Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We should be safe here!

We're normally up between 6:30am and 7:00am. So yesterday was the one day that we tried to get up a bit earlier than normal, and it was 7:20am by the time we looked at the clock. So much for early.

Not that it really mattered. We try to get an early start on travel days, but we were only planning on going 35 kms (22 miles) or so. And we had Trish and John coming over at 10:00am to take advantage of a ride in Sherman up to the small city of Dolores Hidalgo (pop 55,000).

Anyhow, everything worked out without being rushed.

Got Sherman's holding tanks emptied, and the fresh water tank filled, and off we went.

As we got into town, I noticed a big Soriana supermarket and we decided that was a good time to stock up on a few things. We said goodbye to Trish and John and we went our separate ways.

Deal of the day? Four nice looking grapefruits for a total of 8.6 pesos (68 cents CAD). Or 17 cents each!

Oh, and Mexico overall has become a little bit cheaper for us in the last week. The other day the Canadian dollar hit a 2 1/2 year high vs the Mexican peso. So while the CAD vs the USD is doing terrible, we're doing very well wintering here in Mexico.

With grocery shopping done, we headed for the local Proteccion Civil...the municipal government ambulance, police, and fire headquarters here in Dolores Hidalgo. Their offices are located in the municipal auditorium building and they have a decent sized parking lot ony four blocks from the central plaza. Our friend Chris had told us that you could park your RV overnight here in their lot.

Found the lot with no problem, and I went looking for someone to talk to. I opened one door that led me right into their main operation center. Cops sitting at computer screens. Very high tech looking. Not sure if I was supposed to be in there, but hey...the door was unlocked! Anyhow, I explained to one guy that we wanted to park for a couple of nights to explore their city and he said sure...he came outside with me and told me where I could park. Very friendly.

Pretty sure that we'll be safe here for a couple of nights!

We had some lunch, and then set off to do some exploring on foot.

The main parish church is nice looking. Built in the 1700's, this is the spot where Miguel Hidalgo rallied for independence in 1810.

The impressive Parroquia (parish church) in Dolores Hidalgo.

Those two towers covered in greenery are actually light stands. The church is apparently well lit at night. We'll go back tonight to see it all lit up.

Statue of Miguel Hidalgo.

The interior of the church has an impressive wood carving.

I had seen a park on the map and it looked to be about 2 kms (1.3 miles) away so we walked in that direction. Looks like the "Megaparque Bicentenario" used to be quite nice, but there is now a lot of grafitti on the sports buildings in the park and just generally not well maintained. Perhaps it looks a little nice during rainy season when things are more green. 

Hardly anybody around this park yesterday although I'm sure it's busier on the weekends.

There are four different ponds in the park, and lots of walking paths.

From there, we wandered back to the central plaza. Stopped and bought some veggies and a pineapple at the market, and then sat and had an ice cream in the central plaza.

Dolores Hidalgo is know for it's famous ice cream. All varieties of hand made ice cream..

The ice cream menu.

Tequila ice cream. Chicharron (fried pork rind) ice cream. Arandanos (cranberry) ice cream. Lots of choice for the adventurous ice cream connoisseur!

Our ice cream lady!

Kevin, with his Beso de Angel (Angel Kiss) ice cream. Three different types of fruit. Ruth chose the tequila ice cream. 

Back at the motorhome, Ruth baked one of the huge double chicken breasts we had bought on sale a couple of weeks ago when we were in Valle de Bravo. We had bought two packages at the time because they were so cheap, but we should have bought more!

17 pesos ($1.40 CAD) for this huge double chicken breast!

Mmm. Sure smelled good roasting in the oven!

Another great day in Mexico. 

Top quality Makita drill and circular saw kit with two batteries. A great deal, today only!

And in Canada...


  1. Gotta love when you can get good deals on food, we keep our freezer full most of the time.

    1. Yes we sure do, unfortunately we couldn't have bought anymore because the freezer would have been too full.

  2. You guys sure get around. When I first started reading I thought Whaaaat? I thought you were in jail :)

    1. I doubt there would be any chance of that! ;-)

  3. Boy I wish we were there. I love that town. Great parking spot, friendly people and don't forget to go eat at the city market. Way to good and not expensive. Three blocks from the church.

    The renovation of the city streets, hand cut stone and designs, is wonderful. The ice cream is right on spot after walking around. The buses are good to from the auditorium back up to the Soriana.

    Have fun and have more ice cream! Shrimp and chorizo.

    1. Totally agree with you Chris! Lovely little city. Nice and colourful, not real crowded either.

      Yes, we did eat in the market and had a wonderful plate of enchiladas and fresh orange juice.

      We had ice cream the other day and went back for more yesterday evening but decided that it was way too cold to be having any ice cream. Maybe we will try one more time before leaving today. I was thinking about trying the shrimp but we didn't see a chorizo one.

  4. well if you aren't safe there you won't be anywhere in town

    1. We had a great couple of nights here, never bothered once. Having said that I doubt we would have had a problem anywhere else in town either but they had lots of room here and it is easy to get in and out of.

  5. Replies
    1. It is a pretty little city. And yes, a great parking spot!


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