Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Prepare to be wowed!

We did an 8 mile (13 km) hike in Bryce Canyon National Park yesterday. There's no way to describe the landscape without showing you lots of photos...and maybe a video or two. So, for those of you who will never see below the rim of the canyon, this is what you're missing...

We took almost two hundred photos during the 4 1/2 hours we were out hiking. Every corner you turned, there was another magificent view. Definitely one of the better hikes we've ever done, and we had beautiful clear blue skies that lasted all day.

We whittled the photos down to just over a hundred...but obviously we can't show you all of them. But you're get to see the cream of the crop!'s difficult to decide what to show you because there is so much spectacular scenery.

We took lots of food and water with us. In fact, Ruth made one of her delicious tortilla crust quiches to take with us for lunch. Great hiking food, because it tastes great cold as well.

Almost looks too good to eat!

We set off at around 11:00am. It was a nicer day than the day before, and so there were quite a few people out hiking. Almost too many for my liking, but I figured the further we went, the less people there would be. And, that turned out to be fairly accurate.

Lots of people at the at the start of the trail down.

Ruth, having fun.

And, enjoying one of the many viewpoints along the way.

About half way down, we encountered an older couple, and the guy didn't look to be in very good shape. But, he said "hey, if this old fat guy can do it, anybody can". Too funny. He said he was 70 years old. And it's true...if you're not in very good shape you may not do it as quickly as others, but if you can move your feet you can go hiking. Start slow, and work your way up to it. Do it regularly, and before you know it you'll be in better shape!


Enjoying another one of the many viewpoints.

Kevin, on the trail.

Getting close to the bottom.

Lots of colors in the rocks and trees.

Heading back uphill. They do list this trail as "strenuous", and at times they were right!

We eventually made it to the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail, so named perhaps because of the several short tunnels that you have to walk through, with most of them affording a fabulous view once you're through. Here's a short video of one example...

(I've noticed that YouTube has changed the way they present videos. Seems that it defaults to the worst setting. If it's not clear, hold your curser over the video and then the little cog wheel in the lower right. Then, change the setting to 720p to be able to watch the video the way it was filmed.)

Lots of interesting photo opps.

Yet another view.

At our lunch stop.

Eating quiche on the trail.
 I bet other hikers are having bologna sandwiches!

Yet another view.

Yep. Happy to be here!

In one of the smaller canyons.

On the way back up.

Canyon wildlife.

That's Ruth on the right.

This steep section had a lot of switchbacks.

Getting close to the top again.

As we reached the top, we met a couple of older ladies who were struggling a bit. The one who volunteered her age was 70, and she said that last year at this time she never could have attempted that hill. But, she's been working at it, and now her attidue is "that's not a hill"! Good for her.

Back at the top.

We made our way back to Sherman, and then drove outside the park boundaries and into the Dixie National Forest. "Dispersed Camping" guidelines say that you can't boondock within a mile of a developed campground, and it has to be within 150 feet of the dirt road. We saw several people near the beginning of the dirt road who I think were too close to the Ruby's Inn Campground, about a mile we kept driving and came across a perfect little spot.

Sherman, boondocking at GPS 37.653395, -112.173378

The entire time we were there, we didn't see any other vehicles. Except a guy who buzzed by on a dirt bike. Totally peaceful. 

Taken out our side window, just before sunset.

What a great day we had.

Here's something different at

And in Canada...


  1. Replies
    1. It was definitely awesome! Words and pictures can't really describe the beauty there.

  2. Totally incredible! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful hike and camping spot with us. Now where's my piece of quiche?

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post and our camping spot.

      I saved you a piece, it is in the fridge! Where can we meet to I can hand it over to you? ;-)

  3. How about the recipe for that quiche? Bryce and Yellowstone are my two favorite National Parks. Thanks for let me see what it's like below the rim.

    1. Yes we have to agree both Bryce and Yellowstone are probably two of our favourites as well but there are still many that we haven't seen yet!

      We did a post last year with the recipe and you can find it here Hope you enjoy it too.

  4. spectacular scenery! thanks for sharing!!

  5. That sure is nice scenery. We'll have to check it out.

    1. It's beautiful there, you definitely have to visit Bryce Canyon!

  6. My friend was glad she did Bryce Canyon a number of years ago because she couldn't do it now! Did you know adult coloring is the in thing?

    1. That's why we are doing what we are doing now, before we can't do it.

      Yes, we had seen a few posts and comments about adult colouring and found that it is becoming quite popular.

  7. Beautiful shots! And Ruth, I make your tortilla quiche regularly now, one of my favorites.

    1. Thanks Cheapchick for both comments. Glad you enjoy the quiche.

  8. Oh my goodness!!! Your pics are again so beautiful Thank you so much.

  9. OK I want the recipe for the tortilla quiche! Can you share? We were last there June 2012 for the solar eclipse - Fricken cold! Nice to relive the park in warmer weather. Thanks for the post!

    1. Wow, hard to believe it would have been so cold in June! Bet it was worth it though to see the solar eclipse there.

      We did share the recipe last year in a post but here it is again. Hope you enjoy it too.

    2. Thanks Ruth! Guess what's for dinner tonight? Looks awesome

  10. More wonderful pics we enjoyed it right along with you.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them George. Have you been to Bryce before? If not, next time you are out this way you should make a point of stopping by.

  11. This post and your beautiful photos brought back many good memories for me. Some of the photos pictured spots I remembered exactly (like the deep crevass with all the switchbacks). Such a gorgeous park. And I love your boondocking spot. Lucky you!

    1. So glad that you enjoyed the post and that we could rekindle some good memories for you. Our boondocking spot was great and so close to the park with the added bonus of the wildlife! :-)

  12. Great photos. Thanks for taking the time to edit them.

    1. Thanks Contessa! Not much editing was needed though, cropping of some and sometimes a bit of straightening, and the odd time adjusting the shadows a bit but it all makes the photo that much better.


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