Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Surprise visitors!

We didn't have much planned for yesterday, but we needed to stock up on a few things. So we hopped in the Beetle and drove 4 miles (6.5 kms) to the nearest Walmart. It's always interesting to check out prices and produce in a different country, so Helen and Tony (visiting us from England) enjoyed that part of the outing.

Nice to see my favorite Mexican beer at a great price in Walmart. 24 bottles of Pacifico for $21.97 USD ($28.60 CAD). Might have to go pick up another box before we leave here since Tony likes it as well.

The weather is heating up here in Palm Springs. High of 91F (33C) and sunny yesterday, so the plan was to just lounge about for the afternoon. Helen and Tony are still adjusting to the time change from their long flight, and had a bit of a nap in the afternoon. I did too!

Had an email from long time blog readers Dave and Bonnie who live in nearby Redlands, California. They wanted to know if we had time for them to come by and meet us, and yesterday afternoon was going to be the only convenient time. So they showed up around 3:00pm, and visited with us for an hour and a half.

Bonnie, Dave, Kevin, and Ruth...visiting with Sherman!

We enjoyed the conversation with Dave and Bonnie. What an interesting couple, who have led a very full life. They're both 86 years old, and have travelled to approximatley 120 different countries in their lifetime. Wow! And, they still RV in their 32 foot motorhome! They're slowing down a little bit now, but still enjoy going on the occasional cruise. 

I wonder how many countries we will have visited by the time we're 86??

Said goodbye to them around 4:30pm, and went for a swim in the pool before heading back to the shade of the awning to make dinner.

Sitting outside in the shade of Sherman's awning making dinner.

Chicken kabobs for dinner!

We're doing a hike this morning before it gets too hot out, then planning to go to nearby Palm Desert for the street fair, and then if its not too hot we'll walk along El Paseo street for a while.

Spring cleanup? Great deal on a gas powered leaf only!

And for our Canadian readers, a fashionable shoulder bag for the ladies...


  1. Hotter than Mexico? I think.

    1. Well probably as hot as Mexico was at the beach, it was pretty hot then. Thankfully we didn't spent too much time at the beach.

  2. Not sure there is a free boondocking place in Joshua Tree for our 37' and tow. Thoughts?

    1. There is no free boondocking in Joshua Tree for anyone but there are places outside the park both at the north and the south ends and both of those would take a 37' with a tow. I think there would be very few places in the park that would take size of vehicle unless you paid for two spots.

  3. Good to meet people who love your stories. Chicken kabobs on the barbie, delicious!

    1. I was fun listening to their stories as well!

      The kabobs were delicious. :-)

  4. Always fun to have surprize visitors. Enjoy the heat!
    We miss it already, :<(

    1. We don't mind the heat as long as it doesn't get too hot, would prefer it just a little cooler.

  5. The Palm Springs Art Museum is free Thursday evenings. Don't miss it if you are still there.

    1. We weren't there on a Thursday, so we didn't go to see it but thanks for the suggestion.

  6. When you get over to Joshua Tree area check out this hike.... Also look at our blog around that same time in 2014 and you will find some other good finds in your area. Have fun..... as usual! :-)

    1. Sorry but we did miss this hike as we went straight into the park from the West Entrance. Looks like it would have been a great hike but having said that we did some other good ones too. Maybe we can can come back again sometime and try it then.


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