Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Scenery around the park

I haven't taken many photos from around the park this year. And we haven't been out for a hike at all this year. There have been too many mosquitoes out in the hills! Even slathering the bug spray on, they have been terrible.

We think that's about to change after this weekend though. Looks like the weather gods are flicking the switch, and summer is over...just like that! So, it should be too cold for the little buggers.

Really slow here at the park this Labour Day long weekend. Besides whatever seasonal campers show up, we have a total of 4 (yes, four) campers in our day to day camping area.

I expected better because I think we had more than that last year on Labour Day long weekend, and it poured with rain that whole weekend!

Sherman, waiting patiently.

The little red flags are where we planted spruce seedlings.

The water level is now higher than it was last year at this time.  

Ruth, doing some work on one of the hedges.

It's a big job cutting and trimming the hedges. They were neglected for many years, but we're slowly getting them back into shape.

So, yesterday was a nice day. High of about 26C (79F). But I think that's the end of it. Today is calling for 21C (70F) which is decent for working.

But tomorrow is a high of 17C (62F) and on Monday only 14C (57F). Brrr.

And just like that, we're into fall!

The marina is starting to fill up with water. Unfortunately, too little and too late.

This is a beautiful campsite, isn't it?? No neighbors either. But, it hardly gets used because it's too far from the bathrooms, and there are no hookups. We would camp here for a week!!

Scenery around the park.

Yep, the office is that way!

Today's header photo!

At Cabri Regional Park.

This looks like a beautiful coffee table book. 90% of the reviews give it five stars!...

And in Canada...


  1. How much per night for the campsite with no services. We are thinking about visiting Saskatchewan in the summer of 2017 with our motor home and can we run a generator during the day

    1. We charge $10 at the moment for non-electric sites, not sure if that price will increase for next season or not but you also have to have a vehicle pass which is $10 per night as well or you could purchase a season pass for $45 and it is good for all the regional parks for that season.

      It would depend on the time of year you would be here and how big the motorhome is on whether or not you can use your generator. We have a campsite at the end of the marina that you could use your generator in but if you have a big motorhome then it wouldn't fit. Ours is 28' and Kevin said it could fit but probably nothing bigger. We have an overflow area as well but it is closer to other campers so if you were to come in the early or late part of the season then you could probably use it there as well. Otherwise no, you can't use the generator.

      If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. :-)

  2. Weird how weather just turned on all of us like that. That is really low turnout for September long weekend. Whatever happened to hardy Canadians? Oh well you guys can get more done in prep to leave rather than dealing with cleaning up campsites and drunken campers

    1. I don't believe that the weather has been a big part of the low turn out. Many of our campers are local farmers or workers of local farmers and they are all out in the fields harvesting. Harvest is late this year because August was too wet to get out in the fields so they are out there now. Also school started on the Thursday before the long weekend so that may also have played into the low turnout.

      Yes, we are able to get more work done because of this and we have been lucky, our campers have all been good and we haven't had to deal with any rowdy ones this year. :-)

  3. Yup the heat switch is off here in the Okanagan and not many campers here either.

    1. Hopefully that won't be the last of the warm weather. We don't mind cool but we aren't ready for cold yet!

  4. Leaving on Monday for two weeks camping on Vancouver Island. Sure hope it will warm up a bit... Nice pictures!

    1. Nice! I hope you both have good weather for your camping and not wet weather.

  5. Has cooled down here as well, but heat is coming back next week again.

    1. Doesn't look like it will be warming up here in the very near future. Having said that it makes working outside a little more comfortable and hopefully the mosquitoes will disappear because of it.

  6. WOW...we thought you would be packed this weekend. The weather has changed here too but what a beautiful change. The sun is hot but the air is cool. Paul loves it for sleeping.

    Gorgeous park. Is Ruth the only one that does any physical work around there? hehe

    1. September Long Weekend isn't typically a real busy weekend to start with here because we have lots of farmers around and they are all out working like crazy in the fields harvesting. We have had a wet summer, especially August and they haven't be able to get out in the fields because they have been too wet. The fields are finally dry and they want to get the crops in before it starts to rain again.

      Yep, we love cool nights for sleeping!

      It would look that way wouldn't it but someone has to take the picture. ;-)

  7. Cooler also in Ottawa but becoming hot again mid week!

    1. I am sure you will enjoy the brief break in the heat.

  8. Thanks Dugg!

    No, they haven't been yet. They said they would put it on their list and would eventually get to it but it might take time. Kevin said, if they hadn't been before the end of the season than he would call just to remind them. Hopefully it will be i place by next spring.

  9. Replies
    1. Not as big as some parks are! We certainly wouldn't want it any bigger and yes, lots of work but we do get satisfaction from it when we hear the nice compliments on how good the park looks. :-)

  10. Thanks Dinah, all we want to do is have the park looking great, it's our home too! :-)

  11. Who ever said that Saskatchewan was flat!

    1. Not sure but they were probably driving along the Trans Canada Highway or one of the other major highways, if they traveled on some of the secondary roads they impressions of Saskatchewan would change. Ours sure did!


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