The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? On the bus from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Out on the lake in the kayak

Had a good day off yesterday. Beautiful fall weather, not a cloud in the sky all day. We decided to get the kayak out and go for a boat ride on the lake.

Our friend Lorne was interested in seeing the kayak, so I brought the whole bag and showed him how easy it was to setup from start to finish.

In about 20 minutes, you're ready to go!

Ruth, out on the water.

Kayaking selfie!

Even took a video for you!

Beautiful day.

Nice and calm, not much wind.

This was only the third time we've used the kayak. Every time we use it, we can't believe it was so cheap. Great little boat for the price. 

You can get your own kayak here. Great for travel in the motorhome, and still at the same fantastic price that we paid for ours!

We were out for about an hour, which is about all we wanted it for. An hour is enough for us both. But after we made it back to shore, I wanted to see how well it did with just one person. So I moved the front seat as far back as it would go, which is about in the middle. And I went out by myself just for a few minutes. It works fine! So if one of us ever wants to go, but the other doesn't we have that option.

Kevin, out by himself.

Did I mention it was a beautiful day?

After lunch, Lorne and Sue and Charlie (their dog) took us for a drive to show us the area. They only just sold their house a couple of weeks ago, so they're full time in their motorhome. But they lived in this area a long time. 

First stop was an old run down Canadian Air Force Base. CFB Rivers operated as a flight training center for the Air Force from 1942 to 1971 when it was shut down. It's had various uses since then, and is now owned by an agricultural manufacturer. But really, its just a ghost town.

The Ghost Town of Rivers Air Force Base.

Empty barracks with broken windows.

And then we went and watched a huge potato farming operation. They're harvesting now, and it was interesting to see the machinery at work. We don't have potato farming in Saskatchewan, so this was a little different.

Out in the fields, the trucks are loaded with potatoes.

Then the trucks arrive at this sorting facility.

The potatoes are cleaned and sorted.

Most of the potatoes from this huge farm are sold to McCains where they are turned into frozen french fries!

Back at the park, Lorne and Sue prepared for the guests they were expecting that evening, while Ruth and I went for a walk in the park.

Some nice waterfront campsites.

And a trail through the Manitoba prairie grass. We did 4.3 kms (2.7 miles).

Ruth, practicing for mini-golf!

We sat around the evening campfire with a group of about 20 other people, friends and family of Lorne and Sue's, celebrating the end of their first season operating the concession and mini golf here at the park.

Two of the guests were a younger couple from Brazil. They've only been in Canada for a month! Her English wasn't too bad, but he could hardly speak any at all. Of course they speak Portuguese in Brazil, however they could both speak some Spanish as well. So we had fun talking to them in Spanish. She is going to school in Brandon, while he is volunteering somewhere and talking basic English classes. 

A fun evening. Thanks to Lorne and Sue for inviting us!

Funny enough, Lorne and Sue are heading for North Bay, Ontario next week in their motorhome. They'll be traveling quite a bit faster than us, so we'll likely see them again on the road sometime.

Today, we're back on the road ourselves. Heading for the far side of the city of Winnipeg, so we'll see how we do.


  1. I'll wave as you go past Winnipeg!

    1. We waved hi to you but we haven't totally passed by Winnipeg, we are staying at the Regent Casino for the night. Feel free to come by and say hi in person! ;-)

    2. I don't gamble but they have a really nice aquarium inside! My sister is moving to the city today or I would! Hope it's not too bright in the lot for you.

    3. We remember the aquarium from our last visit back in Oct. 2007, unfortunately they just closed that area off the day before because they are going to be doing construction in that area. :-(

      No problem, maybe on our next drive through the area. The parking lot wasn't too bright, our new blackout curtains work well, just need to make some more for our bedroom windows.

  2. Looks like a wonderful fun fall day, and the Kayak on the smooth lake was a bonus.

    1. It was a beautiful day yesterday, in every way!

  3. That kayak is a great purchase, nice you can use it as a single as you can't do that with a regular kayak. Safe travels!

    1. Yes, we are thinking that it was an excellent purchase!

  4. Glad you had a fun day without any driving.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to visit with us. We love to chat with other wanderers and your stories were fascinating. After seeing first hand how you handle blogging, Sue and I talked, and we think we will try it again so keep your eyes pealed for another "A place called away" blog spot sometime soon.

    We look forward to crossing paths many times in the future whether it be in Northern Ontario, Saskatchewan, or some pretty town in Mexico.

    Safe travels until we meet again.

    1. Thank you for inviting us and for your wonderful hospitality! We really enjoyed our time with you both and look forward to your updates on facebook.

      Somehow, I know our paths will cross again! :-)

  6. I love seeing the calmness of the water and the reflections of the fall colors in the water. Beautiful day for a super ride.

    1. So do we, and we are hoping to be able to get out on the water again before this trip is done. :-)


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