Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, November 23, 2015

No better, but no worse...

Went for a walk around town yesterday morning. Stopped into a place for breakfast and ended up having lunch. We weren't really presented with a menu, and by the time we finished talking to the guy about what to have we ended up with plates of rice and meat again. A little expensive too...with the hot chocolate it came to 24,000 pesos ($10.92 CAD) for the two of us.

Too funny. I know that's still dirt cheap, but it's more than we have paid at other places.

From there, we walked over to the Museo de Historia Natural. I bet even you non Spanish speakers can figure that one out! But it was closed from 11am-2pm so we decided to come back later.

Ruth spotted a garage with an old car in it. Turns out that it's a Studebaker. Looks like it's been sitting here forever!

Nearby was an overlook. We had read that there had been robberies on the path to the top in that area so we weren't going to go but we saw other people up there and there was a police presence at the start of the path so we figured it was okay, and it was.

Heading up to the overlook.

Lots of graffiti.

Ruth overlooking Popayan.

The central area of Popayan is okay, but parts of the rest of the town are a little sketchy. Quite a few homeless people and overall we liked Buga better.

We went back to the room and had a nap. I actually managed to get to sleep for an hour or so. Then, we walked back over to the Museum of Natural History and paid the 3,000 pesos ($1.37 CAD) each entrance fee. The museum is run by the local University and contains a lot of stuffed animals, birds, and insects from Colombia..much of it dating back to between 1945 ad 1995.

A mastadon molar found in Colombia.

An anaconda killing a small boar.

An Andean Condor.

Colombia has some big bugs!

And some big moths!

And of course lots of pretty birds. Would be nice to see more of them alive in the wild though!

Funny looking eagle of some kind.

The claw of the Andean Condor is about the size of my hand.

Not bad for a small city museum. Good place to waste an hour or so.

Following up on yesterday's post, my rash is not any better, but it's not any worse. On the advice of one of our readers, I bought some Caladryl lotion and I put it on the worst areas before going to bed. I think that helped with the itching a lot and I actually had not a bad night's sleep. I still don't think it's shingles because other than the rash and itchiness I have none of the other associated symptoms that normally go along with shingles. Anyway...nothing I can do about it other than wait for it to go away!

Today is another travel day. We're off to the village of San Agustin. It's only 135 kms (84 miles) away, but it takes five hours to get there by bus! Should be an interesting journey.

Check it out...Kindle eReaders on sale for under $50...

And in Canada...


  1. I think that's a Harpy Eagle... I'd love to see one in the wild! Hope you get better soon!

    1. Yes, you are totally right on the Harpy Eagle. We read the tag with it but of course we forget by the time Kevin wrote up the post. We would love to see one too! Kevin says thank you for the well wishes.

  2. While traveling through Canada and Alaska my husband woke up with the same type rash you are experiencing. After much suffering it was determined that it was caused by liquid soap from a dispenser in one of the hotels or cabins we stayed in along the way. We now travel with our own soap and never use those soap dispensers, that rash ruined the last leg of our trip - he was eventually covered from head to toe. It took about two weeks to completely disappear. http://www.naturalnews.com/044475_allergic_rash_methylisothiazolinone_antibacterial_soaps.html

    I love your blog, check it the first thing every morning and enjoy traveling along with you and Ruth!!

    1. Nope, it isn't the soap. Kevin doesn't like liquid soaps so we bring along a bar of soap for him. There are so many possibilities with symptoms that are so similar it is definitely hard to put a finger on it. Thanks for the suggestion though.

      Glad you are enjoying our blog and our adventures and for taking the time to leave a comment.

  3. That's some amazing taxidermy! Hope the rash gets better.

    1. The taxidermy is pretty old in most of the cases but all things considered it wasn't too bad. There were a few that we thought we pretty badly done, but maybe it was just because they were so old.

  4. you should be able to find a hydrocortisone cream - that might help needs to have 1% hydrocortosone
    We've managed to find it in most countries. name spelled almost the same.

    1. Yes, we could do but the problem with that is that it would have to cover most of his body and in many cases you shouldn't have that much of your body covered with that type of cream because the system absorbs too much of the cortisone which isn't good for you. If things don't get better we may look into that, thanks.

  5. So pleased you had a better nights sleep last night. Hope this rash clears quickly.

    1. Hopefully tonight's sleep will be even better, fingers crossed!

  6. I also wondered if it might be soap, either hand soap or laundry soap!

    1. No chance, the soap is our own. I suppose there is a possibility that it might be the laundry soap but we don't think so.

  7. Geez I hate snakes. Can't even look at the pictures!
    Twice I have had a rash appear on my ankles and got progressively worse with incredible itching and blisters. Like a third degree sunburn. Docs have never figured out what caused it, but Prednisone stopped it.
    Good luck. Not fun.

    1. We're ok with snakes as long as we see them before they see us!

      Again, Prednisone is good but too much of his body would need to be covered with it and too much cortisone is not good for the system.

  8. You may also want to try some benadryl tablets for the itch. Good luck with it.

  9. I'm with Don and Lynette on this one, when I went to Greece in 1995, I ended up with a horrible rash that turned out to be from the soap at the hotel. It was a "nicer" hotel but their soap had something in it that just didn't make my skin happy.

    1. No, it wasn't the soap because we brought the soap with us. Pretty sure that it is some kind of allergic reaction from the gluten that Kevin had eaten for several days beforehand.

  10. The pink stuff helps to dry it out. Apply it frequently. We always carry some in the rv.

    1. I think you may be talking about calamine lotion and we had thought of that until someone mentioned about the caladryl which we ended up getting instead.


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