Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A fun afternoon visiting with other RV'ing bloggers

A few weeks back, I think we were in Mazatlan at the time, I read on somebody else's blog that there was going to be an "official" gathering of bloggers during the time of the Quartzsite RV show. The date was to be January 24th.

We were already planning on being in the area around that time, so decided we wanted to meet some of the folks we regularly read about.

But in the morning, we still had chores to do. I've been wanting to take some time to clean out and reorganize the lower storage bays, so I got that done. And, Sherman was a few miles overdue for an oil change, so I got that done as well. Happy Sherman! While I was doing that, Ruth baked up some gluten free chocolate chip cookies to take to the get together.

So, around 1:15pm we walked on over. We had purposely parked up close to where the event was taking place so that we could just walk. Sure enough, there were the yellow balloons they had advertised to get everyone together at the proper spot.

When you organize or attend something like this, you have no idea who's going to show up, or how many. And of course you hope that it's not going to be a bust! Well, it was certainly not a bust and in fact it was very well fact I can see this is probably going to become an annual event and we were happy to be taking part in the first one ever!

Mingling with people as they arrived.

Hey, there's Gaelyn from Geogypsy Traveler and Ivan from Roadtrip 06 and Paul from Where's Weaver.

Ruth, petting Sally from Eggrollings.

There's two of the organizers of the event. Jerri from Just Wanderin', and Sandie from Where are the Dixons Today

Gathering in the desert.

Everyone took a minute or two to stand up and introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves. We recognized quite a few people, and after the introductions it was pretty easy to get started talking to people and a lot of them came up and spoke to us as well. In fact, we were sad that time went by so quickly and there were some people we wanted to speak with a little more. 

Paul and Marsha Weaver (standing) from Where's Weaver and Nan Talley from Trippin with The Talleys

Sorry I missed the focus on this one! Here's Kenny and Angela from RV Life is Good.

Retired Rod from well, you guessed it... Retired Rod!

Fun to meet up with John and Sharon from On the Road of Retirement. We've been following their blog since before they bought their motorhome!

And Marianne, a fellow frugal RV'er! Her blog is at Frugal RV Travel, but she's also involved in the increasingly popular Boondockers Welcome and we're going to tell you more about that another day.

Finally got to meet Al and Kelly from The Bayfield Bunch. Oh, and of course their dog Pheebs was there to!

 I know there's a bunch of people we missed. We had fun talking with Judy from Travels with Emma and we're going to be seeing her again in the next week or two, so we're looking forward to that. And we said hello to Diana from Life on the Open Road, we've also been reading her blog for a very long time and we were happy to finally be able to say hi in person.

As I said, I know that there's some we missed and we feel bad about that. There simply wasn't enough time. I'm sure the event will grow next year and maybe more activities will take place over a longer period of time to allow a little more socializing. But for the first time, I'd say it was complete, resounding success!

There were even a few non-bloggers there, and a couple who want to start their own blog. We finally got to meet our own long time readers Pete and Fredrika who have been reading our blog for many years. They came back to Sherman for a longer chat, and we can definitely see keeping in touch with these two. 

Pete and Frederika.

We've heard nothing but good things about the RV holding tank treatment called "Happy Camper". We've seen it here for sale at the show, and I just wanted to remind everyone that the prices to buy it on are quite a bit cheaper. 


  1. indeed it was quite a pleasure to meet the two of you finally, we will spend a little more quality time with you the next time our paths cross I am sure...

    1. We also enjoyed meeting both you and Sharon but didn't have nearly enough time to have a good conversation. I think if they do this again next year they need to do it for the whole afternoon.

      We look forward to our paths crossing again hopefully in the very near future, seeing that we are in the Arizona/California area for the next 6 weeks or so.

  2. We are so sad that we missed this first event but we do hope it will become an annual event and we can be there next year! We too follow many of the same bloggers and would have loved to meet them all...maybe next time!

    1. Sorry that you missed it as well. I have a feeling that this will become an annual event and one that will grow. We enjoyed meeting up with other bloggers and readers and finally being able to put a face to a name.

  3. It was so awesome to meet you two. Glad you could join us for a wonderful night around the campfire. Enjoy your time at the Q.

    1. Thank you Paul and Marsha, we really enjoyed ourselves and had a great time finally meeting up with you. And, thank you Marsha, as well as Jerri, Sandie and to George and Suzie for helping organize the event and getting the word out their to all the bloggers.

  4. how great that the two of you made it the first 'blogfest'! so glad it was a huge success!

    1. We are so happy that we made that extra effort to get up here for it. We knew we were headed this way but maybe not quite so quickly but we are really glad that we did. If was so nice to finally put faces to all those names of both bloggers and readers. Hopefully if they continue with this new tradition, you will be able to join in as well one of these years.

  5. Replies
    1. It was great to meet up with you as well and looking forward to seeing you again today for lunch if that is still on. :-)

  6. Sure was good to meet you both. Definitely need more social time with this many awesome bloggers to chat with.

    1. Yep, it was good to finally meet you as well. Definitely need more time for the next one, we hardly had anytime to chat with you. Maybe our paths will cross again. :-)

  7. It was so nice to meet you! With all the people there we felt bad that we missed talking to some of them.

    1. It was nice meeting you as well but we felt bad too that there just wan't time to meet with everyone and have a good lengthy conversation.

  8. Sounds like everyone had a great time. Lotsa great pictures, wish we could have been there to meet you and lots of the other bloggers, hopefully next year.

    1. You and Suzie were definitely missed George. Thanks for helping to get the word out there to other bloggers. I think for a first time event it went very well and hopefully you will make it to the next one.

  9. We really enjoyed our short visit yesterday. So glad we met the two of you, as well as everyone else. So glad we attended.

    1. We felt the same way, too many people and not enough time! It was a pleasure meeting you both as well and Sally.

  10. Pleasure of course is all ours in meeting you folks & soon as we got home Saturday night I made sure to get you guys on our sidebar. You both strike me as an energetic & knowledgeable fun loving couple:))

    1. We are so glad that you and Kelly made the decision to come, I know a lot of people we happy to meet you, including us. Wish we could have had more time to have chatted with you. I still remember the first time we came across you blog was when we were looking for a boondocking site in some area coming down from Canada to Mexico and your blog popped up for a spot that you both stayed at and that is where we ended up staying too. Can't remember the spot now because is was so long ago.

  11. Ahhh, now I have personalities to add to the over the net knowledge of two of my fav bloggers. Hope to see you again down the road.

    1. I am so happy that we got to meet you Nan and have a good chat with you. I think we do to do that again sometime. :-)

  12. Looks like nearly everyone whose blog I read what there. And here I am on the other side of the country. Figures! Thanks for the faces.

    1. Really wish that you were in the area as well Sherry. Would would love to meet up with both you and David. Some other time perhaps.

  13. Glad you enjoyed meeting fellow bloggers!

  14. I'm on the wrong side of the country, too, just like Sherry. Hopefully next year my eye surgery will be all done and I'll be able to be there...and see everyone clearly! :c)

    1. That would be good. We'll all have to plan to be here again next year!

  15. I was really excited to meet you two in person - I've been reading your blog for a long time, and love it.

    1. And we have been reading yours for a long time too and we thrilled to be able to finally meet you, just sorry that we couldn't have chatted a little longer. Next year I think they will have to allot the whole afternoon for the get together.

  16. wish we could have been there as we read most of their blogs too

    1. We wish that you and Sam could have been here as well. Hopefully next year! :-)

  17. I'm not much for these big group activities, but this one was sure a winner. Glad we got to chat for a bit. I, too, couldn't make it around to visit everyone in such a short time.

    1. We were really happy to see that you made the day trip here to meet up with everyone and I know a lot of people were happy to finally meet you. Looking forward to coming and visiting you for a few days at the wildlife reserve when we can have a little more time visit properly.

  18. Replies
    1. It was a great group and hopefully next year it will have an even bigger group!

  19. More like a Who's Who of rv bloggers! Looks like a fun time. Maybe next year.

    1. Ye, that sounds like a good way of saying it. You would have loved it Chris. Mark it on your calendar for next year.

  20. Hi Guys, How much longer are you in Quartzsite? We would like to see you after reading your blog for years. We just came in last night and are at the Plomosa rd LTV area.
    Janos & Maggie from Victoria BC, [email protected]

    1. We will be leaving tomorrow morning but coming back again in about a week or so. Kevin will send you an email and we will try to work something out. We are hiking this morning and meeting someone for lunch other than that we are pretty much free.

  21. What a great time hanging with you guys - FINALLY! Frederika said: 'I KNEW I was going to like them... Looking forward to our next rendezvous (please remember to bring more of Ruth's cookies...)

    1. We loved meeting you both and so happy that you were able to extend the visit back at the motorhome. Really look forward to meeting up with you again somewhere down the road and yes, I will make sure that I have more chocolate chip cookies with us. :-)

      Love you CD Pete, thanks for that little gift.

  22. Hope this happens again next year; we're already planning to be there!

    1. From the sounds of the feedback, I would think it will be returning next year. hope that you will be able to attend it.

  23. Wow, so many people doing similar things. Almost makes it look the norm!

    1. Out here in the desert it is the norm. I don't think this town has a REAL house!

  24. I was really pleased to meet you both. I've admired your travels and adventuresome outlook on life for a long time....

    1. And, we were just as pleased to have met both you and Al. So glad that you made the decision to come and that Pheebs was able to tag along as well. I think she enjoyed the socializing just as much as you two did.

  25. And to think Bennie & I were at that very same first Bloggerfest but I didn't "know" you then !! LOL

    1. I remember you being there but up until that point I had not known about you and Bennie. Who knows maybe we will meet once again down the road! :-)


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