Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Who joins an RV caravan to Mexico?

Yesterday was a day off for the group and we had no organized activities planned. At least none that we knew about!

So in the morning, we visited our friend John who has been living here at Roca Azul RV Park for the past year and a half or so. We first met John when he was living in Acapulco, and we saw him again there a couple of years later, along with his sister Dianna.

We were looking forward to seeing John here, but his sister informed us a couple of weeks ago that John had a stroke in January and he's in care facility nearby. So yesterday, Dianna drove us over there for a visit. We sat and talked for almost two hours, and hopefully John enjoyed seeing a couple of fresh faces.

After lunch, we went with Larry and Anne in their truck to the town of San Luis Soyotlan. We have to drive through that town with the RV caravan group this morning, and we knew from past experience that it's a narrow road and we wanted to check with the local police to see if we could get an escort. Sure enough, I flagged down a police truck and he said that he patrols up and down that main road from 9:00am through to noon. I told him we'd be coming through around 10:30am, and he said he'd keep his eyes open for us. Of course we'd be pretty hard to miss!

So hopefully that goes smoothly.

Later in the afternoon, we had planned happy hour and our driver's meeting for 5:00pm. Ruth and I were about to wander over when we were told by one of the group that the location had been changed to one of the meeting rooms here. Hmm. Okay, so we went in there...to find out that the group had planned a surprise pot luck dinner for us!

What a great group! We're still with them until this Thursday, but they wanted to do it on a day off so that everybody had lots of time to prepare.

Nice little thank you note!

Filled with lots of kind comments!

And then, dinner was on.

Dig in everybody. What a great pot luck feast!

Dinner is served.

Dusk at Lake Chapala. 

Over the next few days, we're going to be showing you some of the people we've been with over the past four weeks. We thought it would be interesting for our readers to see what type of people join an RV caravan to Mexico.

So first up in Larry (68) and Anne (64).

They are a retired couple, having owned a small flight service in Northwest Territories, Northern Canada.

Larry and Anne with their big Montana fifth wheel trailer.

They now live in Kelowna, British Colombia.

What prompted you to do this caravan?

We had been planning a Copper Canyon trip for many years.The opportunity to join up with an RV caravan appealed to us as first timers RV'ing in Mexico.

What is your impressions of the caravan?

This is our first time with a caravan. The people we have met and the tours we have taken far surpass our expectations.

What are your impressions of Mexico?

Since our past visits have only been to resorts along the coast, we are amazed at the beauty of areas of the country we would not have otherwise seen.

Have you felt safe travelling around Mexico?


What has been your favorite experience, or highlight of the trip?

The Copper Canyon Tour.

Would you return to Mexico, either on your own or with another caravan?

Yes, probably with another caravan.

A 64 GB USB flash drive....this cheap, today only!

And in Canada...


  1. What a nice group of people you are with. I am sure they are all so grateful to you both for showing them a part of Mexico they would have other wised missed. Good job.

    1. Thank you Paul and Marsha! We were definitely lucky to have such a wonderful bunch of people to lead for our first ever caravan. We really hope that our love for Mexico will have filtered through to them and that they will all return to Mexico another time and see even more this great country and it's friendly and generous people.

  2. Very smart idea and so informative .... interviewing your caravan members! Well done.

    1. Thank you Larry! We think that others will be interested in seeing the cross section of people that we have on the caravan as well as what their thoughts are of the caravan itself as well as Mexico.

  3. How nice to have a pot luck in your honor!

    1. We were totally blown away by it! That just goes to show how great this group of people have been. :-)

  4. Love the idea of highlighting different folks and the potluck looked like a lot of fun. Really enjoy your posts!

    1. Thank you Linda! We thought it would be a great idea to highlight these people and pass along their thoughts of the whole experience. We really enjoyed the lovely potluck that they put on for us.

  5. It is not surprising that the group is pleased with your guidance. You are both very knowledgeble about Mexico and RVing. Looking forward to the rest of the comments.

    1. Thank you so much for those kind words Peter! We hoped that we were able to pass along our love for Mexico as well as give them some helpful information. We are looking forward to the rest of the comments as well.

  6. Helo K and R regarding the road condition to Mazamitla you are going to find it under costruction and it is in very bad shape I would recomend having the escort service from San Luis Soyatlan to the intersection of Tuxcueca that leeds to Mazamitla I drove thru that road a few days ago and I thought you shood know!!!!

    1. Thanks for the additional info on the road conditions but by the time we read your comment we were already through the town and the construction area, which we did all on our own without a police escort and it all went quite smoothly too, which we were are happy to report.

  7. How special to have the group host a "thank you pot luck" for you! I know how much that must have meant to you guys. Your header photo is killer-good!

    1. Yes, if was very nice of them to do that for us, we were very surprised by it!


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth