The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

A motorhome built for two

There is a common saying among RV'ers here in North America....

How many people fit in your RV?

6 for drinks, 4 for dinner, and 2 for sleeping!

But when we get to Spain in January and have the use of this nice little motorhome for two months, it's unlikely that we will be squeezing in six people for drinks. Even four for dinner is going to be tight!

The motorhome we will be using is a McLouis Lagan model 252. It's built on a 2005 Fiat Ducato chassis, with a 2.3 litre diesel engine. It's made in Italy! And it's only 20 feet long!

I found a video online that shows a little more detail...

And here's an exterior photo...

2005 McLouis Lagan 252

The only thing I think we'll miss is having an oven to use. Ruth uses our motorhome's oven a lot. But, for two months we will do just fine.

It's going to be so much fun!

Lonely Plant's Ultimate Travel book is on sale. This would be a great coffee table book!


  1. Looks efficient, but cozy. Can't wait for your posts on your European adventure!

    1. I think we will be very happy with it. We can't wait either Dianne but we still have a few more things to look forward to before then. :-)

  2. You will love it, for touring nothing beats the little footprint. When we downsized from our big 5th wheel we realized the little guy suited our style of travel much better :-) Looking forward to hearing about your impressions of Spain as its on our radar too! Either Spain or Mexico for next winter!! Gotta put all that Spanish language study to work.

    1. I am sure we will, especially when we go to the fuel pumps! It is supposed to be very fuel efficient. :-) Also having something small to drive around with in Europe is always a bonus.

      Whether you go to Spain or Mexico, we are sure you will love either of them. We are looking forward to working more on our Spanish there as well. I am sure it is going to take a bit of getting used to, it will be slightly different than Mexico, especially the accent.

  3. The bed looks narrow. Good thing neither of you are very big! How will you manage with your English friends?

    1. I don't understand your question...

    2. Didn't you say that Ruth's cousin and hubby would probably visit you in Spain? Guess they will stay in a hotel!

    3. Oh, yes. We figured that all along though. Hotel, guesthouse, B&B...or whatever.

  4. Well, it's small, but better than a tent! Drinks for four could work...

    1. Yes, it will be much better than a tent!

      I am pretty sure there will be drinks for four on a number of occasions. :-)

  5. Love the size. Efficient use of space. Perfect for one (or two very close friends!). I'd like to see Ruth balance a chicken on that countertop! Fun adventures ahead!

    1. Lol, there isn't an oven Grace so I doubt that I will be cooking a whole chicken but you may be surprised. If any balancing is done, we will certainly take a picture! ;-)

  6. Who wants to cook when you're touring Europe?!!! :cD

    1. Well there might be the odd time that we eat out but I suspect that we will be cooking most of our meals, our budget can't handle too many meals out! ;-)

  7. How awesome! Can't wait to follow your next adventure!

    1. And, we can't wait to tell everyone about the adventures that we will have. :-)

  8. Cute little thing! Probably very efficient (sans oven).

    1. Yep, it does look like a cute little thing! :-)

  9. Looks like a wonderful rig to tour with, We had a class B for 7 years then a 23 ft class c and really enjoyed them both.
    Think that rig will work our wonderful, just need a Weber Q to cook a lot of meals on.

    1. Thanks George, we think it will work out perfectly for us over there. Unfortunately, it does not come with a Weber Q! :-(

  10. looks like a good size for getting around those small tiny villages.

  11. ruth's new hairdo looks cute almost wouldn't recognize her ???
    If you have a lp gas stove Coleman has a stove top oven not very expensive or try a 2 or 3 tier Dutch oven

    1. No new hairdo Mister Ed, that is an old picture from 2012. That was actually the last time I coloured my hair!

      I'm not sure that you could buy a Coleman stove top oven over there and we certainly won't be taking one with us. For 2 months, I will be just fine without a stove. We have done it before when we have travelled, we can do it again. As long as I can cook our meals, I am happy.

  12. That's a bit smaller than the 'mini-winnie' built on the MB Sprinter chassis that we have. It'll be a perfect for touring, you'll love it!

    1. Thanks Jeff, I am sure we will do just fine with it too!

  13. What a fun vehicle to tour Europe in! You are going to have such a great time in it. Our travel trailer likewise doesn't have an oven, so we carry a small toaster oven instead. We alaoso use it to make toast and warm leftovers. I know this is just a loaner, but you might want to pick one up once you get there in that they are pretty inexpensive.

    1. Yes, we think it will be a fun vehicle and a great experience too. We will see when we get there about a toaster oven. We are planning on doing a fair bit of boondocking so electricity use will be at a bare minimum.

  14. Lots of places sell food already cooked, I would think you good probably buy cooked whole chicken in Spain. kinda like Mexico! Who needs to sit inside in Spain, drinks for 20 outside!!!

  15. We did 3 months in South Africa with one the same size and it was great

    1. Yep, we don't have a problem with the size at all. It should work perfectly for us.

  16. WOW, that looks great. We bought one of these Coleman ovens that sit on our stove (either inside or our outside portable burner) and they work GREAT!!! I know many ice fisher people that use them, as well. They are not full size at all.... but they do work, you can control the temp well with the stove burner, and they fold flat for easy storage.

    1. Well maybe we will have to have a look to see if we can find one of these stoves when we get over to Spain. I didn't realize that they fold all up like that. There is no way though that we would buy it beforehand and take it will us, we travel to lightly to be able to do that! Having said that we have done lots of traveling where I haven't had the use of a stove for weeks or more and we haven't had a problem with finding enough to cook just on the stove top. :-)


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