The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

And we're off!

On the one hand, it feels like the last five months went by fairly quickly. But on the other hand, and as expected, the last few weeks dragged a little bit.

But the day is finally here! We're officially off work today, and we'll be traveling pretty much non stop for the next seven months!

And hopefully you'll come visit us here every day to see what we've been up to.

First up, is a two week motorhome trip to Ottawa!

3,124 kms (1,937 miles).

We hope to arrive at our daughter's house in Osgoode (just outside of Ottawa) on October 7th. So, we have to average 223 kms (138 miles) per day for 14 days. I'm sure there will be some 300 km days, and some days where we don't drive at all.

Notice we're taking the northern route through Ontario and into Quebec, and then south to Ottawa. Never done that road before, so there will be some new scenery along the way for us. And, we'll be able to stock up on cheaper beer in Quebec!

Other than stopping to see friends in Moose Jaw this evening, and in Rivers Provincial Park in Manitoba, we don't have many stops planned along the way. As is our usual method of motorhome travel, we'll just wing it. 

But Sherman is raring to go, and we can't get on the road if we're sitting here talking to you so we better get going!

Popular (and pricey) Teva sandals are on deal of the day today at Amazon. If you've always wanted some of these comfortable and high quality sandals, now is the time to get them...

And in Canada...a great deal on an HP printer...


  1. Happy Motoring. See you on the flip side.

  2. Ya better point Sherman south pretty soon. lol

    1. Sherman won't be headed very far south this year!

  3. Happy days! Safe travels and drive between the lines!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Dianne, and trust us we will enjoy our travels. Hope you have a great winter as well.

  5. Looking forward to your photos of northern Quebec. Never been there.

    1. We are looking forward to it as well. I was there way back when I was 10 years old or so but Kevin never has been so it will be pretty new to us both.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Misty, we will have a great time. :-)

  7. I hope you have the kayak with you. There are some very nice lakes in Laveranderie Park.

    1. Yes, the kayak is with us and if the weather permits we hope to get it out a few times before the cold weather hits.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Sherry, we are looking forward the all the new adventures. :-)

  9. Safe travels. Hope there is no snow up that way.

    1. Thank you Paul and Marsha, we hope that there won't be snow either!

  10. Travel safe, enjoy the scenery and shiny side up !

  11. Stay warm. It has already snowed in Colorado

    1. Yep, the nights are cold here as well but no snow. Hopefully we won't come across any snow as we go through northern Ontario.

  12. hello Quevin and ruth. we are glad they are already ready to travel again. We deceamos them luck and do not encounter problems in their way. that God leads them safe. We send a cordial greeting and a big hug

    1. Gracias Paco y Oty, estamos felices de estar de vuelta en el camino otra vez y con ganas de nuevas aventuras.
      Extrañaremos México este año y ver a los dos. Por favor decir hola a todo el mundo para nosotros. :-)

      Thank you Paco and Oty, we are happy to be back on the road again and looking forward to new adventures.

      We will miss Mexico this year and seeing both of you. Please say hi to everyone for us. :-)


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