The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

We were due for some exercise!

I said yesterday that we were due for a more relaxing day, but I didn't expect it to be yesterday. Still, we did manage to get out for some exercise. We're trying to plan our onward travels but we're having a hard time coming up with something concrete, and part of the problem is that we're enjoying our time here in the village of Oarda de Sus.

We need to rent a car because there are several day trips we want to do from here. But the car rental places here base their daily pricing on how many days you have the car.

For example, if you rent between 1 to 3 days, the price might be 23 euros per day, but if you take the car for more than 15 days then the price might be only 10 or 12 euros per day. There is definite incentive to keep the car for longer, so we may just bite the bullet and go for a long term rental since we still have four more weeks here. If we can work a deal where the rental company will allow us to take the car into Republic of Moldova, then it will definitely work out for us.

We will work on that this morning!

So, after lunch yesterday we needed to get out for some fresh country air. We had seen a trail listed nearby on the program that we use, so we left the house and headed that way.

We walked through farm fields.

With a view of the city of Alba Iulia down below.

Romanian deer!

Only problem was the mud!

Even though we were getting a bit of blue sky and sunshine, they have had a fair bit of rain here the past couple of weeks, and then of course snow last Sunday. The snow has melted, but things haven't had a chance to dry up yet.

Hawk in the distance.

Ruth's shoes...yuck!


We finally made it to a road. As you see in the picture above, the road is paved, but only wide enough for one car. More like a cycle path! 

We tried to take a circular route, and that meant going through more mud, and even through a few fields with sheep. We tried to avoid disturbing the sheep so we took a wide detour. From a distance, I zoomed in on this fellow...

A Romanian shepherd.

Looking down on the village where we are staying...Oarda de Sus.

More mud, made worse by all the sheep that have walked through it!

Finally, on some more dry ground!

We made it back home just before 4:00pm. I had our MotionX GPS app running, and we had done 9.5 kms (5.9 miles) cross country.

We were due for some exercise!

Here's a very cool puzzle for anyone who wants to learn about the world...

And in Canada at...


  1. B was thrilled to see the deer! All that mud weighting down your shoes making for some heavy steps but well worth it.

    1. Glad Barry enjoyed seeing the photo of the deer. They look like they are the same as the ones we have back home.

      I don't like it when the mud sticks to your shoes and then just keeps adding to itself, guess I could look at it as a good work out! ;-)

  2. That is a lot of walking but you seemed to have enjoyed it. Good luck with the car rental hope you get the deal you want. I guess you will be back in Canada by Christmas time then if you have 4 weeks to go or are you going elsewhere as well?

    1. During that 4 weeks we are going to Republic of Moldova and then back to Canada for Christmas. January 1st, we fly to Barcelona, Spain.

  3. Wow...loved the view of city from afar. It looks like any other city in USA from afar. My first occupation was being a shepherd so I have that on my resume as attention getter & it works :-)

    1. I love how you put shepherd on your resume as an attention getter, I bet it worked too! :-)

  4. Hope the rental car company provides you with snow tires on the vehicle, just in case.


    1. Not sure if they will or not. It would be nice if they did but Kevin is very used to driving in the winter even without snow tires. Used to do it all the time when we lived in Ottawa until the last couple of years when he had to do lots of driving in the country.


  5. You are courageous to consider driving in Romania with all those kamikaze drivers around. The bus would be my choice.

    The deer - what a nice surprise! And the shepard - never saw one of those around here in Toronto... :-‎)

    1. We had already rented a car for 4 days when we were in Brasov. The only time it got a bit hair raising was entering and exiting the busy traffic circles, other than that it isn't much different than driving in Mexico.

      Enjoyed seeing both the deer and the shepherd, especially seeing the shepherd with his sheep skin on for added warmth.

  6. I'm just amazed at how well you two get around in countries where you don't speak the language. Love the shepherd picture. That is a serious work out with so many miles of muddy terrain. You are intrepid.

    1. Surprisingly enough we are finding a fair bit of English here, especially with the younger people, still we make the effort to learn some of the basic words in Romania and everyday our vocabulary grows a little at a time.

      We love this kind of adventure and because of that we manage to see so many beautiful places around the world.


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