Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

You shouldn't be afraid to use the campground bathroom!

This weekend is the start of our six week busy season here at the park. We've been busy doing some improvements. Two of our newer bathrooms needed painting, so we did one last week when our son Alex was here to help, and Ruth and I have been doing the other one this week.

Our main bathroom has been under renovation for the past six weeks. How can it take that long? Because the construction guys that were hired don't put in more than about 4 hours per day, and that's when they show up to begin with!

At the start of the job, they told me they should be done by the end of May. Yes, almost four weeks ago. Now, I'll agree that they were held up a couple of days by the electrical work, but it's still no excuse. They knew that our deadline to have it finished was June 26th, and it's not going to be ready. They'll be close, but I don't see them finishing up over the next three days. Especially when they only put in a four hour day!

It's not my call, but if it were me I wouldn't be in a big rush to pay the final bill.

Ruth doing some painting.



Much better. 

As campers ourselves, we've been in some pretty scuzzy campground bathrooms and we think there's no excuse for that. You shouldn't be afraid to use the bathroom at a campground, and we've read where terrible bathroom facilities are one of the top campground complaints. So one of our goals here at the park is to get the bathroom facilities up to what our standards are. It's slow going, but it's coming along!

This park is big on recreational boating and water activities and unfortunately the water level isn't going to cooperate this year. There was very little snow last winter in the Rocky Mountains west of here and the run off has already stopped. The latest forecast says that the lake won't reach it's peak this year.

June 24th last year.

Taken this morning.

When it reaches it's peak later on this summer, the water level is forecast to be a good three feet lower. Oh well...nothing we can do about that. The lake will still be usable, but people will not be able to leave their boats in the water.

Today's our day for going into town to do shopping. It'll be the last day that I will go. Starting next week Ruth will have to go in on her own. I'll pretty much be here at the park for the next six weeks straight. That's okay. I've been looking forward to the busy season. The time will go by quickly.

And in Canada...


  1. You better watch out - people see how clean those bathrooms are and you will be inundated with campers! Honestly, I don't even camp much but when we do a clean bathroom is tops.

    1. I hope that we do Cheapchick, although with the water level being low it may keep some of the campers away.

      A clean bathroom goes a long way! We are lucky though because if the campground bathroom isn't clean, we always have our own in the motorhome.

  2. That's a huge difference for the lake for sure! WOW. Apparently this is the year of the drought.

    1. It's a shame really, I was talking to a farmhand yesterday and with the baking hot temperatures that they are expecting for this weekend it is going to pretty much kill off what crops have started to grow because there isn't enough moisture in the soil anymore and the crops will literally bake in the fields. :-(

  3. Amazing what nature can do. Good luck with the season.

    1. Yes, it is and the weather is one thing that we haven't been able to control.

  4. Wow! That water level is very low. Bathrooms look very nice and I agree, keep the restrooms clean and people will give good comments on the park!

  5. Great job on the bathroom. I would use that one any day.

    What a shot of last year and now this year. I feel sorry for the people who enjoy the water.

    1. Thanks Paul and Marsha!

      We feel sorry for the boaters as well, they really love to get out there on the water and they will be able to but it will just be a pain having to put the boat in and out of water every time they want to use it.

  6. I hope the campers appreciate all the results of the hard work you've both put in!

  7. Those bathrooms look good, but I admit we almost always use our own:)

    1. Many RV's are like that but then there are some that have smaller units and like having a little more room when showering, I know that we are like that.

  8. What's with the tradies only working 4 hours daily? Do they include travel time? The water levels in your pics sure tell a story....good luck with your high

    1. I think that they bid on the job and they get paid a lump sum for the full job so as long as the job gets done on time so it doesn't matter how many hours they put in each day. It is our understanding that they were also working on other jobs at the same time.

  9. Gosh, the lake water level is beginning to look like lakes here in California. Dry. Any significant rain in your forecast?

    I'm with you on the nice bathrooms for campers. Good job!

    1. No there is no rain in the forecast and this weekend it is going to be baking hot so many of the area farmers are going to lose their crops because there isn't enough moisture in the ground to get the crops through the weekend if the temperatures do indeed get s hot as predicted.

      We are campers ourselves so we want to have the bathrooms as clean as we would like to see them. Thanks!

  10. Yep, we were there last year about this time and the water was high. The bathrooms look great. Campers play a big role in keeping things nice. Some piggy people out there.

    1. You are right Chris. Some will leave the bathrooms in great shape when they are finished using it and others just don't care because they aren't the ones having to clean it. It always makes me wonder what their bathrooms and houses look like!


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