Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ruth is feeling better...

Ruth has been having some pain and irritation from a bladder or kidney infection of some kind. Like most women, she's had these before at times. Not fun, and they're even less fun when you're traveling. So yesterday we decided we had better do something about it and get some antibiotics.

One of the girls at the hostel had some with her and gave some to Ruth to get treatment started before we went in to town.

We also needed some food. Breakfast is included here at El Mocambo Hostel, but we're a 15 minute walk from the village of Boquia where there are some restaurants and very small shops. Or, we're a 45 minute hike to the bigger town of Salento. Or, we can walk 10 minutes and wait for the every half hour or so bus to Salento.

It was about 12:30pm when Ruth decided some pain killers had kicked in enough that she felt well enough to walk into Boquia.

The Quindio River where it goes through the village of Boquia.

And in the opposite direction.

As we entered the village, we saw a restaurant on the opposite side of the road. Really friendly owners, and they were helpful in answering some questions about the area. We noticed after the fact that they have rooms available so we may go back today and ask about that. 

Ruth, in the rustic restaurant.


Ruth felt well enough for a bowl of cream of vegetable soup and a mango juice, while I had an arepaburguer...essentially a hamburger on top of a corn arepa...and a beer. Total bill, 17,500 pesos ($8.55 CAD).

We asked the lady where the bus stops, and she showed us where, right across the street. She told us it would cost 1,000 pesos ($0.49 CAD) for the 3 km bus ride into Salento "and don't pay a peso more!" was her advice.

RV Park??

As we looked back at the restaurant, we saw this place offering accommodation. And notice the blue sign? RV Park?? That's the first indication of any type of RV camping that we have seen since we arrived in Colombia. And we're not sure if that property is associated with the restaurant we had just been in or not. We'll go back today and do some investigation.

The bus came along shortly, and sure enough it was 1,000 pesos ($0.49 CAD). We were dropped off in town and off we went looking for the drogueria (drug store, pharmacy).

You don't need to see a doctor in Colombia to get antibiotics. You simply tell the pharmacist what problem you are having, and the pharmacist decides what is the best antibiotic. Sure enough, he gave the exact same one that the girl in the hostel had given to Ruth, but in a larger dosage. I had done some research ahead of time and this is what is commonly prescribed for this problem.

Also, they only sell you enough pills for the treatment that is necessary. Cost? 8,000 pesos ($3.92 CAD). Don't get me started about health care costs.

Only problem now is that it will still be a day or two before they kick in enough to solve the problem!

We then went and did some grocery shopping. The hostel has a meal program and we did take advantage of dinner the first night because we weren't prepared. But it's 15,000 pesos ($7.35 CAD) for the vegetarian option, or 22,000 pesos ($10.78 CAD) for a meat option. We had the vegetarian, and it was good. But it's expensive for Colombia, so we're not doing it again.

The main plaza in Salento.

Apparently this place is a zoo on weekends.

We absolutely love the countryside walking back to the farm hostel.

One of the horses helping keep the grass cut at the hostel.

Ruth says she's feeling a little better this morning, so we're hoping to do an easy two hour hike to a waterfall. And we'll check out that RV Park along the way!

A Canon Laser Printer on today's deal of the day...great price...never been this cheap!


  1. Hi K&R,have you seen any tipe of rv anywhere in Colombia?
    Hope Ruth feels better soon.

    1. No, haven't seen any RV's at all since we've been here..

  2. No prescription? WOW....that would never fly in the USA.

    Your area looks beautiful. The header photo is awesome. Hope Ruth is feeling much better this morning.

    1. Not any better unfortunately, but thanks for the well wishes.

  3. I cheated and looked at Salento on line with satellite images....I recognized the plaza. Glad Ruth is feeling better. I love the rustic restaurant, hotel and countryside....very beautiful photos.

    1. Well she was feeling better, and then took a turn for the worse.

  4. Not feeling well while traveling certainly does suck, I hope you get better quickly Ruth. The funny thing is pharmacists, at least in Canada go to school basically as long as most regular Doctors - they should be able to prescribe basic medication, and if I recall correctly at one point recently they were talking about doing just that in Canada. My husband has continuing sinus issues which is such a waste of time to go to the doctor for, but he has to just to get the prescriptions renewed - seriously flawed system.

    1. Yes, a seriously flawed system. I've been saying that for years, but most people seem happy with the status quo in Canada, at least happy enough to not want to make the changes necessary for a better system. Oh well. That's the Canadian way.

      Yes, not feeling well on vacation does suck! We also hope she gets better quickly!

  5. Glad that you got the meds and Ruth is starting to feel better.

    1. She was starting to feel better, and then went down hill. Seems like this thing is very cyclical.

  6. Hopefully she is on Cipro, 1000mg for 5 days. Glad to know she is on the mend. I always travel with a full pharmacy for the dogs and another for us and everyone else around us.

    1. No, it's Nitrofurantoin. Since we are rarely sick, we don't see the need to travel with medications that are readily available if we do happen to need them.

    2. Sorry to hear that Ruth got worse. We are never ill either but I like to be prepared, it's the nurse in me. Also I'm the go to if someone gets ill.

      As this type of infection often reoccurs if the bacteria is not completey eliminated, I suggest you pick up 5 Cipro pills, 1000 mg each. There are no side effects and the most severe UTI is on the mend within mere hours with the pain gone within 6 hours. Doesn't require much space and it might be good to have just in case.

    3. I think I will stick with what the pharmacist has given me plus when we talked to the MD that was a guest here, she seemed to think it was a good option as well. From all the reading that Kevin has done on Nitrofurantoin is normally the one they given out for UTI and bladder as well as kidney infection but like any of the others including Cipro they all have much the same common side effects.Also some types do well with some people and not others. I think the antibiotics have started to kick in now and I have felt better today than yesterday so hopefully tomorrow will be even better. Thank you for the advice.

  7. Being sick on vacation sucks! Get well Ruth!

    1. You're right Croft, it does suck. Ruth says thanks for the well wishes.

  8. Glad you're feeling better today, Ruth. Enjoy the hike. It will be interesting to read about the RV park!

    1. Unfortunately, not feeling any better. Shortly after I wrote the above post she felt worse and has been in bed since... :-(

  9. Just found your blog a few weeks ago. You do a great job with the pictures and information. Make me fell like I am there with you guys. You have a new viewer here.

    1. Thanks David...yes, the idea is to share info so that future travelers to the areas we visit have some form of realistic reference. Happy you're feeling like you're here with us!

  10. Sending get well thoughts to Ruth!!!💁

  11. Poor Ruth! UTIs are miserable if you don't have access to the bladder pain reliever -- the stuff that makes you pee orange. Can't remember what it's called, but I think it's over-the-counter in the US. They must not have it there or the pharmacist must not have thought it was necessary. Hope the infection hasn't spread to her kidneys. Will be thinking of her and hoping for a happier update later.

    1. That's the stuff I have! The pain is much better now but it doesn't have nice side effects. It hasn't been the greatest of days for me today but I actually feel a fair bit better this evening so hopefully tomorrow will be a good day. That is the stuff that he gave us and it was only $3.92 for a five day supply.

    2. Oh good! I finally remembered the name of it: Pyridium (at least in the US). But I seem to recall it messes up the tummy a bit if you have to take it for more than a day. I am glad you re feeling a bit better now and hope you have no recurrences!

    3. No, that's not the name of the one that I have but I am pretty sure that they all make you pee orange. I am feeling better but I do seem to tire more quickly than I would like too. The days are good but my nights aren't, hopefully that will improve with time too. Thanks for the well wishes.

  12. Not a pleasant thing to have and lots of water along with your medication, hopefully will do the trick..good job Kevin is an attentive husband...take care

    1. Thank you Leslie. I have been trying to drink lots of water and the antibiotics seem to be kicking in but I don't like the side effects from them. Hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. Kevin has been great and I appreciate all that he has done.

  13. Sure hope Ruth feels better soon. Several years ago we had to abort our time in Mexico and head back to the USA because of my urinary tract/bladder infection that just didn't get better. Hope you folks do better than we did!

    1. Today has been a much better day thank you. We have no intentions of aborting our trip, if it got worse we would seek out medical help and go from there. I would think that the treatment would be much the same here as it would be at home and here is a much prettier setting. I am sorry that you had to cut your trip short, I hope you were able to make a return trip since then.

  14. Miserable, that's just what a UTI is, and they seem to strike at THE most inconvenient times! And the side effects from the antibiotics can be harmful (don't get me started on Cipro/Levaquin), but hopefully you'll be on the mend soon, Ruth, and back to feeling great! Is cranberry juice available there? Or cranberry pills? They help, too.

    1. Yes, they do seem to strike when you least want them but do you really ever want them! ;-)

      Yesterday seemed to be the worst day so I am hoping that it is all uphill from here. We will look for cranberry juice when we get to a slightly bigger town/city.


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