View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Into Montana

Filled up again yesterday morning in Lovell, Wyoming, this time at $1.97 per gallon ($0.68 per litre CAD). One more fillup today, and we'll enter Canada full of cheap American gas. Stopped at the Lovell Information Center to use their free wifi and have our breakfast.

A bit of a late start today, as we didn't get on the road until just before 10:00am.

But, we didn't have quite as many miles to do either.

Welcome to Montana!

Scenery along the way.

We stopped in Billings, Montana to fill the propane tank at $2.75/gallon. Not a bad price, but not great. Turns out the Amerigas place where we filled it has .50 per gallon discount on Friday's, so we were a day too early to take advantage of a good price. But, now it's done.

Also stopped at Walmart to stock up on some things we can't get in Canada. Like two blocks of Cabot old cheddar cheese, and four large bags of corn tortillas!

I was going to get tires done for Sherman while in Montana, but I checked prices compared to Canada and there is no savings with the poor (for Canadians) exchange rate. Besides, I want to have the rear brakes checked while the tires are being done, and if there is extra work necessary that would take extra time that we don't have. So the whole job can wait until sometime next month.

We got back on the road at around 1:00pm and from then until we stopped at 4:00pm it drizzled with rain, occasionally becoming stroger than that. Just a dreary day.

About three hours of this.

I was planning on driving a little further, but by the time we got to the James Kipp Recreation Area, I had simply had enough. So we pulled in to the campground there at $12 USD ($15.60 CAD) per night. Nice quiet spot. Ruth cooked up that huge turkey breast that we had bought on sale, and we had a nice roast supper. Can't cross the border with any uncooked poultry, so it had to be done.

Sherman, parked up at the James Kipp recreation Campground.'s into Canada, and tonight we'll be back at Cabri Regional Park for the summer!

Fantastic deal on the highly rated Rubbermaid kitchen storage container set! Today only!

Rubbermaid Glass Food Storage Container Set

And in Canada, here's a good idea...I think I need oneof these!

Universal Cable Organizer Electronics Accessories Travel Carry Case


  1. Welcome home! On Vancouver Island we can get Valentina hot sauce from Mexico at a specialty store in Nanaimo (I stock up whenever I drive through as it is a staple in our house). We even have a local producer of corn tortillas! But now Thrifty's/Sobeys in Western Canada finally stocks fairly fresh corn tortillas, thank goodness.

    1. We don't normally use the Valentina hot sauce because we already have some really, really potent stuff that we got on our way out of Mexico last year and there is still tons left because it is so spicy, you only need very little.

      As for the corn tortillas we can get them in Saskatchewan but they are way too expensive and you only get 12 at a time. These ones I got are 80 to a bag and I will freeze them. 3 bags of 80 almost got us through the 5 months last year so this year we picked up 4 bags.

  2. Beautiful scenery but it looks cold. My blood thinned out this winter I get chills looking at the snow...

    1. Agreed and our blood has thinned out a lot over the years too so yes, it was cold! Feels much warmer now that we are back in Cabri, Saskatchewan.

  3. It's cold, rainy, & not nice in PA, too. Your pics look like what we're having here weatherwise. Have fun getting Cabri in order for the 2016 season. We always enjoy keeping up with you two, no matter your destination!!!

    1. Yep, definitely a cold, wet rainy day! Hope your weather improves quickly. It certainly has for us here at the park. It's much warm and much drier, in fact it is too dry, they really need some rain here!

  4. Try not to get too depressed with that weather. Looks like it's warmer up in Saskatchewan. We've sort of had sun, but it's been way too cold for my liking. Hope the border crossing goes OK.

    1. Yep, you were right Bob, definitely warmer and drier here. Can't believe it but the leaves are already coming out on the tress, they are way ahead of last year and that was early last year! Hope you see warmer weather soon and when you do, everyone will be complaining that it's too warm! :-)

  5. Next week is supposed to be nice in Sask. even warmer than Ont.

    1. We're supposed to be getting summertime temperatures all week, next week!

  6. LOVE your Montana pics! I'm from Montana and my ancestors were Montana pioneers and first families. Every time I see a pic I feel like I'm home ♥ I'm looking forward to your summer adventures at Cabri! It hardly seems like it's been a year.

    1. Yes, Montana is a pretty state and one day we will have a lot more time to go there and explore, rather than just taking a day or two to drive through!

      Yes, a year seems to go by fast, I can't believe all the stuff we managed to do this winter. Hoping that our summer goes by smoothly and we right now we are looking forward to getting it into shape for the upcoming camping season. :-)

  7. soon you will home again! good luck with the border crossing and safe travels as you head towards your summer home!

    1. Thanks Sue and Doug! Everything went well yesterday, it was a good drive and good border crossing and now we are back "home"!We are looking forward to walking around the campground today and see how the winter treated it.

  8. Replies
    1. One day off and then it's back to work! :-)

  9. On the contrary, driving in dreary cloudy misty days are my favorite travel days! Very dramatic beautiful clouds, no over-explosed sunshine rays or heat on the windshield, and with romantic Frank Sinatra songs or mellow symphonies on the music system, it's wonderful :)

    1. Yes, it can make things look much different but we find that the heavy, low cloud cover hides all the beautiful scenery, especially when it is mountain scenery. When we drive we really enjoy all that scenery, part of the reason we don't like to drive very much in a day, that way if we see something we like we have time to stop and got for a wander about, which isn't so nice on a wet and miserable day.

      I am glad that you enjoy it though and I have to say we would rather be driving on a not so nice day than be somewhere and wanting to hike for the day. ;-)

  10. Driving in the rain isn't our favorite, but I'd rather spend a rainy day behind the wheel and leave the fine days for enjoying and hiking in the great outdoors! Dreary weather, for sure! You'll be happy to see the sun!

    1. True, very true!

      Nice and sunny up here in Saskatchewan, so we are happy campers. :-)


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