The malecon at Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Down to the coast on January 23rd!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Global warmists - please do not reply

Because as we sit here in the snow and cold, your rambling sounds like complete nonsense.

We've been in Ottawa less than two weeks, and I am reminded every day why our number one goal in life is never to spend another winter in Canada.

The last time the temperature here in Ottawa was above 10C (50F) was November 24. So glad we haven't been here that long!

Late March can be a mixed bag up here, however it's not unrealistic to expect some warmer temperatures by now. We had kind of hoped for some of that, but I guess it's not meant to be!

Ruth, and the icy sidewalks in downtown Ottawa.

But people who live here are getting a little frustrated. It's been a long winter, and usually there's a warm spell to give people a break, but not this year. At some point, it's going to go right from winter to summer, bypassing spring completely.

So, what have we been up to? Well, mostly just visiting with family and friends. Even took a break from the blog posting yesterday. Oh, and going through our worldly possessions. When we sold the house seven and a half years ago, we had put all of the things we wanted to keep into my sister's basement. Well, the time has come that she needs that space, so we made two trips and brought our "stuff" up to Ruth's dad's basement. And, we sorted through everything and got rid of some things too.

Other than that, not much going on.

Good thing Ruth's dad has a pool table!

So our time here is almost up. On Wednesday, we fly to Halifax. That plane that crashed yesterday morning will still be at the end of the runway there, so we'll probably get to see it. And, we'll get to see the huge amount of snow that they've had in Nova Scotia this year. And, we'll get to see our daughter and her husband and our grandkids! Really looking forward to that!

But, another couple of days to go. And no, there's no warming in the long term forecast. Spring has not yet sprung in the nation's capitol.

Ruth's dad was looking for a special kind of lemon marmalade the other day, and I found it for him on Walmart's website. However, I was amazed at the number of grocery items on You have to know your prices though. Some of the stuff is overpriced, but some of it is really good compared to the grocery store. Have a look and see for yourself...

For our Canadian readers...we have just been approved for our affiliate account. So now, you can help us earn money too! Exciting news for us, because we don't like that we've left our Canadian friends out of the fun. 


  1. I seriously don't envy you those cold temps and that snow. Nice for a couple of days but weeks, no thanks. You two come from very hardy stock that's clear.

    1. It really hasn't been too bad but then again we are only here for 1 month in total, not like the people that have had to live with this all winter.

  2. We are sitting here in New Mexico with temps in the 80's...just saying lol

    1. That sounds lovely right about now, another couple of weeks and we will be back in the nice warm weather.

  3. Its been a long winter for us, though we only here since January. At least is warmer now than a month ago.
    We have moved, relocated our stored stuff 5 times now. its getting less and less.

    1. George we really feel for you and Suzie having to have put up with this weather since January, especially knowing that you were down south just before that and would have spent the rest of the winter down there but sometimes you just have to do these things for family.

      I am glad that we have only had to relocate our "stuff" once, at least so far!

  4. It got up to 99°F here in Yuma on Saturday---broke a 122 year old record for the hottest March 28. So there's definitely global warming in some places :)

    1. Hearing about temperatures like that, I am not sure which is better, the cold or the heat?!

  5. OK, it's a bit cold here, but at least our snow is gone. Holy Cr*p. I can see why folks are getting a bit down in the mouth. It can only warm up from here on in. No, really.

    1. We can totally understand and we have only had to deal with it for 2 weeks so far. Wait until we get to Nova Scotia this evening, they have really had it bad and there is more snow in the forecast for the beginning of next week, providing the weathermen have it right!

  6. I am certain that Ruth's Dad appreciates your visit especially in those conditions.

    1. Yes, he does Contessa. He is happy to have the company.

  7. We are currently in the Keys and are waiting/wishing/hoping for some of the snowbirds to head north. Some are, but we still see many heading the "wrong way." I guess I can understand why after looking at your pictures. Stay warm.

    1. I bet you are! I think half of Canada's population heads to Florida and Mesa, Arizona and we have heard that comment many times as the traffic is terrible in those areas. Last time we went to Florida we said not again, it was just way to crowded for us. Hope you get some peace and quiet soon.

  8. So those Tilley shorts aren't working out too good for you, eh? :cD

  9. My sister lives in Gatineau and they are having the winter that we had last year in Winnipeg - relentless cold and snow!! On the other hand, we've had quite an enjoyable winter with very few really cold spells - and our snow has been gone for a while!

    1. Yes, of course Gatineau is right across the river from us, so we can relate to your sister's experience. Again, we're only here for two weeks, but that's enough!

      Saskatchewan has also been having a mild winter. Where we work during the summer it's supposed to go up to 21C (70F) tomorrow!

  10. That plane crash looked pretty scary, the plane appears to be in terrible shape. Unfortunately, they do their best but when the weather is crappy there is not much you can do. Fortunately no one was severely injured or died. Planes can be replaced, it certainly won't stop us from flying. I know it scares a lot of people but a car is so much more dangerous to humans.

    1. Yes, it sure does look in bad shape and we will probably see it today when we land. We totally agree with you on how safe they are compared to cars and it won't stop us from flying.

  11. All I can say is brrrrrrr! So happy we're not there!

    1. We can totally understand that statement but being able to see our family and friends sure makes up for the cold.

  12. Yikes! Looks like Spring has not sprung there yet...

    1. I think Mother Nature forgot to flick a switch for spring in this part of the world!

  13. Sure makes you appreciate it more.

    1. Yes, it really makes us appreciate our decision to travel rather than live the "normal" life, especiallyduring the winter months in Canada

  14. When we left Ohio 14 years ago we swore we'd never winter where it snowed... hah! circumstances change things and we learned that may as well just suck it up and make the most of it. Guess it makes us appreciate the good life that much more.

    1. You are so right, circumstances do change and I won't be surprised if we have to spend more time in this part of the world during the winter sometime in the future but hopefully it won't have to be an entire winter. And, it sure makes us appreciate the life we are leading at the moment.

  15. Just returned from a trip to Dayton, Ohio-there was sure no global warming going on there either!


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