Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Oh, no!

Ruth did a load of laundry last night, and tossed in her Tilley hat. She's been wearing it quite a lot while she's been working up a sweat out there cleaning up leaves and doing her gardening. They recommend that you wash your hat regularly.

This morning, she went to unload the washing machine, and I heard a shriek.

Oh, no....

Ruth is not happy.

It was fine when it went in the wash...not so fine when it came out. 

She's devastated. Well, as devastated as you can be about a hat! Ruth loves her Tilley hat. But, we're pretty sure that the famous Tilley guarantee will come through for us. We may have to mail it off so that they can inspect the material. And $8.50 to cover shipping. 

The guarantee says "please send your freshly washed hat..."

Well, at least it's freshly washed!

I heard back from Tilley already. They have great customer service. Yes, we have to send the hat in so that they can inspect the material. They want to know themselves why that happened. But yes, it's covered under their famous guarantee.

A great deal this morning on a 20v drill kit. More than half price!

I need to buy a new wallet. This is the one I've decided on... only $10, and free shipping...


  1. Tilley will probably come through for you on that one. Yikes!

    1. Tilley guarantees their hats, if they become damaged due to wear or faulty material, they will replace the hat. They stand behind they name, and this is one of the reasons that Tilley hats are so well known for.

  2. Hope Ruth doesn't have a long wait for her new hat.... keep those bugs and the sun at bay!

    1. I hope not too! I will really miss not having my hat around.

  3. Great support from Tilley. Guess that's why they can charge the big bucks! Glad you are getting a replacement Ruth. I know how it is to ruin or wear out something you absolutely love.

    1. Tilley really stands behind their products. Yes they do charge more but then again you get what you pay for and their products are well made, and made to last! Yep, that hat has been many places now and I almost feel naked without it. ;-)

  4. Probably no one on the planet wears their Tilley attire as much as you two - that is why they are so good about standing behind their guarantee. You are fortunate you are in one place for the summer so she can get a new one sent to her. You might feel a bit weird sending in your underwear when those wear out though :)

    1. Other than my Tilley hat, I am not wearing my Tilley clothes for work here at the campground, they are far too nice for that but yes, we really do give them a workout when we are traveling. I have had the underwear for almost two years now and they look almost new, doesn't look like they will be wearing out any time soon! ;-)

  5. We bought our Tilley hats after reading your recommendation. We love them, but I handwash ours. Now, I'm glad I do. Glad to hear they are standing by their guarantee.

    1. So glad that you are loving your hats too! I think from now on I will wash mine by hand as well, although I have washed it many times in the washing machine with no problems.

  6. Replies
    1. We have been very impressed with Tilley with standing by their guarantee and they have amazing customer service! I had gotten a pair of socks from them which have a 3 year guarantee not to get a hole but one of the socks caught on something and made a small hole in the toe, they have since replaced it for me and I still have the original socks and the hole has not gotten any bigger and does not bother me in any way so I am impressed that even with a small hole they are still holding up really well.

  7. Replies
    1. As we have said before, we may complain about bad service but we also give a big shout out to great customer service. I really wish more companies could learn from this.

  8. Hope it didn't say to wash by hand!

    1. With this particular hat, you can wash it in the machine and I have done so many times before. Unfortunately I did have it in the machine with some other clothes so it might have caught on something. the next one I will wash by hand, just to be sure.

  9. Oh poor Ruth. What a bummer. But a new hat is on its way.....yippppeee!

    1. Yes, a new hat is on it's way but my old hat has already been to so many places with me, that I am going to miss it! :-(

  10. All your Tilly apparel should be free - new items sent to you guys to "road test" ....because you are such great advocates for the brand. .....your endorsements must increase their sales??

    1. Yes, we are really happy to have Tilley Endurables as our clothing sponsors. We feel they have a great product with their travel clothing and we have certainly been putting the clothing to the test. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend their products and in fact several times we already have. :-)

  11. Look on the bright side ... the hat you've worn for a while (and washed and washed and washed) is being replaced with a brand new one! Yay!

    Did not know that Tilley sold clothing. Think I'll pay a visit to their site. Thanx!!

    1. This is true but my old one has already has been my friend and traveled so many places with me and share so many adventures. I had only just started wearing it in! ;-)

      They sell everything from socks and underwear (which has been the best that I have ever had, they are now almost 2 years old and still look like new), to pants, shorts, skirts, shirts, sweaters, jackets and everything in between. They are top quality products, we can attest to that as we've been wearing most of it none stop since October and they are still showing no signs of wear. They can be hand washed easily and will dry overnight in most cases.

  12. Great to hear they stand behind their product! and with all the free advertising they are getting from your site, they should be very very grateful you are their customers. LOL

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. When we like a company and their products, it isn't hard to say good things about them. Their products are expensive but they are made to last. They actually have a life time guarantee on some of their pants, so as long as you don't gain or lose weight you will have a good pair of pants that will last forever, plus of course their guarantee on their famous hats. ;-)


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