Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, October 23, 2015

There's a big storm coming!

Exactly as we wanted, yesterday turned out to be a day of rest. Never left the house except to go to the motorhome to get things ready to depart this morning. Ruth baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies and left some behind for Chris and Juan.

And I spent some time researching our route further south.

(Written at 7:30am Friday morning.)

Today's planned drive will take us about 330 kms (205 miles) through the mountains and on to highway MEX57 south to the town of Matehuala. We've been to Matehuala a couple of times before and we've done this exact route once before, so we know what to expect.

After that, we're going into pretty much new territory for the rest of the trip to Valle de Bravo.

Christmas stuff already out at the Soriana store!

It's been really hot and muggy the last couple of days. In fact, it was still 26.5C (77F) inside the motorhome when we woke up this morning! And of course many of you will have seen that big hurricane Patricia is pounding the west coast of Mexico today and tomorrow. That weather is supposed to make it's way to us by Saturday afternoon, so it's a good thing we've got a short drive planned for Saturday. Of course by that time, it will just be heavy rain.

Having after dinner drinks in Chris and Juan's RV.

Sunday's drive has us going through the mountains again. We could take the boring drive continuing south on MEX57, but we're looking for something a little different. So we're going to take a slow two lane mountain road that goes through a Nature Reserve. It'll be slow going, with lots of twists and turns, but also some beautiful scenery!

Then on Monday afternoon we plan to arrive in Valle de Bravo. We wanted to arrive Tuesday at the latest, so we've got one extra day in there in case we need it.

Kevin has a friend. Chris and Juan's cat, Little Bit.

Up at 6:30am this morning to get Sherman out on to the main road before any other cars were around. Said goodbye to Chris (Juan had already left) and slowly drove up to the main road. Had to pull over once to let another car go by, but up at the main road it was clear sailing. Due to the angle, it was actually harder turning down into the road than it was leaving. Nice. We drove about 10 minutes while it was still dark to get to the big Soriana grocery store, and parked up there for an hour to wait out the sun (and write this blog post). Then, in to buy some last minute goods at the store, and then on the road!

Had a great three days with Chris and Juan...thanks for everything guys. We'll see you again down the road!

(Update: 3:00pm Friday afternoon)

For those of you thinking of us and the big storm, we have made it to Matehuala. They are expecting some rain here tomorrow morning, but nothing  too bad. It looks we are now south of the path and it shouldn't be an issue. If things change, we'll just ride it worries. Glad we're not on the west coast though!

We are approximately at the red dot at the end of the arrow.

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  1. Hope you don't get too much rain! Take it easy going thru' the mountains.. Got maple syrup for $6.99 for 500 ml. at Metro today!

    1. It rained fairly steadily overnight but it wasn't a result of the hurricane though. We should be OK, we are pretty sure we are far enough south of it.

      That's not a bad price for maple syrup!

  2. Stay safe.....aussie media broadcasting regular updates re your "big wind/storm"... biggest storm ever recorded - a blog I read seems to be directly in its path....he said the locals can't afford evacuation

    1. We are pretty sure we are out of harm's way. To areas to the north of us will be getting a fair bit of rain so we are happy that we left when we did. Unfortunately Chris and Juan will probably get the rain. They had had flooding there in the past and have now made some improvements so I guess we will see if the improvements help.

      Luckily the hurricane hit slightly south of Puerto Vallarta in a much less populated area. We are really hoping that the residents in that area made it out in time.

  3. Good luck with your travels and the storm, we keep an eye on you.

    1. Thanks George, we pretty sure we going to be just fine.

  4. I get so upset seeing Christmas stuff out even before Halloween.

    The dang storm is hitting ground right now. It looks terrible. 195 mph winds. Prayers that y'all stay safe!

    1. It's all about commercialism. The longer things are out there to buy, the more people will buy!

      Sounds like there has been less destruction than they had feared so that is a good sign. Really hope the west coast area comes out of this well.

  5. Always good to see you guys and always sad to see you go! But, we'll meet up again somewhere. Good to here you got on the road without a hitch (we have to have one as we pull a travel trailer hahaha). Have fun and stay dry!

    1. Thanks so much Chris and Juan, we had a fabulous time with you both. Love your comment "without a hitch" :-)

      Hope you both stay dry and stay safe. I guess you will find out if your work to the front of the driveway will be effective or not. Sure hope it keeps the flooding our of your yard. We are thinking of you both.

  6. It looks like Patricia is going to devastate parts of the West Coast. Glad you are out of her path and safe.

    1. We are keeping our fingers crossed for everyone on the west coast of Mexico. Sounds like it is slightly better than expected though as it hit areas that were much, much less populated, unfortunately those are also areas that have substandard housing.

  7. Glad to hear you are not in harm's way. Was thinking about you when I heard all the hyperbole of the US weather people and wondering how bad it was really going to be and where you were.

    1. We had a steady rain all of last night but it wasn't from Patricia. We are keeping a watch on things but it definitely looks like we are south enough that it shouldn't have any effect on us.

  8. Glad you're out of the cone but be careful because you're on the bad side should it change course. Stay safe.

    1. Looking at the maps we still think that we are fine where we are, we will wait a little longer this morning to make sure although we are only going about 1 and 1/2 half hours further south for today's drive.

  9. Like Karen said you're on the bad side if the storm shifts further south. You might consider going further south by an additional hundred miles or so. Making a slower return trip when there's no storm threat might be the better way to go.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. If the storm shifts a little further south it will only mean that we get more rain. We know where we are is a good place to be rather than heading further south in an area that we aren't as familiar with and it is much more open. So far things are looking good here though.

  10. Glad you are safe and sound. Enjoy the rest of the trip.

  11. Good you got on the road or Sherman might have needed his water wings.

    1. So are we, and it would have either been a toss up between water wings or tank treads! ;-)

  12. It's good you're probably out of harm's way, but aren't Chris and Juan very near Monterrey? That looks like one brutal storm!

    1. Yes, it looks ike we got ourselves far enough south to avoid the storm, I guess we will find out later today if that is the case.

      Yes, Chris and Juan are just south of Monterrey which looks like it will get a heap of rain. They have had a flooding problem before not too long ago but have made a few changes to their driveway that should keep the water from coming in and flooding their property. We are certainly thinking of them right now and hope all goes well for them and for the city.


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