Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Another great overnight spot...

We got off to a bit of a late start yesterday and it was almost 10:30am by the time we left our spot at the marina near Valle deBravo. Not a problem, because although we didn't know exactly where we would be overnighting, we knew we weren't going far. The goal is always to plan to be parked up by 2:00pm. That way, if you have problems you have lots of daylight hours left to fix them.

And so we began the steep climb out of the valley. The road out goes from 1,750 meters (5,750 ft) to 2,600 meters (8,500 ft) in about 50 kms (30 miles).

The road out is in good shape...

The road up from El Arco towards Villa Victoria.

But once you're at the top...

This is actually the truck bypass road around the town of Villa Victoria. Yikes.

We have never been to the town of Villa Victoria, but we were told that there's not a lot to see there anyhow. And the town itself is not RV friendly which is why we took the bypass road to get around it.

Bypassing the town of Villa Victoria.

Fancy building...no idea what it was.

I had searched Google Streetview for a suitable parking spot around the lake here near Villa Victoria and I found what looked like a great spot near a church overlooking the water. The roads in looked a little narrow, but I figured Sherman was up for the challenge.

This was the entrance road in from the main highway. It was only about 2 kms further.

The road got narrower, but fortunately we didn't meet anybody coming the other way.

We drove by quite a few homes in the community. Everybody stared at us...guaranteed they haven't seen a motorhome come through here before!

Eventually, it became a dirt road.

And then it became a really rough gravel road. But, not far to go.

We pulled into the open space, and shut off the engine. I went for a walk down the hill, and there was a really level spot near the church. I came back to the motorhome, and Ruth said there had been a few guys at a neighboring property who saw us arrive and had opened the gate to have a look.

So I wandered over there to say hello. Turns out that it's a big expensive home, and I figured these guys were living in the caretakers home in the back. I told them we were thinking of staying the night, and asked if it was okay. They said it would be fine and that its a very peaceful area.

We found another level spot that was a little more hidden and actually had a better view of the lake.

As I got us parked in there, another fellow came out to have a look at us from the house behind the church. So I walked down and explained our plan to him as well, and he also thought it was fine. Nice.

Not a bad spot! 19.466934, -100.013753

The view through the front windshield.


A little hard to get to, and I wouldn't bring anything in here much larger than Sherman. But a great little spot.

We just sat and relaxed for the afternoon and read our books.

This is taken through the fence beside us, looking west from where we are parked.

Zoomed in, you can see that many people come to the lake shore to do their laundry.

This lady came down to do her laundry on the shore in front of us.

Totally peaceful last night. Woke up at one point and couldn't hear a sound. The roosters started at about 6:00am, but that's pretty common no matter where you are in Mexico! But they were quite far away.

We might stay another night...we'll see.

Perfect for carrying around in an RV...


  1. You always seem to find the best locations

  2. Replies
    1. It has been very peaceful here glad that we stayed another day.

  3. Man, when it comes to finding little slices of paradise, you guys take the cake!

    1. Kevin does seem to find some really nice spots, that's for sure.

  4. We've found that most of Mexico has a very "live and let live" attitude. Usually, when we ask if we can overnight somewhere, you kind of get a look that says "of course, why are you even asking...?"

  5. Replies
    1. We really enjoyed just relaxing here and watching the world go by.

  6. Very true. We've never had a problem finding a spot. Loving, trusting people.

  7. Ahhh, comfy-cozy for the night. Hope you can get back on the highway all right when you leave!

    1. It was chilly/cold at night because of our altitude but the days are perfect. We won't have any problems getting back out to the highway, Sherman is a strong guy and can get us up that gravelly hill with not problem.

  8. Beautiful place. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the area.

    1. Thank you Paul and Marsha and we did enjoy the peace and quiet here.

  9. Dugg this isn't a "rizty" area at all! The one house that is beside us has a huge property and a nice house that is probably a weekend getaway for someone in Toluca or Mexico City other than than it is a totally rural area. In fact yesterday when we went for a walk through the community we realized this is an ejido which is an area of communal land used for agriculture, on which community members individually farm designated parcels and collectively maintain communal holdings and is mostly indigenous people. They have all been friendly but we are very much outsiders.

    Chris, we totally agree with you.

  10. What didn't get on the road till 10:30??? Sounds like a page from the Beglaw's travel schedule....LOL!!!

    1. We knew we didn't have far too go! :-) If we knew it was going to be a long driving day we would have left earlier, you know us, need to be parked up by 2pm. In this case we were parked up just after 12pm. Not bad, eh! :-)


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