Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Evergreen RV...out of business?

I spent two summer seasons running the parts department at an RV dealership. One of the brands that dealership sold was Evergreen RV's. Based on my time there, I always thought that they seemed like a well made trailer with some innovative ideas. I even think that they were one of the first ones to get away from that standard "white with stripes" color scheme that had been so common on a lot of trailers prior to their arrival on the scene in 2008.

 I read in the news this weekend that Evergreen RV has closed it's doors.

It's pretty tough to figure out how that could happen in a year when current news headlines say that there has been 7 straight years of unprecedented growth and that 2016 is set to break records again.

The company website says nothing about the closure. Their facebook page had been fairly active up until mid April when postings abruptly stopped. Funny, but their very last facebook post is titled "What's your RV Worth?". Well I tell you, if your RV is made by Evergreen, it's worth a lot less now than it was last week.

You have to feel bad for the people who bought recently. Obviously a company that is no longer in business can no longer stand behind their warranty.

Meanwhile, companies like Winnebago Industries say that a "thriving RV industry" has turned their fortunes around.

So how is it that a company that is in growth mode, with a huge backlog of orders can not come across additional funding if that was what was necessary. I don't get it. The company hasn't commented at all, yet they've laid off most of their 400 person staff.

Very strange way to shut things down. I'll be curious to see what comes of it.

A great deal on a highly rated pair of binoculars. For this price, you can't go wrong. If I could get these at this price in Canada, I would buy a pair...

Vanguard 10x42 Sprit ED Binocular (Black)


  1. Is it possible that the employees voted in a union? This can cause a company to close its doors...

    1. In this particular situation, I doubt it. But you're right, this can cause a company to close it's doors.

  2. It's not always a unionized workforce that causes businesses to close but if you see them reopen they have probably moved their operations to Mexico where the wages are even less than the U.S..

    It's about time.

    1. And that is why so many in in the USA are fed up with our gov paycheck collectors. These RV manufactures are using the CHEAPEST parts and charging more and paying barely above the min wage. It's not the workers getting a savings built for a rainy day, it's the corp chair sitters who are building their retirement up to over 6 figures.... when employees vote in Union or stand for higher wages and benefits... the company shuts down and often runs across the border.... it's all about to come to halt in the USA. The Trump train is picking up riders all around the usa.

    2. Not true about minimum wages. Forest River and Grand Design workers make $55K to $65K per year. Besides, if you work for minimum wage or slightly above, it's you're own fault.

  3. There can be lots of reasons that a company folds that has nothing to do with demand for the product. I worked breifing for a compnay that was in business for 15o years with a union workforce and lots of demand. They actually folded due to a greedy board of directors hiring the wrong CEO to make them richer faster -you know-the those folks- and they ended up with a load of poor investments and poor decisons that forced a perfectly good compnay to close its doors. Good or bad management does count:)

  4. I looked at Evergreen products 6 years ago. I really liked their travel trailers, but they were very pricey, up there with Airstream trailers. I was asked by the company sales rep what would I pay? I compared them to Airstream, but they did not have the longevity and reputation to go with the high price.

    1. Yes, but they obviously didn't have a problem selling them despite the higher price. Rumour has it there was a huge order backlog.

  5. Gross sales revenue means nothing. "Management" does

    1. Of course gross sales revenue does mean something. In order to make money, you need to either increase sales or reduce costs. Or, a combination of the two. It is up to management to make those things happen.

  6. We have been looking at the Evergreen Bay Hill with the rear kitchen. We are now ready to buy and have two spotted but now we're not sure whether to buy one or not.

    1. It's a tough call, that's for sure. On the one hand, the unit you're looking for can certainly be purchased for less now than it could be a week ago. You could end up with a really good unit at a really good price. On the other hand, there will likely not be anyone to stand behind the product or to offer advice should anything go wrong. That's the risk you take.

    2. I bought a 2016 Reactor toy hauler after the closing (dealer gave a huge discount), and I don't regret it. Note that the warranties from all of the component manufacturers are still intact, regardless of Evergreen's demise. I never considered a Reactor because of the high price, but I paid considerably less than a similar sized FR Wolf Pack -- it was a no brainer and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

    3. Yep, I knew there would be deals to be had after the fact. You're really only on the wrong side of things if you bought before the closing.

  7. I currently own an Ascend by Evergreen. Its been the most troublefree camper i've ever owned. I never needed to use the warranty while it was in effect, but, i do keep up with the maintenance. The only issue i've had is the damper on the microwave vent let go. Can purchase a replacement on Amazon for 14 dollars.

    1. Kevin said that when he worked at the RV dealership and Evergreen started coming out with their units, he thought that they seemed really well made. So glad you have been enjoying your trouble-free unit. Too bad they had to close up, though.

  8. I'm really sadden by this news of Evergreen closing. We have been looking for a long time for a fifth wheel that is able to haul a motorcycle. We loved their floor plan with the cycle in the rear slide-out. I spoke with a salesmen from Lifestyle this past spring. He mentioned to call back later in the summer that they was redesigning the floor plan. Now I know why I haven't received any responses to my phone calls, emails. So sad.

    1. Yes, it is a shame when company that sells a well made item closes it's door but I guess not enough people were willing to fork over the extra dollars. I bet you can find some good used units of theirs out there but not sure that you will find the one that you want with the floor plan that you would prefer.

  9. We bought the 36rl in Oct 2013 it is a 2014 it has been a total nite mare slide leak black water tank fell out while parked at a rv park nothing but problems we filed with the Attorney General in Indiana Bayhill ignored them now filed with the AG here in AZ now I know why they don't answer the Attorney General office. Now we are stuck with a total lemon unless there is a class action suit .

    1. Wow, that sucks that you got stuck with a lemon and really have no recourse now that they have closed their doors. We never knew anyone personally that had one but when Kevin had worked at the parts department at an RV dealership he seemed impressed with the quality of the product. Also we have only really heard good things about them but like any company there are always going to be some that just aren't up to the quality that they should be. I hope that you are able to find some kind of help and compensation. It must be very frustrating!

  10. We just purchased an Evergreen last year, not even a year ago. Now we need warranty work done, called the place where we purchased it and we were told, sorry no warranty work can be done on it. So if we need any warranty work it comes out of our pockets. Why are consumers NOT protected, maybe I should stop paying on it, BUT if I do that then my credit will be no good. So, now my husband has to do the work, we have to have the money come out of our pockets, we are not rich!!!

    1. That is very frustrating for you, and we totally agree that there should be some kind of recourse in place for times like this or like a number of years ago when the RV industry was in such a downturn that quite a few companies closed their doors. It's especially hard when you have paid the extra money as well for an extended warranty. It seems that the customer is the last on the list when comes to handing out any leftover money for a situation like this. I hope that the warranty work you need done isn't too serious of a problem on your unit.

  11. We have had several problems with our NEW Evergreen Bay Hill. Within a few weeks of purchase we were told there would be no warranty coverage. The trailer is at the dealership now getting winterized. I truly believe that my trailer is one of the last off the assembly line. We have had all kinds of trouble. Tonight I received a call from the dealership. Someone broke ONLY into my 5th wheel and stole all the electronics. And trashed the trailer. The dealer told me tonight I would have to pay for all the replacement electronics and damage. Even though it was in their possession!!!!!!!!

    1. So sorry to hear about the problems you have been having. It really sucks when you buy something new and then find out the company has closed it's doors. I would think that for major appliances (fridge, stove, furnace and AC etc.) would be cover under warranty with the companies that supplied those particular items. As for the theft, wouldn't your insurance cover those items for you? Pretty bad that the dealership hasn't come through for you.

  12. We bought a 2016 Evergreen Bayhill 5th wheel. What a nightmare it has been. The fireplace wiring caught fire and fried our fireplace, fridge, microwave, internet, cable and dishwasher. They told us it was a bad inverter. They fixed it but we are still without microwave and dishwasher. When we took it down there he guy ran the top of or 5th wheel and dented it. Hike we are waiting to take it back down to get the 2 appliances fixed we noticed a leak under the 5th wheel, under where our bathroom is. Our waste is leaking into the under carriage and the whole bottom is sagging. We tried to get it all out but have been unsuccessful. Yes it stinks really bad. This is he biggest heap of crap we have ever seen at a very costly price and NO WARRANTY! Even our extended warranty is very limited. I wish we would have never purchased this poorly made heap! Buyer beware... do not buy anything Evergreen. You will be very sorry.

    1. Wow, sounds like you got a stuck with a real lemon and the fact that they are no longer in business really sucks. Normally we have only heard good things about Evergreen but of course every business out there will have a lemon, even the really quality made units. We have heard some bad stories about them as well. Hope some how or other you can get things fixed or find some kind of recourse but it unfortunately doesn't sound good. We wish you luck!

  13. We have had our 2012 Evergreen 25RB since 2013 and we've been trying to get an electrical schematic so we can trace the TV connection. That's the only trouble we have had from day 1. There's a short somewhere, but would like to know which way it runs before just removing cabinets, etc just to trace it down.

    1. Glad to hear that this has been your only problem with your unit. I hope you are able to track down the schematics and then find and fix your short. I am sure it is just a little frustrating when you aren't able to get in touch with the company anymore.

  14. We a 2011 Evergreen 29 travel trailer and loved it and had no problems with it while we owned it. We decided to buy a Bayhill 5th wheel from Boat and Rv world in Tennessee. This was the first mistake in the purchassing the RV from this (Crappy) company. After we signed the paper work they wanted me to sign a waiver that my Dodge Ram 2500 was not suppose to tow that much weight and they would not be held liable for this.
    The BayHill 43 Bunkhouse spent much of it time in the shop the first year. Then it went back to Evergreen to be repaired for three months. We continue to have problems with it the next two years. We traded in for a class A motorhome to get rid of the Lemon.

    1. Sorry that your second Evergreen trailer ended up being a lemon but that also happens to other makes as well. Hope you are now enjoying your Class A motorhome.

  15. Does anyone know where you can research parts. Mine needs a ladder. Also I have an extended warranty.Bet thats no good. Had no idea they were out of businessman up. Mines a 2014 fifth wheel. Costly sucker. Now I can't find parts. 😔😔😔😔

    1. Can't really help you on this other than to tell you to try searching the internet. I am sure there are people out there that could give you advice. If you are on facebook they have an Evergreen RV group you could join and ask questions. You can find the group at

  16. We are looking at a Sun Valley S23RB. It looks nice but are we better off to spend our money elsewhere? All these comments make it sound like a grim future if anything should go wrong with it. We are about ready to offer $5,000 less than the asking price at a reputable dealer.

    1. No, I would still buy it, keeping in mind that you had better be handy with fixing things yourself. Or, if you are willing to pay to have minor things fixed then you had better get it at a good enough price. The dealer markup on most trailers is 50%, so I would be starting at more than $5,000 off the asking price.

  17. I am looking at a 2011 Evergreen Everlite 30 foot, used, but not much. It looks good, and is priced right ($18,000 Canadian$) I like the layout, but I have heard some nasty things about them. It seems the quality dropped off in the later years, So I am thinking this one should be during the higher quality years/ What do you think?

    1. If you think it's priced right, and it's in good shape, and you like the layout, then you should be happy with it. If there were any problems related to manufacturing, you would think they have already been looked after by the previous owners.

  18. I just bought a 2015 Ever-Lite 31REW (2-2021) I noticed the clearance lights were not working correctly. The front lights at the hitch would stay on and the bedroom would blow a fuse after a few minutes. I found the problem in the cargo hold. You have to take the access hatch off and pull down the paneling that has the power stabilizer switches on them. On the left side you will see Purple, green and blue wires as well as a 110 v wire. Follow these wires till they enter the body of the trailer. The wires all enter a hole cut in to wood and composite. Inside that hole is where the problem is. I ended up having to cut the floor to access the wires. It looks like when they manufactured the RV they did not drill the hole deep enough for the wire to pass over the metal L beam. When the floor was installed it can down and crushed the wires. I suppose it to some time for the wire to burn. When I got to the wires they were all melted together. I fixed it by removing the bad section of wires took a piece of pex water pipe and made a conduit to get it thru to the open area under the trailer. These are well made just a few issues.

    1. Good to hear that you found and fixed your issue. We had a similar problem with our old motorhome as well, over time when our wiring harness was rubbing against the rad support and a number of the wires ended up shorting out. It took us a while to find the problem but once we did it was an easy fix and then we put something over the rad support to stop it from happening again. We hope that you will enjoy your new to you trailer. :-)


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