The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Another camping season comes to an end...

And just like that, the summer is over.

Kids (and teachers) are back in school, farmers are working the harvest, and our campground is pretty much empty of people. There are still a lot of trailers here though. The seasonal campers have two weeks from yesterday to remove their trailers from the park, so they'll be disappearing between now and September 19th.

We still have lots of work to do, but we can do it at our own pace. Hedges need trimming, five bathrooms buildings need to be shut down and winterized, the water system has to be shut down and blown out, the beaver fence needs to be installed along the shoreline.

And because the trees were early to leaf out in May, it seems they're also early to lose their leaves this fall. So we can probably get an early start to leaf cleanup during our last few days here so there will be a little less to do in the spring!

But, we can also finally take an hour or two here and there to do some recreation of our own.

We took an hour to go for another kayak ride yesterday morning.

Off we go!

A nice calm day.


No, that's not a clothes line. It's a leash. 
Sherman is raring to go, so we have to hold him back!

And I'm going to do some work to Sherman over the next week as well. I have to change those exhaust manifold studs. Looks like that will be Thursday's job since they're calling for rain that day. And I had ordered that windshield repair kit and it should arrive this week. And, he needs an oil change.

Then, in a couple of weeks we can move into Sherman and that gives us lots of time to  shut down and winterize the house trailer here.

We're going for a hike this morning...gotta get those hiking muscles back into shape! Perfect temperature for it, and the cooler weather seems to have settled down the mosquito population.

Have a great day!

The top selling sink garbage disposal unit is on sale at a fantastic price this morning...

And here in Canada, the top quality KitchenAid mixer is on sale again...


  1. And not is over, what a relief for you as well as us the campgrounds are nice and quiet now. Enjoy your down tome and getting things done. Good luck with the exhaust manifold ours way a 4 day job for 12 broken stubborn studs.

    1. We may still get the odd camper through but yes, the main camping season is over and yes, we are enjoying the peace and quiet. :-)

      Hoping that the exhaust manifold job goes well too! Kevin did notice that this job has been done before on the motorhome sometime before we ever bought it so maybe it will go little better than if it was it's first time.

  2. Spoke with someone who has a trailer at a camp ground near Eganville and it doesn't close 'till end of October. They also had a pot luck on the weekend but money from the 50 - 50 draw was spent on pork so everyone brought something to go with that.

    1. When we were at the KOA in Kingston, it's last weekend was also Thanksgiving weekend. I guess here they just don't feel it is worth their while to pay someone to stick around until then when there isn't enough campers coming in to make it viable. As it was, Labour Day weekend had so little in the way of campers. All the farmers and their workers were out in the fields working and they make up a lot of our clientele.

      Our potluck didn't have many show up but those that did enjoyed their time. We might try it again but do it on the Saturday night instead and have it listed on our events calendar at the start of the season, that way more people will know about it, this year it was more of a last minute kind of thing.

  3. How do you like that style of life jacket Ruth?

    1. Not bad, definitely no problem with it shifting up on you. Maybe a little bulky at the side when paddling but otherwise it seemed fine. At least with this jacket it is a real life jacket in the sense that it will turn you over and keep your head out of the water should you be unconscious where the other jackets are just personal flotation devices (PFD) and will only keep you afloat but not as well as the one I have.

  4. That was a quiet end to your year, just work now no people, kind of a nice change. I am sure by seasons end you are a little tired of being social with all the campers

    1. Yes, it was a very quiet end to the season. There will still be the odd person around until September 19th when the seasonal campers have to have their units out of here and I am sure some people will go out in their boats until it gets too chilly but it looks like life goes back to normal for the majority of the population.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, and they seem to fly by quicker every season!

  6. lucky that your season is done so early..we are here till after Thanksgiving..the seniors are rolling in for that 'discounted camping rate'..enjoy the down time!!

    1. Yes, we are lucky that the season finishes early here. I can't imagine that the seniors are too much a problem for you. I don't expect they will have any wild parties that you have to and squash! ;-)

      Hope your next 6 weeks or so go by quickly.


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