Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

It finally arrived!

We've been planning our six week trip to Romania, and back at the beginning of August I had spoken to the Romania Tourism Board in New York City. They are the main contact in North America.

I had printed off a map of Romania and Ruth was doing the planning based on that. Pretty tough to do on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper! Anyhow the guy at Romania Tourism said they would send us a map, as well as some other information.

That was on August 5th!

It arrived this week. And, it was even post marked August 5th, so it looks like he did exactly as he said he would. How can it take five and a half weeks to get from New York City to here? Unbelievable.

Anyhow, it finally arrived, and now we can plan properly.

Ruth, planning for Romania with a decent size map!

While I do most of the actual travel planning as far as how to get from one place to the next, Ruth does most of the planning as to what we will be doing once we get there. 

Next week, I'll be buying the new "Rough Guide" travel guide to Romania. These are only updated once every three years or so, so we're lucky that we will have the brand new version that comes available September 20th.

Yesterday we drove out to Lac Pelletier Regional Park. It's located about 45 kms south of Swift Current. It's a much bigger park, with 250 campsites as well as cabins. We're glad we don't have that kind of a headache! They have 24 seasonal employees!

They have a nice path beside the road.

The problem is, when it's busy this park would be a zoo. And there's also a golf course here and most of the seasonals have their own golf carts and they would be zipping around everywhere, including on the nice path beside the road. And, although it's pretty, it's a fairly small lake and I can imagine it would be overrun with boats in the summer season.

Also, most of the seasonals pay the extra $200 to leave their trailer at the site over the winter. While this is convenient for the camper, and is extra revenue for the park, it makes it look really trashy. Because people seem to collect "stuff" and many of the seasonal trailers look like they've been there for years. It begins to look like a poorly maintained trailer park. Like I said, trashy.

Ruth, inspecting one of their washroom buildings. She said it was fine!

So, a nice visit to another one of Saskatchewan's Regional Parks, but as far as working there, no thanks. We were once again reminded that we like what we've got here at Cabri Regional Park. And on that note, we went to a meeting last night where we were again offered the position for next year. They want us back, and we want to come back. So it was pretty easy to come to an agreement, and I think both parties are happy with the outcome. We've signed the deal for next year.

Click here to see the deals of the day at Amazon.com!

And for our Canadian readers...

Click here to see the deals of the day at Amazon.ca!


  1. Nice that you finally got you map and out to see a bigger park, bigger is not better in my mind.

    1. Nope, you are right bigger is not always better. We prefer smaller. :-)

  2. It's good that you like the Park you are working in.

    1. If we didn't like it we wouldn't be coming back year after year! :-)

  3. Congratulations for signing again next year! Have a great time in Romania.

    1. Thanks Mark! Looking forward to our time in Romania. I think we are going to enjoy it there, just hope the weather is decent.

  4. Glad you guys decided to sign on for another year - you are raising the reputation of that park due to all your hard work on making things nice and clean (bathrooms) and landscaping. A well run park attracts people. It is nice to know you have a nice stable gig from year to year. I do 100% of the planning but I get more fun out of it that way on our holidays. Hubby just likes me to run the place by him and make sure it is somewhere he wants to go and lets me run with it. I haven't fouled up yet.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Cheapchick. We do try to do our best at making the park look good but it seems that the feature of this park is the lake and if the water level is down so low, like it was this year then it doesn't matter how much work we put into the park, we just can't attract them. The campers want their water, and that unfortunately is something that we have no control over. Hopefully it will be a much busier season for the park next year.

      We generally run by everything with each other. It is fun planning but we never over plan, we don't like being tied down too much to time constraints and we don't usually book accommodation until it's close to the time we would arrive at any particular location. It's nice when you can do your own planning rather than letting somebody else do it, although there are those out there that don't like doing that and feel more comfortable letting someone else do it all, whatever works, it is just nice to see people out travelling and seeing new things.

  5. Happy to hear you'll be back at Cabri next year!

  6. I hate when campgrounds allow people to start storing stuff all around their campsite. Trashy is the correct word. One campground allowed people to keep what ever they wanted as long as it as under their RV and had a cover over it. What a pain that would be.

    1. Yep, it can become a bit of an eyesore, we are glad that that doesn't happen here. Plus by having everyone remove their trailers and all of their stuff at the end of the season, we are able to do a really good cleanup in the spring time.

  7. Hello, I've between following your blog for several months as a fellow RVer, and always enjoy your perspectives. After I retired in 2004, I joined the Peace Corps and left for Romania in 2006, returned in 2009. You might like enjoy seeing the journal and photos from my experiences there. They are online at
    I know you'll enjoy your trip, let me know if you'd like local contacts over there.

    1. Thank you Kristin! I have already downloaded it and have started to read it. It will be interesting to read about your experiences there both good and bad. We are definitely getting pretty excited about our trip, we are just hoping that the weather will cooperate for us so that we can get out and about and also get in some good hiking.

      Please feel to email us some contacts if you would like at [email protected].

  8. Congrats on knowing where you'll be next summer! That's more than a lot of us can say!

    1. Yes, it is nice to know that things won't be up in the air for us but then again, if we didn't have to work than we would prefer to not know so far in advance what we will be doing the following summer. Good surprises are always nice.


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