Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

We were right...

This is a very quiet peaceful spot to hang out for a few days. That could change today and tomorrow as they fill the big hot springs pool, but even if it does get a little busy, it won't bother us. We enjoy seeing people out having fun.

It turns out that this place is very busy during busy season. I was talking to our host yesterday and he said that when Semana Santa (Easter holy week) begins, the place gets as many as 800 visitors a day.

Yesterday morning we sat outside and watched the birds for a while. Lots of different birds.

We don't have good enough internet to be able to spend time looking up exactly what types of birds these are...so if anybody wants to tell us....go for it!

While we were sitting there, a family of four drove up and our host looked like he had turned the water on. I went over to chat with him, and yes...he was filling one of the smaller pools for this family that had arrived. 

Turns out that his grandfather was a geologist and had found the underground hot springs on this property about 45 years ago. Having the pools is dual purpose...one, of course for the people to come and use them for soaking and swimming, but also as holding tanks to cool the water before it can be put into the irrigation system they have designed for the farm fields on the property.

They have a huge underground pump that forces the water up 200 ft and out these big 10" pipes.

He says that the water is pure clean water...clear as a bell and drinkable. I filled up our big jug with water that was pouring out of the big pipe. It's definitely warm, but not hot.

I'm looking forward to seeing how long it will take for the big Olympic size pool to fill up today.

In the afternoon, we went for another walk on the property. The front section that surrounds the balneario is farmland, but the rear section is all gulleys and cactus and ravines where the water drains off during rainy season. It's a really interesting landscape to explore.

Ruth, overlooking one of the ravines.

We found a way down there and walked along the dry riverbed.

The water must really rush through here.

Out for a hike.

A little better walk today, as we did 6.5 kms (4 miles) in about two hours. Today, we're going to head across the highway where there is a lake and it looks like a lot of walking paths.

This looks like a handy item to add extra storage space in an RV bedroom...


  1. Kevin and Ruth! You show me places that I never will go in my lifetime so Thank You! I really enjoy all of your pictures.
    Kay from Kansas City!

    1. So glad that you are enjoying our pictures and our travels, Kay.

  2. Gotta love that hot spring area, looks like a wonderful place.

    1. We are looking forward to seeing them fill up the big pool and to see how long it takes to fill it.

  3. Love the bird photos.

    What a lovely place to spend a few days relaxing. Looks like another great hike. You two did good with your selfies...lol

    1. There are some nice birds around here so hopefully we will get a few more pictures of some of the different ones.

      We are really enjoying our time here along with all the different hiking opportunities.

      Kevin has this selfie thing figured out pretty good now. ;-)

  4. An interesting place! Love the bird pictures.

    1. We have really been enjoying these little canyons/ravines with all the different sandstone formations.

      We saw a nice woodpecker the other day but haven't seen it since, hoping we can get a picture of it before we leave.

  5. Interesting scenery here! Love all the birds. I think the first one is a Vermilion Flycatcher. The water sure looks inviting.

    1. I knew the first one was a Vermilion Flycatcher because we have seen those quite a bit here but didn't know the other one was the female one, so thanks for helping us out on that.

      We are looking forward to seeing them fill the big pool and then watching everyone enjoy it.

  6. Gorgeous area! The first bird (bright red-orange is a male Vermillion Flycatcher. We saw them in Belize. And the third photo, peach rump, is his lady! The second photo is a Mexican (imagine that!) Jay. Lovely, all. That water looks sooooo nice and clean!

    1. Thank you Emily, as I mentioned to Lori, I knew the male one but not the female one, also didn't know the name of the Mexican Jay although I did think it looked like a jay. We have seen a really pretty woodpecker too but haven't been able to get a picture of it yet.

      They are filling the big pool as I write this. I am surprised that it really hasn't taken a long time to do this and they have swimming lessons on the go already too.

  7. Looks like a nice place to chill for a while. I'd say the second bird is a Mexican Jay and I'm guessing the third one is a Hutton's Vireo....

    1. Haha, looks like Emily posted at the same time as me...yes, female vermilion flycatcher sound right!

    2. Thanks for the help IDing these birds Esther. It is hard when you have limited internet.

      We are really enjoying our quiet time here.

  8. You're in great boondocking territory. Enjoy!

    1. It is great Chris, you should come and join us! ;-)

  9. Beautiful little canyon. They have lots of pretty birds down there.

    1. Yes, there are lots of birds around here. Hoping to grab a picture of a neat looking woodpecker too but haven't managed that yet.

      We found another pretty canyon/ravine on yesterday's hike too!

  10. Our best to you......see you are still enjoying life! Helen & Paul


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