Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sad that we're not going with him!

We worked into the evening yesterday getting Sherman ready to go on his adventure. Our motorhome exchange people arrive Wednesday evening. They'll spent a couple of days here familiarizing themselves with Sherman, and then they'll be off for two months of touring the Rocky Mountains west of here.

We are definitely sad that it's not us going with him!  However, we get to look forward to two months exploring Spain next January and February.

I removed everything from the lower storage compartments and vacuumed them. Some stuff they won't be needing, so I set it aside here until they get back in August. I checked, cleaned and topped up the batteries, so they'll be good for the two months they're gone. He has a fresh oil change, so that's good until they get back.

And I installed a new windshield washer container and pump. The old one had gone bad last year and I had bought a new one while in the U.S. earlier this year but hadn't got around to installing it yet. Now that's done.

And I had wanted to properly remove the rear bumper and paint it, but simply never got to it. So it got a "quickie" job just to make it look better.

"Good from far, but far from good", as we used to say in the auto body business when somebody wanted a quickie job.

Meanwhile, Ruth finished up the new curtains and we got one of them installed last night. Not the easiest, because the valance had to come off as well, and then the new curtain rod. But, the finished product looks nice and we no longer have to fuss with the blinds that always seemed to give us problems.

Not the greatest picture, but you get the idea.

The parts didn't show up in time for me to attempt the exhaust manifold leak, so that will be a project to do in September before we leave with Sherman for the two week drive back to Ottawa.

In the park, the water level is now rising. That's all good, but the question is yet to be answered as to just how far up it will rise. The forecast didn't look good, but they've had some rains west of here and the snowmelt is definitely coming from the mountains, so time will tell.

Normal height has the water coming to the base of that picnic table!

The water has risen almost two feet since we arrived on May 1st...however, it needs to rise another three feet to make our boat launch useable.

Our boat launch ramp.

Ruth went and bought some of the flowers for the park.

Speaking of flowers, our lilac hedge has a lot of them this year!

Ruth and Lindsey took Cameron and Sadie in to the town of Cabri for lunch yesterday. And, they went to the library.

Sadie, reading with her friends at the library.

Mom and Cameron, picking out some library books.

And then, off to the House of Heart Cafe for lunch.

Great deal today only, on a 12 volt hand held vacuum...

And in Canada, seems to have finally upgraded their system to be comparable with the U.S. system. There are now four "deals of the day"...


  1. Sherman looks ready for action. Nice to see kids with books...

    1. He looks like he is ready and roaring to go!

      The kids love books and reading. :-)

  2. I think Sherman will enjoy the journey and maybe share some adventures with you.

    1. We are really hoping to get some pictures and some updates on his adventures as he travels along over the next 2 months.

  3. Looks like a great family time this summer. I know you and Ruth have enjoyed having them visit.

    I'm enjoying my new air compressor you reviewed a couple weeks ago. It is well made and the gauge is excellent.

    1. We have loved having them here and are going to miss them so much when they leave today. Good thing we will be seeing them again in October. :-)

      So happy to hear that you like your new compressor, Kevin felt the same about the quality as you.

  4. I hope they are good to Sherman and I hope Sherman is good to them! And what an adventure awaits you in Spain when they return the favour!

    1. I have no doubt that they will be great with Sherman because they know that we will be using their unit in January. Kevin feels that he has made sure Sherman is in tip-top condition for them so hopefully Sherman won't give them any issues.

      We are sure looking forward to exploring Spain by motorhome next winter.

  5. Sounds like y'all are having a marvelous state to summer. I am sure Sherman will miss you and much as you miss him.

    1. Other than all the rain we have had a wonderful start to summer. It has been so much fun having Lindsey, Cameron and Sadie here and see everything from a little kid's perspective of the park and the wildlife here.

      Yes, I am sure the feeling will be mutual for Sherman.

  6. Seems like this would be a great exchange, but it must seem very weird to have others drive off in your RV! Here's hoping all goes well for everybody, and the lake does rise!

    1. Yes, it is going to be very weird. At the beginning we were really unsure but as the time got closer we started feeling much more reassured about the whole exchange thing.

      We are keeping our fingers crossed that the lake will rise high enough to allow boats to launch.

  7. The kids grow so fast. I love to see them reading. Wish we had more parents who took an interest in their child's development.

    BTW, did you ever see the movie "Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing"? Timothy Bottoms and Maggie Smith on a trip through Spain including a short stint in a travel trailer. Great scenery of Spain. Check it out.

    1. Sadie and Cameron love their books and going to the library. Lindsey is doing an amazing job with them.

      Thanks for the movie recommendation we will see if we can download it.

  8. Must be hard to watch the motorhome head out without you. Enjoying reading is sure an important part of childhood:)

    1. Yes, it is definitely going to be weird watching Sherman drive away without us but it will be nice that he is being used and not just sitting around gathering dust all summer long.

      I love that Lindsey spends lots of time reading to them and with them. I think Sadie is going to be a librarian or a teacher when she grows up. She loves reading stories to her dolls, stuffed animals and anyone else willing to listen and she even holds the book correctly when reading to an audience! :-)


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