Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We sure do meet a lot of good people

Woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, and read the road reports for conditions north of here...which were not good! So we decided to stay put for the day.

We had heat, and food, and we were fine to sit and wait it out.

Around 11:00am, there was a knock on the door.

It was the same lady from yesterday who said that we could park here in the lot beside her house. She had a bunch of papers in her hand, and gave us the printouts from the Wyoming Department of Transport saying which roads were closed and what the conditions were on the open ones. How nice of her! She said that Baggs is in a valley and the conditions here are deceiving compared to the outlying areas.

We told her we were staying put, and she said she was happy to hear that and we were welcome to stay right where we were.

Ruth made some cookies and apple sauce, and we both spent a lot of time on the internet. Nice to get caught up on stuff.

Fresh baked cookies!

A good day to have the oven on. Mix of rain, wet snow, and ice pellets. Temperature around freezing. Yuck.

We were sitting having lunch when there was a knock on the door again. It was the neighbur lady again, wanting to give us a bag of snacks. We learned that her name is Davene. I guess she wasn't sure if we were set up for staying put for the day and wanted to make sure we didn't starve. What a nice lady Davene is!

Bag of snacks.

98% of the people in the world are nice people, aren't they? Good thing we haven't bumped into too many of the 2%!

Around 3:30pm, things had dried up enough that we decided we needed some fresh air, so we went for a short walk. Not much to see in Baggs, however it does have a bit of history. Turns out that Butch Cassidy and his gang hung out here for a while back in the late 1800's.

The Cassidy House Museum. Not open at this time of year though.

The Old Baggs Town Hall.

Pretty sure this isn't a bank anymore!

The Little Snake River. Water is high at this time of year.

We were going to walk on some of the side streets. But it's a little muddy!

Where Sherman was parked for two nights.

Yup...the mountains got some snow!

We're out of here early, and on the road. It's going to be a long driving day because we took an unplanned day off yesterday. Don't enjoy driving this much in a day, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The Breville Juice Fountain is on sale today at It's a popular item, with high check it out!


  1. Totally agree with you about nice people. They really are the majority and while the media does their best to make you to think differently, it just isn't the case. Wonderful people make this world a lovely, inviting place and more often than naught they go out of their way to make you feel welcome. Give our best to Davene, and happy travels!

    1. You are absolutely right Dianne! The media unfortunately thinks people love bad news more than they love the good news so guess which one wins! We have proven it ourselves with all the travelling we have done, not just here in North America but everywhere we have been, we have always met amazing people and only once had a not so good experience. I am sure sure your experiences have been just as good! :-)

  2. Very nice lady - but you guys tend to attract those :)

    1. Yes, she was! There is a saying that goes "You catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar" and that is the way we like to think. :-)

  3. Yep, way many more nice people than the jerks out there. Too bad the jerks tend to stick in your mind with their rudeness. Nice place to sit out the ugly weather, though. :c)

    1. Yep, way more nice people! We try not to let the bad ones stick out in our memories, they don't deserve it. ;-)

  4. Kindness is much more fun than meanness.

  5. Happy Motoring. Sucks ever so slightly that you have to push it a bit today, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Cookie? Get it? Wakka wakka.

    1. It did suck because we drove through this surprisingly beautiful canyon yesterday and just didn't have time to stop and check any of it out!

      The cookies didn't crumble too much! ;-)

  6. Baggs reminds me of the little towns in Montana. Lots of good memories :) Safe travels, we have snow on our mountains, too. Spring is on the way, but winter likes to hang on in the northern states.

    1. Yep, definitely a small town with very friendly folks! We were very surprised to see that all their side streets were dirt roads and not paved, almost thought we were back in Mexico. :-)

      We're heading north for the warmer weather! ;-)

  7. Yes, your pictures look like it is a cold, dreary day! Temp in Ottawa is only 5 this p.m. but lots of sunshine!

    1. It wasn't a nice day at all! Good day to sit back and take things easy and do a bit of baking.

      We are hoping that when we get back to Cabri we will be right back in the nice weather. They are calling for 28°C for next Wednesday, we'll see if the weather people are right.

  8. There is so many nice people out there and we have met a lots just like you.
    We travel when the weather is good and not so much when it is not.
    Enjoy the journey.

    1. Just like we said, there are way more nice people than there are bad people, good thing we almost always meet the good people! :-)

      There are times when it is fine to travel in not so good weather but other times you just have to sit and wait it out and then there are times when they don't give you a choice.

  9. Little towns and the wonderful people that live in them. Awesome! Hope your drive through the mountains goes safe.

    1. Little towns are normally way more friendly than big cities, guess that is why we generally prefer staying out in the country.

      The drive went very well yesterday, roads were all clear and for the most part dry.

  10. Good to be able to sit out iffy or crappy weather, and be comfy in the process. Nice people exist everywhere, but they mostly aren't "newsworthy."

    1. It was nice that we were able to do that, it just meant that we had three longer driving days in front of us.

      True, there are good people everywhere and lucky for us we always seem to meet up with them, in on way or another. :-)


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