all your wonderful adventures, I bet Sherman is missing you!

    1. He will still be missing us for another three weeks. Looking forward to seeing him again.

  3. Can't wait till you are reunited with Sherman!

  4. Hope you don't get your Spanish mixed up with all that Korean you learned! :c)

    1. The Spanish all seems to be coming back, so far we haven't mixed them up! ;-)

  5. I can't believe your trip is over and it's back to Mexico - seems like you just left! It was great following along, thank you for the virtual vacation!

    1. Janis, we don't consider our trip is over until we are back in Canada and getting ready to go back to work! We still have lots of adventures ahead of us.

  6. Possibly sometime in January or February.


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