Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A great camping spot!

Our nearest neighbor is at least half a mile away. Just the way we like it.

We were excited to finally meet a long time reader of this blog. Doug has been a loyal daily reader for years. You've probably seen him comment as "Dugg". He lives here in his fifth wheel during the winter and knows the area well, so he said he would choose a camping spot for us. And being a long time reader, he knows what we like!

So he rode over to us on his bike yesterday morning and we said hello. Then, we followed him about a mile along the road to a wide open spot that apparently very few people know about.

And we even had a welcome party!

Two burros. GPS 32.875939, -114.513310

They sure are friendly.

Doug explained that about a hundred years ago there was a mine operating nearby and they used burros as part of the operation of the mine. When the mine closed, the burros were simply left behind and these are descendants of those burros. He says there are probably 20 or so of these wild donkeys in the area. It's hard to believe they survive so well just off the scrub brush and thistle here in the desert.

Donkeys are so cute!

The view out of our side window.

Doug had brought us a present. You'll remember back in Mexico when my computer gave up? Well, I had kept the hard drive in the hope that something would be salvageable, and I had given the hard drive to our friend Kent when we were in Puerto Vallarta. Kent brought the hard drive back to Denver with him, where he has a computer genius friend. 

That computer genius friend managed to salvage everything of importance from the hard drive, and transfer it to an external drive. Kent then mailed that external drive to Doug, and we picked it up here.

Can't thank Kent enough. All of our important things were on the drive, including two weeks worth of photos from our visit to Seattle and San Francisco that we hadn't yet transferred to Ruth's laptop when mine had died. 

So, we learned a valuable lesson there. Now, with two laptops and an external drive, we should have enough backup that we won't lose anything again should we experience another computer crash.

Sherman, showing off his new awning!

See the little white spots in the distance? Those are other RV'ers, parked far away!

We sat out and had a few games of backgammon in the afternoon.

Ruth did a bunch of baking in the afternoon. We have fresh baked gluten free bread, and hamburger buns. :-) Also, Doug was coming over for dinner and she was making a chicken stir fry for him!

Doug came over for a drink before dinner, and we sat out and watched the sunset.

Sherman, watching the sunset. 

And the moonrise!

We're going to enjoy the next several weeks. We are finally at the point where we don't have to be somewhere at a certain time, so we'll just move when we feel like it. I can see us staying put right here for a few days. There's lots of hiking and bike riding in the area so we'll have lots to do.

And, the weather is perfect. Highs around 82F (28C) and lows around 55F (13C).

Our Amazon.com deal of the day? The popular "zero gravity" reclining camping chair is on sale. The green swirl pattern is the cheapest! Great deal...


  1. Love the moon picture. It sure was beautiful last night!!

    1. Thanks Evelyn, It is amazing how big it seemed!

  2. Replies
    1. It was a great day and the next day was even better!

  3. those burros are so darn cute. Love your sunset pics. Sounds like Doug really did know how to pick the right spot for you.

    1. The burros were like the icing on the cake, it just made this spot of ours even better! Yep, Doug sure could read us, and definitely picked a perfect spot for us.

  4. Looks like a fabulous spot!!..enjoy the quiet !

  5. Replies
    1. We think is pretty happy too and loving all this attention! ;-)

  6. That awning looks great - goes nicely with the stripes on Sherman and the new chairs and mat you bought. We actually owned a burro when I was a kid - very loyal and sweet - kind of like a good dog.

    1. Thanks Cheapchick, is he looking pretty coordinated now! These two burros sure were friendly and sweet, unfortunately they didn't come by for a visit yesterday although we did see a couple of other ones from a distance.

  7. Gotta love, the sunrises, sunsets and moonrise there in the desert. Enjoy a wonderful relaxing time there and the great weather.

    1. Yes you do George and the moonsets! I am watching it right now as I am typing. :-)

  8. Looks like you are really enjoying the desert. Pretty great the Dugg could help you retrieve some photos on the old hard drive. The new awning and mat look great!

    1. Surprisingly enough we are enjoying the desert. Kevin doesn't normally like the desert much, he prefers trees but there is something about the Arizona desert that makes it interesting.

      Doug just picked up the package for us, it was our friend Kent and a friend of his that was able to retrieve the data on the hard drive for us and we are very thankful for that but it was also very kind of Doug to let us send the package to his attention here in the middle of the desert which are are also very grateful for.

  9. Colour coded to perfection - mat/bus/chairs/awning plus an absolute awesome view- yep that's pretty close to perfection. ..love the header photo..cheers

    1. Sherman deserved to be looking so well put together after the last couple of years and having very little attention. I think he is enjoying it all now!

  10. Fantastic shot of the moon! So beautiful.

    Ruth...I can't believe you got so close to those wild burros. Are you a "burro whisperer?" lol

    1. Thank you Paul and Marsha! The burros were the ones that came up to us and they were very friendly, I think they were looking for food but they didn't get any from us. We have been told that you are not allowed to feed them but we think that maybe some people do.

  11. Your data sure made the rounds. Glad someone could save it. Recommend a second external to be on the really safe side. Sure do like your sunset/moonrise view. Will have to check out that area. Soon.

    1. It sure did and we were so happy too that it was able to be saved. We will not get a second external as we already have the information on both computers and on the external that if we were to get another one, that would be over kill. Now we just have to remember to update daily because having all three items does no good if you don't update them!

      I think you would love the area Gaelyn.

  12. I want to be there! Sunset, weather and Ruth's good cooking!

  13. What a nice happy post! Good news all around.
    Enjoy the campsite, it's a great one!

    1. Thank you Esther. We love our camping spot with the sunrises, sunsets, moonrises and moonsets out each side of our windows. It is lovely!

  14. That is just a fabulous header picture. Looks like my idea of the perfect campsite especially with the burros. We adopted two of them when they were being airlifted out of death valley in the 80's to keep them from being killed. They were wonderful. I'd love to have a couple around my campsite.

    1. Thanks Sherry! it is a perfect campsite and just the way we like it, nobody around us with noisy generators and the burros are the icing on the cake.

      So lovely to hear that you were able to save two of them back in the 80's, they must have loved you for that!


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