The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy National Toilet Paper Day

The funny things you come across reading the news. Yep, it's National Toilet Paper Day.

So, as you are sitting on the throne today, you can think of all the poor toilet paper that has sacrificed itself for your benefit. Too funny.

Pretty sure there aren't any parades or time off work associated with this particular celebration!

We don't read much of the news. And we certainly don't watch any of it on television. Most of it is far too depressing, and you can't believe half of it anyhow. Besides, I don't need to hear and see every detail of the bad things that go on every day.

That's not to say I don't like staying on top of what's going on in the world, but I tend to scan the headlines online and then only follow up on the things that interest me.

Ruth read something the other day about a couple who live full time in their motorhome and they make over $50,000 per month (yes, per month) from their blog. It's more of a financial blog than a travel or RV blog, but she does go into that stuff as well.

So I thought this warranted some more research, and it appears to be true. She's been blogging since 2011, and has turned her blog into a money making machine.

Her blog is very popular. She gets about 600,000 page views per month. In comparison, Travel with Kevin and Ruth gets around 85,000 page views per month.

So if she can make $50,000 per month from her blog, shouldn't we be able to make around $7,000 per month in comparison?

It seems like a pipe dream, and yet I can see how it can be done. I never would have thought that we could make $1,000 a month from Amazon, and yet it looks like we are going to break that level this month.

So more research is warranted.

In celebration of National Toilet Paper Day (I'm not kidding!), Quilted Northern brand has their Ultra Soft and Strong 24 pack on sale dirt cheap...

Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong, 24 Supreme (90+ Regular) Rolls TOILET PAPER

For this price, it's worth stocking up.

And while you're at it, you might as well add on some Finish Dishwashing tabs because they're on super cheap as well...

Finish All in 1 Powerball Mega Pack, 90 Tablets, Super Charged Automatic Dishwasher Detergent


  1. What a day to celebrate. Making money with the blog is a great way to earn a living and looks like this young couple are doing a great job.

    1. Yep, we all need to be thankful for toilet paper! :-)

      It certainly seems like they have a great thing going but I suspect that she/they spend a lot of time on the computer in order to do this well.

  2. If you only got more views you would make that much more on Amazon. I am happy to have you on my sidebar :)

    1. Yes, that would be nice but we are also happy with how we are doing, it's way better then we ever thought but it has also taken lots of work, although we do enjoy doing it and helping people along the way. :-)

  3. It has to be one of the greatest ways to make money. You don't need to make much when you don't need much... Your blog is continuously excellent.

    1. No, you definitely don't need much when you don't spend much. So glad you are enjoying the blog Peter.

  4. Hahaha...people will throw a party for just about anything. Yes, I'll drink to that.

    1. And, they can use toilet paper for the party decorations! ;-)

  5. Never understood toilet paper. People use it like their going to clean the house with it. Did you ever wonder why it comes in small squares? Eat right, have good flora in your stomach and by doing that, you'll save trees! Fact.

    1. Yep, I don't understand how some people go through toilet paper. I see it here at the campground when the toilet gets plugged up, way too much paper in the toilet! :-(

  6. It doesn't make any difference if you use 50 Cent a roll toilet paper or $10 a roll toilet paper the quality all comes through,,,as long as your fingers don't

    1. Except that you may have to use up more of the 50 cent toilet paper opposed to the $10 roll of toilet paper! ;-)

  7. Yet another celebration I did not know about:)

  8. Thank you Dugg! Yes, lots of time and work goes into the blog and not only the blog but the emails that we get as well that are generated from the blog or from Facebook. We enjoying doing it though and hope that some of the information that we have on our blog has helped someone out there.

    Lol, I have to laugh at your "meaningful posts" comment, when this one is about National Toilet Paper Day! ;-)

  9. This is Michelle from Making Sense of Cents. Thank you for the mention :)

    1. You are welcome Michelle. Congratulations on doing so well. :-)

  10. Is National Toilet Paper Day a Canadian thing? 'Cause down here in the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free today (Aug 26) is National Dog Day.

    1. Looking it up on the internet it appears that it is both National Dog Day as well as National Toilet Paper Day both on the same day. I saw some references to it being National Toilet Paper Day in the USA and National Dog Day in Canada and then on other sites I see it as being both.


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