Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Poor little Whip-poor-will

I may be in charge of cutting the grass here at the park, but Ruth is definitely the official gardener! She's put a lot of work this year into her flowers and making the park look beautiful for the campers and the day use people.

Since things have slowed down a little bit, she's been able to spend more time building another garden...

She had taken a picture of this old well pump area last year, and figured that eventually she would make a garden out of it. And the basics are just about done. Here's some before and after pics...

Last year.

This year. Not quite the same angle, but you get the idea!

I went around and took pics of some of her flowers. She was given a lot of plants from one of the local greenhouses, so she had a lot to work with. And a lot of work it was! But she got them planted and they've done really well...

Yesterday, Ruth noticed a bird lying in the grass. She came and got me and the camera and we went and had a closer look at it. It was definitely alive, but looked like it was sleeping. We disturbed it, and it appeared  to have a problem with it's wing. Ruth managed to pick it up and we put it in some bushes so that it would be hidden. We think it flew into a hydro wire that was above where it was laying. I don't think it will make it. It's a whip-poor-will....poor thing.

Ruth, trying to pick it up!

Beautiful weather this week here at the park, and yet there are hardly any campers. I guess everybody is thinking of getting back to work and school. A great time to go camping! I think next year we'll reduce the rates for this time of year and see if that brings more people in.

Thanks again for remembering to come back here to do any of your Amazon shopping!


  1. I'm thinking that's probably a common nighthawk. :)

    1. Of course you're right Judy! Hey, at least I tried!

  2. Beautiful flowers. Any update on the RV roof project?

    1. Not yet. I had to wait a week for the caulking to cure, and now I'm waiting for a day when it's not too hot (going up to 86F today) and there's no rain in the forecast to complete the job. Hopefully one day next week. :-)

  3. Lots of great work Ruth did on the flower beds. You could reduce the rates this fall and we will come, :<)

  4. I know Ruth enjoys gardening. Glad she has some time to work at it. Looks great!

    1. Yes, I like doing the gardens, much more than the bathrooms. It has taken a while to do that one flower bed as it was in the hot sun most of July so I didn't get much work done on it then.

  5. Great work Ruth. I love to garden also. You did a beautiful job with the oil well pump.

    1. It was hard work but it was satisfying work. Now I just have to wait until next spring so that I can put some flowers in there and have it really looking good!

  6. Great job with the flowers, Ruth! They really brighten up the place.

    1. Thank you Grace, many of the campers here have said the same thing.

  7. Green thumb! It seems common among Canadians. We saw so many beautiful gardens and landscaping. You guys really appreciate the land. We like that.

    1. I think it must come from my mother and her side of the family. She always had a beautiful garden!

  8. Love the flower beds, Ruth! Great job! When I do that here, I don't call it work, I call it therapy!

    1. Thanks you Connie and Barry. I like to think of it as therapy as well and I don't have to pay for it, in fact I get paid for it! :-)

  9. Beautiful work on the gardens and flowers, Ruth! Poor little bird. That kind of thing always bothers me. Perhaps it will rally after all.

    1. Thanks Emily! Yes, we feel the same way about an injured bird and it bothers us too but there isn't much that we could do for it. I will have to go back and see if it is still there and alive, although I am pretty sure it will not have made it.

  10. Oh, I love (envy, too!) your flowers. You've done a wonderful job. Common nighthawks are crepuscular or nocturnal. Maybe it was just sleeping during the day and once dusk fell, it would take off? Hope so! Nice pics!

    1. Thank you! Around here the nighthawks are up during the day as well. It was definitely injured. When I tired to pick it up it tried to fly away and you could see that it had a big problem with one wing, we are pretty sure that it will not have survived. :-(

  11. The Sask. parks board is lucky to have you guys! Cabri looks awesome!

  12. Your flowers are beautiful and really brighten up the park. The way you two keep the park up and take the time to plant flowers, etc., shows that you really care about your job and the people that visit.

    1. Thank you so much for those kind words Lori! Yes, the flowers really do brighten up the park and many of the campers have said the same thing. We do care about the park and the campers and we try really hard to make sure that the park is looking great everyone to enjoy.


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