The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Guess who is home?

Yep, two months have flown by, and Sherman is now back home with us. Tana and Graham arrived here yesterday afternoon at about 4:30pm. What an adventure they have all had!

They left here June 8th and headed to Drumheller, Alberta and the dinosaur park there. Then, it was off to Banff and Jasper and the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Of course that included a stop at beautiful Lake Louise. And then a couple of days at the world famous Calgary Stampede.

Sherman's travels the last two months.

From there, the continued their exploring of the National Parks with visits to Waterton Lake National Park, Glacier National Park, and then south to Yellowstone National Park.

But although they enjoyed the National Parks, one of their favorite stops was a quiet little park in Alberta called Blood Indian Park where they have what is said to be the best trout fishing in Alberta. This is where they spent the last week of their trip before arriving back here yesterday.

And what did they bring back with them?

Fresh lake trout for dinner!

Stuffed with butter and shrimp!

10 minutes on each side.

Cooked to perfection.

And they also brought us a treat. Thanks for the wine and beer Tana and Graham! What a feast we had!

So today, I take them to Regina airport. 

I haven't been out of the park since late June other than a couple of trips to the town of Cabri, so I'm actually looking forward to the 3 hour drive each way.

Sherman was a pretty good boy for their trip. They had the problem with the main 1,000 watt inverter, but it's still under warranty. They had hooked up the spare 400 watt inverter, and it served them fine until the day before yesterday when it went on the fritz as well. Then only a few miles from the park, they got a big stone chip on the driver's side windshield. Oh well, Saskatchewan is famous for stone chips, and there were already two other ones in that windshield as well. Other than that, no problems.

And so now we can look forward to part two of the motorhome exchange, where we get to use their little motorhome in southern Spain (and possibly France and Portugal) for the months of January and February 2017.

Wow. This is a good deal...

Mountain House 4 Day Emergency Food Supply


  1. Do they live permanently in Spain?

  2. I've got a couple of stone chips in my RV windshield recently. I have no idea where I'd get a replacement or how much it would cost, but it doesn't look cheap.

    1. I'm going to find out when we get to Ottawa in October.

    2. If you have the package policy on your plates the windshield is free no deductible

    3. No Wendy we don't have the package policy, just the basic one.

  3. Welcome home Sherman! Dinner looks delicious...

    1. Sherman says thank you Peter! :-)

      Dinner was delicious, thanks to Tana and Graham for the fish stuffed with shrimp, butter and garlic.

  4. FANTASITC! We bought a 24' class C last fall and hope to do an exchange sometime. Great to know it works.

    1. That is wonderful that you are wanting to do a motorhome exchange as well Diana! We can't wait to show you how the other half of the exchange goes.

  5. Replies
    1. We were pretty confident that it would. Now we just have to hope that the other half will go as well.

  6. Are you sure they are Lake Trout? Blood Indian is a stocked lake and they don't usually stock small lakes with lake Trout.

    1. A fisherman, I am not. They said they were trout and that they came from a lake. I assumed then, that they are lake trout. I could easily be wrong...

    2. Look like rainbow trout to me.

    3. On second look magnified ....they may be brook trout.

    4. From looking at their website I would say that they are probably either rainbow or brook. As Kevin says, we are not fisherman but we do know that they are trout of some kind. ;-)

  7. Hello friends. it's like having your child back home. and these must be riquisimas rainbow trout. Bon Appetite. regards

    1. Hi Paco and Oty, yes it is sort of like having your child back home safe and sound. I think Sherman enjoyed his trip though.

      You are a good fisherman, so you are probably right that they are rainbow trout. Whether they are or not, they were delicious. :-)

      Hola Paco y Oty, sí que es algo así como tener a su hijo de vuelta a casa sano y salvo. Creo Sherman disfrutó de su viaje, aunque.

      Usted es un buen pescador, por lo que probablemente tengan razón de que son la trucha arco iris. Ya sea que estén o no, estaban deliciosos. :-)

  8. Nice that Sherman served them well.
    We have replaced our drivers side windshield 2 times, First time near Tucson AZ, 7 years ago for $900. US dollars second time in Ontario 3 years ago, for $1,600 CDN dollars both times our insurance covered it (Wayfarer Insurance) with only our $100. deductible.
    Good luck.

    1. Class "C" windshields are cheap. We replaced ours in Idaho a few years ago for under $400 US aster a turkey vulture flew through it. Our dedundible is $500 CA so we did not bother making a claim.

    2. My Class A single piece windshield, installed/delivered is $2800 US. If installed in a location where no crating and shipping is involved you save $500. The windshield is only(smile) $1400 but there is an inner and outer seal, glue and labour for the difference.
      Have a chip fixed as soon as possible before it spreads. When you get the chip place a piece of scotch tape over it to keep the dirt out. With a $2500 Cdn deductible, I know the pain of chips in my second windshield for a 2014 model.

    3. Our insurance doesn't cover the windshield so it will be out of our pocket but the problem that we will have is trying to find one, seeing that the unit is a 1996.

      We are definitely going to see if we can get the chip filled first before having to go the other route.

  9. The fish looks delicious! Welcome home Sherman.

    1. It was delicious and cooked to perfection. :-)

  10. Great! Glad he's home and behaved himself for the trip! Trout look really good. Yummy!

    1. So are we Chris, although we knew Sherman would be on his best behaviour! ;-)

      The trout was delicious.

  11. Don't ninety looks delicious. So glad it worked out so well.

    1. We are very happy that it worked out well too and now we are looking forward to our half of the exchange.

  12. Replies
    1. They had a great time, couldn't wipe the smile off their faces! :-)


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