Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Three cheques and a gift card!

Our mail gets delivered in town, so we only pick it up once every couple of weeks. Yesterday, the girl who picks it up for us came out to the park, so she brought our mail with her. We don't normally get too much mail (remind me again why they still have mail?) but yesterday brought a windfall!

We opened things up, and ended up with three cheques and a gift card.

My Amazon cheque from the month of February had never showed up. Lost in the mail or something, and it's taken this long to get it replaced. First of all, there's almost a two month delay with Amazon to  begin with. Then, they say to allow 4-6 weeks for the cheque to arrive. Then when it doesn't arrive, it takes them two weeks to put a stop payment on it and confirm that it hasn't already gone through the system. Then another two weeks to issue a new one, then another 4-6 weeks for the new one to arrive. What a circus. That cheque was for $123 USD. Since it's in U.S. dollars, I guess it's a "check" and not a "cheque"!

Then, we received out first cheque from Checkout51. Want to save money on groceries? We got a cheque back for $20.75. Not much, but with groceries, every penny counts. Even if it takes six months to add up, but when your savings get to more than $20, they'll send you a cheque. Nice bonus when it comes.

Next up was a cheque from SGI (Saskatchewan Government Insurance) for $70. This was to refund me for my claims free driving discount. When I signed up with the little blue car to get SGI, they needed my claims history from my time being insured in Ontario. I had to mail away for it, and they said that when they got it they would issue a refund. The $70 was a little more than I expected since it's only for four months. On an annualized basis, that would be $210. So insurance here is quite a bit cheaper for us than it was in Ontario.

And, we got our $35 gift card from our argument with Canadian Tire. They had said it would take about two weeks to arrive, and it did.  Fortunately, Canadian Tire has a $99 Lagostina deep fry pan on sale for $29 and Ruth has been wanting one. With tax, that should come to close to $35. Good deal! Lagostina makes top quality pots and pans. Our original set was given to us as a wedding present over 30 years ago and it's still going strong. One of the handles broke a couple of years ago, and they replaced it with a brand new pot under their lifetime warranty. A good product!

Also got Ruth's new glasses from They had offered to send a free pair when the other ones didn't fit properly. These ones are much better. Thanks Firmoo!

And, a free sample from Proctor and Gamble. I had found a link where they were sending out free samples of their Cascade dishwasher detergent. We like free!

Here at the park, we put in a busy day yesterday. We're nowhere near full, but still busy enough. Most people were here to put boats in the water and take advantage of a hot day out on the lake.

It's another hot one out there today...have a great Sunday!

The popular Drinkwell pet water fountain bowl for your dog is on sale today only, almost half price...

Drinkwell Original Pet Water Fountain


  1. Crazy weather you're having, and crazier weather we're having. Huge rain storm came through, and it's not done with us yet.

    1. Yep, the weather will do want it wants, where it wants and there isn't much we can do about it, except maybe complaint about it! ;-)

  2. If the Lagostina pan is the one with the white nonstick interior make sure you keep your receipt. I have had 2 of them fail after 6 months and know of other people who have had the same issues with these frying pans. No way that they should ever be worth $99.

    1. It does not appear to be the one with a white interior...

      However we always keep receipts anyhow. Thanks for the warning. :-)

  3. Good thing there is mail delivery so you could get all your loot :)

    1. Yes, we made sure that we has a mailing address here when we became Saskatchewan residents.

  4. Snail mail can be a blessing when it arrives loaded with goodies like that! :c)

  5. Yeah but now you get to drive all the way back in town just to cash the check (s)
    that is unless you got photo check(s)
    You gota love WindFalls

    1. Gotta love photo deposit. :-) Except for the U.S. dollar one from has to go to the bank, but we go into town every Wednesday anyhow.

  6. Gotta love getting cheques (or checks) in the mail.

  7. Thanks for the link to Checkout 51. Going to give it a try.

    1. They don't always have a lot of the things we buy but when they do it is nice to save a little on them. Every penny counts!

  8. Ottawa high yesterday was 15 and rain!

    1. The rain sounds good and it is something we could really use here right now!


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