The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Too much stuff!

Besides getting the park ready to close down, we've also been getting the motorhome ready to use for the next five weeks or so. And because we had done the motorhome exchange, we had pretty much cleaned out all of our belongings and put them in the house.

So now, we're sorting through everything and Ruth is putting everything in it's proper place.

But it seems like we have too much stuff! I know that when you have a house, you tend to accumulate stuff. And now that we've been spending summers here at the park, we have stuff in the house here.

Have you ever seen George Carlin talking about your stuff? It's hilarious...

And it's true. A house is simply a place to keep your stuff.

We got rid of our house, and most of our stuff. But it seems we still have to get rid of stuff!

Anyhow, we're pretty much moved into the motorhome, and Sherman is raring to go. Unfortunately, the weather gods are not going to send the sun to shine on us, and the long term forecast turns out to be coming true. It's going to rain much of the next three days. This will likely delay our departure until Sunday. Oh well.

On other news, our son Alex and his friend Matt were in Niagara Falls last weekend participating in the National City Chase race. When they won the Ottawa race back in July, they qualified for the National event. They came in 3rd in last year's National, out of 26 teams. This year, not so well...they came in 8th out of 17 teams.

Here's the clue sheet from the qualifying event Friday night.


The activities ranged from partner yoga to flying a plane. The challenges are geared to test you, and can be physical, intellectual, and humorous. Most of the race was running, but it started off with cycling and apparently Matt isn't very good at racing on a bike and they were near last place for the first half of the race, only coming up to 8th in the last couple of hours.

But, when you're racing against teams who run the Boston marathon in under three hours, you know that the competition is pretty stiff. Anyhow, they had fun and I'm sure they'll be back at it again next year.

128 GB flash drive for under $30. When memory is this cheap, there's almost no point in having a laptop with a built in hard drive...

Surprisingly, about the same price in Canada...


  1. I still delight in all things George Carlin, not the least of which is his rendition of "stuff". Too much stuff. Just this morning I had to put some more stuff in the attic. It's nicely stored in totes, but just the same. Extra blankets or something? Not sure. It'll go eventually. Have fun sorting through your stuff. *snort*!

    1. When you have "stuff" all spread out like that, it always seems like there is TOO much "stuff" but really, it isn't all our "stuff" some belongs to the park, although I still have to put it away for next year. The rest is ours and every time I go through it more "stuff" gets thrown out or donated. I am sure your will eventually disappear too!

  2. They showed a plane race on the national news last night, 9 planes, one stalled and another plane hit it during take off. Scary. Luckily both pilots were safe. Wonder if that was the same race?
    Safe travels next week when you depart.

    1. The race that Alex was doing was not a plane race but a race similar to Amazing Race only just in a city and one of the events/obstacles he had to do was to service a plane mechanically and then fly it.

  3. We live in a 2000 sf townhouse, and are going to look at a 500 sf studio condo. That could be interesting...

    1. Looks like you're going to have to get rid of some of your stuff!

    2. I was listening to a standup comedy routine a good many years back (I think it was George Lopez), and he was complaining about his kids and the kids of his extended family. He asked God why he gave him all these kids, and God said, "so that death would not be such a disappointment." WRONG, in my opinion. God gave you children so that you can give them all your stuff and let them deal with it. It seems to be a cursed tradition in my family going back for many generations; the inherited guilt sets in when you say, "What do I do with Great Grandma's furniture in the attic?".


    3. Neither one of our children want or need our "stuff" they both have very small places of their own so they have to keep tabs on their own "stuff"! :-)

    4. Ruth, then you have trained them right and didn't put them on a traditional family guilt trip if they wish to throw the "stuff" out! (LOL).


    5. Nope, no guilt trip for them!

  4. Yup we got rid of our stuff 10 years ago, amazing what you can accumulate. purge, purge.....

    1. It is amazing though, that even living in and RV "stuff" still accumulates. We try to go through it every year and toss out what we don't need/use or want.

  5. Unfortunately Fran does not always agree with my motto "When in doubt - toss it out!"

    1. Kevin is lucky with me then because it is usually me tossing stuff out from the living area of the motorhome and him that does the basement compartments. :-)

  6. We have been waing war with unneeded for ten years:)

  7. We are in the process of moving. I have taken 4 loads to the basically landfill. I have sold 5 partially full f150 loads, some more full than others to the scrap yard where they pay me to take my stuff instead of me paying them to take my stuff. I have sold over 2 grand of tools and scrap. I still have a 2 car garage, a basement and a storage unit over stuffed at the new place. And we are not moved out nor have the old place on the market yet. In hindsight I would have had an auction and replaced stuff as it was really needed.

    1. GMF, I think my husband can smell a tool garage sale five miles away! (lol). Glad we don't live near you.


    2. GMF, it sounds like you had too much "stuff". I have heard that moving from one place to another every few years helps to curb all the "stuff" That or moving to a very small place! ;-)

      Hope everything goes well with the move and the sale of your old place.

  8. And why I was going to comment it sounds like Alex and his friend still competed very well at the national level.

    1. They did do very well and they had an amazing time but were totally exhausted at the end of the day.

  9. George Carlin was a genius and I miss his wonderful take on life and its craziness. As for stuff - oh, yeah. Hear you completely! After travelling 6 months in Europe last winter with only a backpack we came home and decided once again to purge and eliminate some of the stuff from our lives. It doesn't matter that we've been purging and downsizing for the past 14 years...the stuff just seems to multiply like rabbits! ;-)

    1. Yes, he was a genius at what he did!

      Totally agree with you on the surviving out of a backpack for 6 months and not having a problem with having so little "stuff". Not sure why we can't do the same thing once we get back to our "normal" lives. The purging never stops!!!


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