Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The smell of fresh baked bread in the RV!

There is nothing quite like the smell of fresh baked bread in the motorhome. Especially when it's a blustery, rainy, cold, windy day in Mexico.

It had rained a lot of the night before, and the wind was so strong it shook the motorhome. It continued throughout yesterday morning.

We actually had to leave the heat on for most of the morning.

Our Mr. Heater Buddy.

We love our Mr. Heater portable Buddy...

Ruth figured that it was a good morning to put the oven on, so she decided to bake some bread. Actually, she did far more than that...she changed the sheets on the bed, washed a pile of dishes, made a big pot of chili for dinner and beat me five games to two in backgammon!

Fresh baked gluten free bread!

Miserable at 10:30am.

We actually watched a movie in the middle of the day. Been years since we've done that! We watched "Son of a Gun"...an Australian action crime adventure type movie. It was pretty good!

By 3:00pm, it started to clear up. Too late for things to actually warm up though.

By 3:30pm, it looked quite nice out!

Dinner! Chili con carne, salad, and fresh baked garlic toast with a glass of red wine. Yum.

If you've always wanted a sewing machine, today is the day...

And in Canada...for Marilyn Monroe fans...


  1. Those blustery days are kind of nice for a change, once in a while.
    Dinner looks wonderful.

    1. Yep, and we didn't mind it a bit, it was a good excuse to just rest and relax, mind you we could have done with just a slightly warmer temperature. ;-)

  2. I wish I liked to cook, your meal looks delicious! Can't wait till lasagna tomorrow!!!

    1. Thanks Barb! Tonight's lasagna is going to have to change to a pasta casserole instead, as we couldn't find any cottage cheese. :-(

    2. Well I doubt that will be a tragedy, knowing your meals!

    3. Thanks Barb for that sweet comment! :-)

  3. We have had rain here in Houston the past three days. Received 3" over night...Yuck! Chili sounds delicious.

    1. That doesn't sound very nice! Texas has certainly received it's share of rain this past year or so. I am glad that we only had that one day of rain but it has been colder than normal these past few days.

      The chili dinner was perfect for that kind of day!

  4. Wow! A very productive day in Sherman. Dinner looks delicious.

    1. It was more like a very productive morning! I was able to sit back and relax in the afternoon. A perfect day! :-)

  5. We had the same kind of day yesterday with a winter storm hitting Comox - 104 km wind last night - power flickered but didn't go off thankfully. The dog refused to go to the bathroom in the wind and rain, crossed his little legs most of the night :) Sounds like a great down-time day to me.

    1. Glad we didn't have have the wind quite that strong, although I think it was about the strongest that we have ever seen it in the motorhome. I am happy that we didn't have to drive in it, actually we just wouldn't have!

      Dogs are smart, why should they go out in weather that we don't want to go out in! ;-)

  6. Fresh baked Gluten free bread, that's exactly what I need. Did she make it from a boughten mix or a recipe? My biggest fear of living for months at a time in an RV is making my allergy safe foods. Any tips?

    1. I cook everything in the motorhome that I used to cook in the house and just about everything I make is from scratch, so you shouldn't have to worry about cooking in an RV with any type of food allergy.

      The bread was from a recipe and we had done a post about it a few years ago, www.travelwithkevinandruth.com/2013/08/ruths-best-gluten-free-bread-recipe.html

    2. Thank you Ruth. I copied your bread recipe and plan to try it soon. I have now searched your website and found a few other gluten free recipes that I can hopefully adapt for my other food allergens and safely eat. Thank you for sharing some gluten free recipes!

    3. Glad that you found a few more recipes, the chocolate chip cookie one is delicious! I find normal recipes lots of times and then just adapt them, also the internet is a great place to search for recipes for different types of diets/allergy free baking/dishes.

  7. Sometimes it just feels good to nest. Made me a little hungry for that breead.

    1. We really enjoyed a day like that every once in a while!

  8. Now that is what I call tough life. That food looks so good. If that is what a rainstorm produces in your RV you are blessed.

    1. Yes, it is a very tough life! ;-)

      The chili and the bread were delicious and were a perfect fit for a day like this.

  9. I call that making the best of it!!

  10. ONly a quick heavy shower overnight on the coast, then sunny, but today is unny & cool, only about 24 rather than the usual 35 and almost no humidity. It has to still be cold up there.

    1. Sounds like you guys got off pretty lightly there on the coast! Yes, it has been pretty chilly the last few days here but today looks like it will be a perfect day weatherwise.

  11. Wow! Would love your gluten free bread recipe. If you every get to SE Michigan check out the gluten free brownies "Townie Brownie" from Zingermans or the "Among Friends" Gluten Free Chocolate Cake mix. Both are so good that I serve it to gluten eaters and they don't know the difference

    1. Here is the recipe for the bread. www.travelwithkevinandruth.com/2013/08/ruths-best-gluten-free-bread-recipe.html

      Normally everything that I make/bake is from scratch, I rarely use premixed items because there are usually to many extra additives in them for me, plus they usually are more expensive than if I make the item myself but if we are in that area, I may just have a look at them, thanks for the tip.

  12. Replies
    1. It was delicious and perfect for a cold rainy day!

  13. Wow, another great meal by Ruth! I too love my Mr Heater. That thing could run forever on next to nothing. Best part, no noise and constant heat! One of my best rv purchases. The other, solar panel.

    1. Your thoughts on the Mr. Heater and the solar are exactly the same as ours! :-)


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