Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thick with forest fire smoke!

A fairly quiet Monday yesterday as people went back to work for a day or two. Not sure what to expect for tomorrow though as it's the July 1st Canada Day holiday taking place right in the middle of the week. We do have quite a few reservations for people coming in between today and tomorrow, and the weather is supposed to be decent.

That's if  the sun can make it's way through the smoke!

When we got up yesterday morning, it was nice, but there was a bit of a haze in the air. I thought it was just going to be a humid day. Not so! As the morning went on, it got thicker, and then you could start to smell it.

Forest fire smoke.

The news says that there are currently 116 forest fires burning in  Northern Saskatchewan. We don't normally get a wind coming from the north, but yesterday it blew all of that smoke south over the more populated areas. The city of Saskatoon even issued an air quality advisory.

Looks like fog, but it's smoke.

Can't even see the other side of the lake.

They say that visibility in some parts of the province is down to 200 yards. I believe it. Never seen anything quite like it. And it stinks.

But, like our water level, there's nothing we can do about it. Hopefully the winds change direction and they get some rain up north.

Don't forget to enter our contest to win a $200 leather jacket! Leather jacket giveaway!

RhinoFLEX sewer hose on sale at This is the one that we use and would totally recommend it. We've had ours for seven years now!

And, at here in Canada there's a fantastic deal on a top quality laser tape measure...


  1. The smoke has made it's way all the way here to Winnipeg a few times this year (including yesterday). Makes for a very orange day.

    1. I heard on the radio yesterday that it has made it's way all the way to Tennessee. Yes, it does make for some interesting scenery.

  2. We are on extreme high alert here for fire hazard. They only just instituted a total fire ban in most of BC - should have done it several weeks ago I am afraid as most of these bloody fires are caused by stupid humans.

    1. Yes British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan are all having a tough time with fires. I am surprised that we haven't had any fire bans in our area YET!

  3. Arn't you guys glad you are not north anymore?

    1. Very happy that we aren't up there this year for sure!

  4. Replies
    1. It has lifted a bit but I think it will still hang around for a couple more days yet.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes they are but luckily there we don't have any close to us, at least not at the moment!

  6. In the past Ottawa has had smoke from fires in northern Quebec but not this year!

    1. I remember us having smoke in Ottawa a few times from fires to the north when we lived there. You have had a much wetter year this year, guess that is why they haven't had many forest fires in northern Quebec or Ontario this year.


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