The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

September Expenses

We were so busy driving the last couple of weeks that we never published our September expense report.

Overall, it was a pretty good month. We spent a total of $995 CAD ($755 USD) for the month. The following figures are all in Canadian dollars. For USD equivalent, you can subtract about 25%.

So, here's how it all broke down...

Gasoline: We set out from Saskatchewan with a nearly full tank of fuel in the motorhome, so we only filled up once in late September, and topped it up again before entering Northern Ontario. And, a few litres in the little blue car near the beginning of the month. Total gasoline in September, $265.

Propane: We filled the propane tank also prior to entering Ontario. Total was $32.

Groceries: This is where we did pretty well, spending only $336 for the month. This was because we had quite a lot of stuff in the freezer and fridge at the park and had to use up enough that it would fit into our smaller freezer and fridge in the motorohome.

Groceries for this summer's May through September period came to a total of $2,806 or $561 per month. Slightly higher than last year's $2,516 or $503 per month. And 2014's $2,725 or $545 per month. Overall, pretty consistent though, even though when we're actually shopping we think that prices seem higher.

Alcohol: We broke down and bought some expensive Canadian booze last month. Spent a total of $158, and we're not proud of it. But, we enjoyed it too!

Miscellaneous: This category came in pretty good too, at $179. Major expenses were motorhome insurance and car insurance, and a then a few smaller items like our Rough Guide to Romania book, and Ruth bought some socks.

Entertainment: We spent $4 on Chase the Ace tickets at the park. Didn't win, but it goes to a good cause. Our friend Sharon won the grand prize at somewhere around $3,400! Way to go Sharon!

Motorhome: Our cost on the Crack Eraser windshield repair kit was $20 which was discounted in exchange for advertising for the company.

So, a total of $995. Not bad. October will certainly be higher though!


  1. Well done! That might even be cheaper than in Mexico lol. If only food and alcohol weren't so bloody expensive here.

    1. I wish we could have more months like that! Unfortunately we have to eat and we would save even more if we didn't want to drink. Good thing that's not a regular habit for us during the summer.

  2. Just another full-time RVer datapoint: We spend about $550/mo for the two of us on groceries, some of which is alcohol, so we're about the same as you. US prices are presumably a little lower than Canada's. We don't buy red meat, which keeps it down a bit too. We do have our indulgences, though, like good ice cream, Fage yogurt, and frozen berries (expensive but so good!) Thanks for sharing your report. You definitely had a good month!

    1. Yep, not too much difference. We spend a little more on groceries because we have to buy gluten free food although we try to stay with as much fresh fruits, veggies and meat (mostly chicken, pork and fish but we also get a little red meat). We hardly ever buy any processed foods and I make everything from scratch, so we feel we do well with the majority of our food budget but it is hard sometimes to keep the cost down.

  3. I'm impressed. I blow money like crazy and have no idea how you can live this cheap.
    I'm planning on hitting the road in a few years so its great getting ideas of ways to save. I have a couple questions.
    no cell phone bill?
    no health insurance bill? That one cost me a ton. I am in the us.

    1. Hi Chris...we have a pay as you go cellular plan while we're in Canada. We put $55 on it in August, and another $22 in early October. Nothing in September. So no, it's not a big expense.

      Nope, no health insurance costs...we're from Canada, so we have "free" health insurance.


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