The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

End of season camping special?

Gorgeous weather is forecast for this upcoming weekend. Pretty much perfect. Sunshine and blue skies, with a high on Friday of 24C (75F) and on Saturday 28C (82F). Beautiful camping weather.

And lows around 10C (50F)...a little chilly, but that's what campfires are for, right??

But everybody seems to be done with camping for this season. Quite a few of our seasonal campers have already pulled their trailers out despite the fact that they don't have to until the 21st.

Oh, and with all the rain that we had to washout last weekend, the water level of the lake is at the highest it's been this year! Saturday would be a great day for boating.

I kind of hoped that some people would make this weekend a "one last hurrah" weekend for camping because things have been pretty quiet around here. So I even gave them some incentive! I put on a facebook special! Pay regular price for Friday night camping, and Saturday night is on us. Hey, that's almost half price. Wait a minute...that is half price!!

Would you take advantage of that? I would. I hope some other people would too.

We were a little late getting on the go this morning. We went into town to do some running around and grocery shopping. And tomorrow morning, I have to have Sherman at his insurance inspection for 8:00am. I think that will go okay. The only things that might cause a problem are the crack in the passenger side windshield and I don't know what kind of shape the rear brake shoes are in. I had adjusted the emergency brake and it seems to work perfectly, but I don't have the proper jacks and stands to take the rear wheels off to inspect them, so I guess we'll see tomorrow.

Wish us luck!

How about making your own bread?

T-fal ActiBread Bread Machine

And a bread machine cookbook too...


  1. Good luck with Sherman I know they can be A....... At Canadian tire

    1. Ah...Sherman is not going to Canadian Tire. He goes to a local heavy truck repair place.

  2. Good luck with tomorrow's inspection. Never know. I think the lack of camping thing is some sort of "switch" that goes off in peoples brains that then tells them "it's over".
    We for sure keep sailing until they pull the boats out of the water. Not until end of October.

    1. Yep, I think you're right. Despite my efforts to bring in the masses with a cheap price, I'm not expecting more than a couple of people to take advantage of it. I guess we'll see!

  3. Fingers and toes crossed than Sherman passes with flying colours :)

    1. Thanks Cheapchick, we are hoping it all goes well too! :-)

  4. The picture of the campground is so pretty. Would be interesting to see a picture this year taken from the same vantage point to show the difference in lake levels. We sure hope to drop in to see you and the campground next year possibly around the May long weekend. We will have to hope there is one campsite left because we wont know our schedule until about a week before.

    1. Thank you Lorne, the campground really is pretty but maybe we are just a little partial. I am pretty sure that we plan on taking a hike up to that spot and another one that is higher up and at a different angle so that we can take a couple of pictures for comparison with last years pictures.

      Our May long weekend is normally not a busy one here so I am pretty sure that we will have a spot for you if you do end up coming through. We love having visitors! :-)

  5. We will be having our last camping weekend coming up. The weather looks promising. Hopefully the fire bans will have been lifted.

    1. Hoping that you can get that one last one in and with any luck you will be able to have a campfire. It really has been a bad year out here in the west for fires!

  6. What a deal, we would be there if we could, but...
    Love fall camping too usually nice weather and so peaceful.

    1. There is always next year George. Yep, we love fall camping too!

  7. With the price of gas being a little cheaper it would even make it more worthwhile! ;-)


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