Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Getting ready for our first travel day

Everybody in the RV caravan group enjoyed a well deserved day off yesterday. Almost everybody just hung around the campground and did some minor maintenance and cleaning of their rigs, and I'm sure that some simply relaxed!

At every stop along the way, we have group tours organized, and they really don't get a chance to just kick back and relax until we arrive at the beach on March 3rd. Of course they are not obligated to participate in every tour, and usually 3 or 4 different people do exactly that.

I was also busy, getting Sherman ready to move on tomorrow, and checking and double checking our maps and route. I also installed our brand new CB radio and antenna so that we can communicate with the other rigs. Everybody has a CB radio.

And I installed a bright orange bicycle flag on our ladder and measured the height so that the top of the flag is as high as the tallest rig in our group. That rig will follow right behind me so that he knows by watching the flag if the height is okay. Sherman is 11'3", but the tallest rig is 13'3"...a full two feet taller!

Ruth baked a cake for my birthday, and made me a delicious omelet for lunch. Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes yesterday...I had a great day!

Late afternoon at around 5:00pm, we all gathered around one of the motorhomes that has an outdoor television...it was Superbowl Sunday, and we were having a potluck supper. Mostly snacks and hors d'oeuvres, but there was enough that we didn't need any supper.

Looks like we're ready for the big game!

Lots of munchies!

One of the guys organized a football pool based on the score at the end of each quarter. You paid 100 pesos to get five spots on the board, and at the end of each quarter you had the possibility to win 400 pesos, with the winner at the end getting 800 pesos. It was possible to win more than once, but fortunately the money went to four different people. Good fun, and makes the game a little more interesting!

What a fun party!

Up early this morning because the bus is coming at 9:00am to take us to Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende for a day trip. We won't be back until late afternoon, and then Ruth and I have been invited out for dinner with the owner of Mexico RV Caravans to go over some business details. Busy day ahead!

A highly rated kitchen knife set...half price, today only!

And in Canada, a collection of Valentines Day jewelry on sale today only...


  1. A very busy month you will be having socializing and working.

  2. It does sound like a very busy month coming your way. Enjoy it and your RV companions and be sure to get some down time whenever you can!

    1. Yes, it will be a busy month but also a fun one. Everyone in the group is great and they all get along and work together well. It was nice that we joined them after they had all been broken in. ;-)

      I am thinking there won't be much down time at least for another week and a half or so.

  3. yIPPiE kAY YaY!
    Headem up move em out!

    1. We ended up having a good first day with the group on the road but we did have slight problem at the very end of the day, Kevin will have it all in the blog post for today (Wednesday).

  4. I wondered about that, you can't get a bunch of Americans together and not have a Superbowl party :)

    1. There were 7 Americans in the group (one couple was scheduled to the leave the group the next day and go on traveling by themselves) and the other 12 are are Canadians along with Kevin and myself. Even with that many Americans we still needed to have a Super Bowl part but I think it was just an excuse to have a party! ;-)

  5. somehow it wouldn't be Superbowl if there were no gambling involved.

  6. Great idea on the bike flag. Feliz cumpleaños! My birthday is today too. Aquarians rock!

    1. Lost our bike flag the first day on the road, so much for that idea!

      Happy Belated Birthday Cindy, we hope you had a good one and thank you for Kevin's birthday wishes.

    2. It happens. Get another, trim off where the top of the flag slides down over the fiberglass shaft. Then wrap tape around the shaft to prevent the flag from sliding off the top of the shaft at highway speeds. This was to only way I could keep them on my dune buggy.

    3. Thanks for the suggestion, we will see if we an find another flag.


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