Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rollercoaster fun!

What a fun day we had yesterday. Our friends Stan, Colleen, John, and Janice in one car, and me, Ruth, Tony, and Helen in the other and we took off to explore San Diego area. Not much California sunshine, but at least we didn't get rained on. Still, the temperature was nice.

First stop was Mission Beach.

We decided to walk from Mission Beach to the Pacific Beach Pier, about an hour and a half round trip.

Mission Beach, California.

The Mission Beach rollercoaster.

This is one of the few old wooden rollercoasters still in existance, and I heard it calling my name. I love rollercoasters, and haven't been on one in years. But, we'll go for a walk first! Stan and John stayed behind, and Ruth and Helen made it about half way.

Ruth, Helen, and Tony.

There are a lot of homes right on the beach, but most of them have been turned into vacation rentals because the beach is so busy all the time that nobody wants to live there. But it's okay for a week or two, so they are rented out. Not cheap though, and a lot of them are over $2,000 a week. Some of them have nice gardens right along the beach walkway.

Bright flowers!

Tony, Colleen, Janice, and I made it to the pier.

Kevin and Tony.

There are rental cottages located right on the pier. 
About $350 per night, depending on the size and season.

Fishing from the pier, but not catching anything.

Then we walked back and met up with the rest of the group at noon. Then, it was time for some rollercoaster fun! John, Janice, Ruth and I went and bought our tickets. At $6.00 USD ($7.80 CAD) per person, but sometimes you just have to live a little bit!

Kevin and John waiting in line to buy tickets.

John, Janice, Kevin, and Ruth.

The two girls in front of us were doing an Adventure Hunt race, similar to the one our son does in Ottawa called City Chase. They were recording the coaster ride on their cell phones, and I had my new GoPro camera with me to try it out. Turns out that I had it on the wrong setting and didn't record the video. Instead, it took 216 still photos while I thought it was recording!

Here we go...

Heading uphill.

At the top...I love this shot!

Ha! Too funny!

Hang on tight around the bend.

What a lot of fun...I almost went again just to do the video! But there will be lots of opportunity to record future adventures.

Then, we found a seafood place to go for lunch. Mitch's Seafood, I think it was called. Very busy spot!

Busy restaurant!

Then, we went to the Point Loma Cabrillo National Monument.

Ruth, at Point Loma.

There is a big naval base here in San Diego.

The Point Loma lighthouse.

Looking back at San Diego.

What a fun day we had! And today is going to be just as good. We're off for breakfast this morning to meet up with a famous blogger who many of you know. We'll tell you all about it tomorrow morning! Have a great Sunday!

A great deal of the day for anybody looking for top quality outdoor patio furniture...


  1. Now that was a fun day on a wooden coaster yet.
    I know you will keep having fun.

    1. We love the old wooden roller coasters and we gotta enjoy them now because you never know how much longer they will be around.


    Gotta get back on Vancouver's roller coaster this summer.

    1. Wow! That's one crappy link. Sorry guys...

    2. No worries! Hope you make it onto Vancouver's coaster. We haven't been on that one before!

  3. So glad the rain held off! We are in San Diego as well, visiting the grandbaby. Currently enrolled to Top Chef winner Richard Blais' The Crack Shack for breakfast. The sun is out, so enjoy the day, and looking forward to hearing more in your next post.

    1. En-route, not 'enrolled' . . . Auto correct failure!

    2. We have had a fantastic time here in San Diego and I am sure you will too, especially if you are visiting your grandchild! :-)

      The weather was great today and hopefully it will continue that for you as well.

  4. Oh boy! I love roller coasters, too! My daughter and I once road the wooden roller coaster "Colossus" at Six Flags Magic Mountain 6 times in a row! Can't wait to hear about your visit with "you know who" today! Wish the go-pro would have recorded but you sure got some great shots anyway. BTW, you have a typo above "coater" instead of "coaster" where you are talking about the girls ahead of you. Keep on having fun!

    1. I just saw his post. Gosh, he looks great! Wonderful photo of all of you!

    2. Sounds like you love roller coasters as much as us! :-) We wish the GoPro would have recorded the ride as well but I think Kevin has things figured out now with it and it recorded a ride that we did today. Not sure that we will be able to post it tomorrow because we are on our MiFi and not free WiFi. Thanks for letting us know about the typo, it is fixed now along with a few others that got missed as well.

      We'll have our pictures up tomorrow and yes, he looks great!

  5. MY old stomping grounds from the late 70s. I now know what "time flies" means.

    1. You had some great stomping grounds but I bet it has changed a bit since then.

  6. Kevin can you put a deposit on one of those cottages for me?

    1. No problem Paul, we'll get on that right away! Which one do you want? ;-)

  7. Give G a hug from me. Sounds like you are hitting all the highlights of the area.

    1. Sorry Contessa, it's a little late to do that now but if George sees this then he will know that you sent him a hug.

      We loved San Diego and saw quite a few of the sites but still missed some of them, I guess we will just have to come back again. :-)

  8. I will be working in Oceanside for 3 months and the RV park is $899 a month until Memorial Day and then goes to $2200 a month. Good thing my company covers it. Looks like you are living the life.

    1. Ouch, that would hurt the pocketbook if you had to pay for it yourself! Glad that the company is paying it for you. I am sure you will love the area and hopefully it won't be all work while you so that you have time to explore the area, it is so beautiful there.


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