
Saturday, May 23, 2015

It's that time of year

We would have thought that the lack of rain would have translated into a lack of mosquitoes. Or at least we hoped that it would have, but that's not the case. Unfortunately, the little buggers are out in full force!

Maybe we shouldn't have watered the grass so much.

We're actually in the market for a new mosquito fogger for the campground. They had an old one here, but it was probably 30 years old, and the base of it actually rotted away when I tried to use it last year. A good commercial size one is not cheap, but if we can get another 30 years out of the next one then it'll be money well spent. Besides, we want to have happy campers, and mosquitoes don't make for happy campers!

Our young great horned owls are growing up quickly. In fact, one left the nest a couple of days ago. We spotted it not far away, but just the fact that it was in a different tree means that it's trying out it's wings.

What a change from only three weeks ago.

It looks like we've got a part time house guest for the rest of the summer. Provided things go well. One of the ladies running the canteen has an 11 year old Jack Russell terrier named Cassie, and she asked if Cassie could stay with us because her sister doesn't want her in their trailer. We don't mind, in fact it's kind of fun to have a dog around again.

Cassie and Ruth

So far, Cassie is no trouble. She was a little antsy at bedtime last night and it took her a little while to settle down, but hopefully that's just the first night jitters and she'll be okay in a day or two.

Time to stock up on Thermacell refills! We wrote about the best way to deal with mosquitoes last year here...

And yes, they're still available at Amazon...


  1. I will say that being stuck in AZ means not fighting off mosquitoes. At least not so far. I know we will have them when we get to Montana. I hope things work out for you and Cassie. Dog sitting is a good way to get a fix.

    1. Yes, being in the desert does have some advantages. Although I remember Judy saying that she had mosquitoes at the Imperial Dam Refuge.

      We like "dog sitting" it's a win, win situation for us all.

  2. The area where we are right now in southern is excellent and is amazing for their lack of mosquitoes here. We don't like to head further north until they are mostly gone in a few weeks.

    1. Lucky you...I don't think I've ever been anywhere in Ontario where the mosquitoes haven't been "mostly gone" until early September!

  3. Cassie is so cute! Love the owl photo, too - has really grown - wow! We will be heading to our summer home in Delaware in another week so your mosquitoes info came in handy this morning - TKS!
    B&C in PA

    1. It's hard now to try and find the owl. I almost make it a game in the morning of "spot the owl". It is going to be even harder once the second starts to fly, which should be any day now.

      We really do love the ThermaCELL ad find that it works the best, at least for us it does.

  4. What a great way to get your dog fix! I love that picture of Ruth pouring over the grocery fliers, just the same as I do lol.

    1. Lol, I hate looking at the flyers online, it's just not the same. Although Lindsey, our daughter told us about a great app on the iPhone that she uses for the flyers but we still haven't quite got it figured out like she does. She is so fast with it!

  5. Don't miss those little blood sucking buggers! Have none out here on the West Coast. Thankfully!!!!

    1. I bet there is, when you get out in the bush and away from the city.

  6. Funny how I recognize the cover photo before I even read the's become a game for me :-) I recognized this photo right off.

    1. Too funny, although I have to say, it is fun to see what picture Kevin will put up eachto day over the summer, when we aren't traveling. It sure makes us realize that we have been many different places and seen so much. So glad you were able to remember this one, good for you!

  7. I also try to recognize the cover photo! I hear the black flies are also out in full force in cottage country.

    1. We don't seem to get black flies here, so we are happy about that at lest, but come the end of June the deer flies will be out and they are very annoying.

  8. We don't have any mosquitoes here yet and don't send any or way!!!
    Great photo of the owl!

    1. We wouldn't send them your way but it we could we would definitely send them on their way, anywhere but here! ;-)


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