Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, January 4, 2016

RV'ing in Mexico. An informational forum...

There have been a couple of online forums that I've followed over the years regarding RV'ing in Mexico. But one of them only had a few regular posters, and the conversation regularly digressed to items regarding the perception of "safety" in Mexico. I got tired of it, and found what I thought was a better forum. And it was, for a while, but now it has gone way downhill in my mind, to the point where it's not helpful.

Someone said "if you're not happy, why don't you start you own forum?"

So I have.

I looked at the many different hosting platforms and decided on facebook. Unfortunately for those of you who don't "do" facebook, you're going to have to either bite the bullet and sign up, or miss out on all the information!

I decided to make it a closed forum...you have to be a member in order to post, comment, or simply follow along.

Here's the link...

RV'ing in Mexico discussion forum

As it says in the description...

New RV parks, closed RV parks, the best RV parks, the cheapest RV parks, and even RV'ing without RV parks...and anything else directly related to RV'ing in Mexico. Posts not related to the topic will be deleted.

I'm hoping that people who are real time RV'ing in Mexico will post current info regarding RV parks and the conditions at those parks. The search function of the forum makes it easy for anybody to look up a certain park and find the most current info regarding that park.

The Churches book, Traveler's Guide to Mexican Camping is still a wonderful resource but it's now 7 years old and the info is getting very dated. I think this will be a good way to keep info up to date, but it requires the help of many different people to contribute info.

Hoping that those of you who are currently RV'ing in Mexico, and those who wish to do so will join in and help make it successful! RV park owners are welcome to join in the discussion provided there is no promotion of their own parks.

It's for anything directly related to RV'ing in Mexico. I'm quite firm on that. Unrelated posts will quickly be deleted. 


  1. I'm one of those don't do facebookers under any circumstances so I'll miss it. But then with David's health we will never be able to go to Mexico sadly. Why don't you do a new version of the Churches book. I'm sure you could with all your experience.

    1. The last time we spoke to them, the reason the Churches aren't doing a revised version is because it's simply not cost effective. It's a ton of work to produce a book like that, and the sales revenue simply isn't enough to justify it.

      But, there's still a need and a want for the info, so hopefully this will help.

    2. It would just be too much work and things can change quickly here in Mexico so things could get outdated rather fast. By doing this forum it is easier to keep all the information up to date. People can express their options right away for other travelers on where to go and what is available in that area and the conditions.

  2. Thanks to the Churches for their past efforts, online tools such as iOverlander.com make it much easier to find current information, as well as contribute information.

    1. Agreed. But with iOverlander there is no medium for discussion. Hence this plan...

  3. I wish I could Doug, but there's no way to do that. Simple to sign up though and then you'll be able to follow along at will. Facebook will never bother you otherwise.

  4. Replies
    1. Hope you will enjoy it Karyn and that it will entice you to come down here some winter when work is done!

  5. Good luck with your new endeavor, it's very nice of you to create a forum to help others!

    1. Thank you Paul and Marti. We hope that it will grow and that it will help us and others who want to visit Mexico in their RV.

  6. Sorry but we don't do Facebook either.

    FYI, Mike and Terri Church are crossing into Mexico today with the plan of researching for a potential revision to their book.

    1. No need to be sorry, unfortunately there may be some very helpful information that you wouldn't be able to access but we know that not everyone does Facebook and there's no problem with that.

      It would be nice if they do.

    2. What type of rig are they traveling in these days?

    3. I am not sure. I know in the past if they are researching for their book they come down in their motorhome towing their car but if they are just coming down to travel about they usually bring their truck camper.

  7. I just sent in my Join request.

    I'm back in the states after spending six days in Mexico. Some of it on a cattle ranch outside of Caborca and New Years in Santa Ana. There was plenty of Latino music until the sun came up on New Year's Day. Would I go again......you bet!

    The limiting factor on my trip was the lack of ULSD at the Premex stations in mainland Mexico. I planned the route to be able to travel on a single tank of fuel. Keeping my speed down to 50 mph I was able to stretch my mileage. There's no need to rush on their roads.

    1. Glad to you have joined Daryl, I hope that you will find the information help ful.

      Sounds like you had a wonderful time but 6 days sure isn't long enough.

      Can't help you out with the diesel because we use gas but we have heard from other RV's that some just use the normal diesel. That would be a question that you could ask on the forum, somebody might be able to give you a more qualified answer. We agree, we rarely go over 50 mph here, most of the roads won't let you anyways with the potholes, the topes and the animals! ;-)

    2. My stay was limited as I'm still working. Adding some additional vacation time to the time I get off for the holidays gave me 24 days including the weekends. My trip into Mexico was just a small loop to check things out and test the waters.

      The ranch hand at the cattle ranch I stayed at must have been in his late 80's. I think he only had one tooth left. What I wouldn't have given to be able to speak Spanish, I'm sure he had some great stories to tell.

    3. At least you made it down and that's what counts.

      We know what you mean, even though we are doing not bad with our Spanish we are limited to fairly light conversations, we can't carry on any in depth one. We keep working on our Spanish because it is so much better when you can properly converse with everyone.

  8. I just joined the group because we Re dying to tour Mexico. I just have fragile lungs, (COPD) and I'm trying to get the courage to venture outside the safety net of American Hospitals. I'm sure not afraid of the crime.
    Thanks for starting that group.

    1. I hope the group will help you out. From people we have talked to the medical system down here is top notch especially if you are at a private clinic or hospital and with it being private that doesn't mean that it is super expensive, nothing like the prices in the States at all.

  9. I spent a year ago, February, in Mexico and Baja. We van camped. First in San Carlos and then crossed from Topolabampo to La Paz. After filling up the cooler and dry box in La Paz, we camped for two weeks along the Sea of Cortez. I loved it. It was safe, the people of Mexico and Baja were wonderful, helpful and welcoming. We (three adults and a 5 year old) stayed away from the big towns down south and enjoyed quiet days of reading, making art, scuba diving and paddle boarding. I just joined the FB page.

    1. Hi Kit, sounds like you all had fun! I wish more people could ignore the terrible rap the media gives to Mexico. If more people like you would just make the effort to go, then they would find this out for themselves. We are much the same, we tend to stay away from the big cities and enjoy the country more. Having said that, the big cities have a lot to offer too with the beautiful buildings and the wonderful history, although we can only handle them for a short time before we want to be out in the country again. So glad that you have joined the fb page and I hope that you will find it helpful.

  10. And I hope to drag my camper and caravan with friends to Mexico next winter.

  11. We are mid 50's full timers from Missouri. We have been on the road for two years now and would like to go to Mexico, but need more information to feel comfortable. I look forward to reading the forum.

    1. I hope that we can help with the aid of this blog along with the "RVing in Mexico" Facebook page. Don't hesitate to ask questions, that's how we all learn.

  12. I am way behind reading blog posts as we have spent the last two weeks buying and getting settled into our very first motorhome! As we have lived in Mexico for nearly a year and love the country and hope to travel there in the motorhome someday, I have sent a request to join your group. Thank you for starting it!

    1. Wow, what and exciting time for you! I is such a fun way to travel at least in our opinion. Glad that you joined the RVing in Mexico group, I really hope that you will find it helpful.

  13. We hope to leave Florida for the month of September and drive a 37 ft motor Home pulling an older car behind and see as much of Mexico as possible. Where should we cross the border at,how long does it take to get to a great coastal camping on the beach sort of place and what place would make a great first and perhaps second stop?

    1. Hi Tony. In short...you should cross the border at Colombia Bridge, west of Laredo. Some people do the 700 miles from Laredo to the beaches of Mazatlan in 3 days, stopping at Saltillo and Cuencame along the way.


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