Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Our home for the next two months...

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day, with the temperature around 17C (63F) and no wind to speak of. We relaxed for much of the morning and made ourselves a nice ham and egg breakfast before heading out on foot to explore.

The apartment we're staying in is located about a five minute walk from the beach.

When we got down to the beach,  the first thing we noticed was several RV's parked in the distance...

Zoomed in on some RV'ers free camping near the beach.

Not very many people on the beach. After all, it's not really tropical although the sun is definitely warm. But if even a hint of a breeze picks up, you can tell that it's only 17C (63F). However, there were several people trying to get a tan, and some children playing in the sand, and even one fellow braving the water for a swim.

So Ruth decided to stick her toes in the Mediterranean Sea.

She said it was a little chilly!

We walked over to the area where the motorhomes and RVs were parked. Lots of different licence plates. In the European Union, the plates all look similar, but on the left side there is an abbreviated symbol that says where the vehicle is registered. "GB" is the United Kingdom, "S" is Sweden, "D" is Germany, "E" is Spain...etc.

We spoke to a couple of young fellows in an old van. They were from Sweden. We asked if they were free camping here, and yes all of the vans here are doing that. There are a lot of places all up and down the coast. You can even simply park at the side of the road by the beach if you like. So, it seems really easy to free camp in Spain. These guys say that it's even easier in Portugal. 

Parked for free with a view of the sea.

RV'ers enjoying the sun.

We continued up the coast, just enjoying the day.

Guess who?

The coastline is nice here, but the area itself is too built up for our liking. It may very well be like this all the way up and down the coast, so we have visions of spending quite a lot of time inland. As it is, there are a lot of parks that we'd like to visit, and although it will be a little cooler, we'll probably be the only ones there! Besides we're not really beach people and, as we've learned in Mexico, there is a more "authentic" experience (and usually better prices) once you get away from the beach tourists. I guess we'll find out for ourselves if this is the case or not.

We turned around and went back the other way. There are two main beaches in Torrevieja, and then the southern one stops just before the marina.

Torrevieja Beach.

Ruth, enjoying the day.

On the way back to the apartment, we stopped at several China shops (like a dollar store) looking for a power supply for Ruth's laptop. We think she left hers in Toronto airport, so we've been sharing my laptop since then. We found several "universal" style power supplies but we were trying to get one a little more lightweight like her original one. 

Can't find one though.

So when we got back to the flat, we went into the China shop right downstairs, and bought the universal one that he had, for €15.50 ($22 CAD, $16 USD). 

Took it upstairs, and immediately set about to get it hooked up. It was packaged in one of these impossible to get into plastic casings. You know, the kind that you have to cut with a pair of scissors and then still fight with to get in to.

Anyhow, it came with 8 or 10 adapters...because it' supposed to be universal, right? 

Wrong. Not one of them fit into the outlet on Ruth's laptop. 

So I go back down to the Chinese guy knowing that he may not take it back because the packaging is pretty much destroyed. It was actually kind of funny trying to communicate with the guy, in Spanish. Me, with my not very good Spanish, and him, speaking Spanish with an obvious Chinese accent.

Anyhow, he rattled on about how I shouldn't have cut it open, and I said well how else was I supposed to know if it would fit?

He opened the cash register and slammed my €15.50 back on the counter. Obviously not impressed. Oh well, it's a cost of doing business. I'm thinking maybe we were his only sale of the day. There are so many of these China shops we can't figure how they all stay in business.

So, we're still looking for a power supply.

Okay...so this is what you've been waiting for...our introduction to Louis, our motorhome for the next two months. He's a 2005 (or 2007, I can't remember) 21 or  22 foot McLouis Lagan 252 on a Fiat 4 cyl diesel chassis.

We went inside for the first time, and we videotaped the experience for you all...

Should be fun!

Good deal on replacement RV light fixtures...with LED bulbs included!


  1. Awesome that you have use of the motorhome. That bed does look "cozy". Just a bit smaller than the Queen sized bed you're used to.
    It's a standard I'm guessing?
    You'll have a blast. The boondocking spots look very tempting.

    1. The bed is certainly much smaller than our queen sized one in Sherman but it still looks like we will fit in it nicely. I think it is a cross between a twin and a double. The bed itself is a bit wider at the top and then angles down a little, at least I think it does.

      I think we are going to find some great boondocking spots. :-)

  2. My favorite part is the sticky notes everywhere. Lots of moving pieces. But you two are so handy you'll soon figure it all out I'm sure.

    BTW - posting this from our very snug RV site at Happy Traveler RV in Palm Springs. You recall, I'm sure!

    1. Yep lots of sticky notes but I think it will help. It is totally different when you are going into it without a proper tutorial from the owners but they are confident that we will be fine and we are confident too.

      We definitely remember the Happy Traveler RV park in Palm Springs and I am sure you are very snug in there. Have fun and get some great hikes in while you are there. :-)

  3. It looks like a great little rig for you two. I'm sure you'll have some wonderful adventures in Louis! Safe and happy trails, amigos!

    1. Louis is going to be perfect for us here! For traveling in Europe you definitely want small as I am sure you have noticed from your own traveling around. Hoping that we will be able to meet up somewhere along the way. Keep in touch. And safe travels to you too, have fun. :-)

  4. You will need to do a little readjusting in Louise. Not quite Sherman that is for sure.

    1. It will seem a little odd at the beginning but I am sure we will adjust very quickly. BTW, it is Louis not Louise, I don't think we would be happy being called Louise. ;-)

  5. Just wondering if you know anyone that can ship you an adapter for you laptop. If you know where you are going to be at a certain time you should be able to receive it. Guess you would have to look into the cost to see if it was worth it.

    1. That is exactly what we are doing. We were just trying to get around doing that and the extra time that it will take but we haven't had much luck doing it the other route. So now I will be without my computer until January 19th but at least when I get it, it will be the right one for my computer and not a universal one.

  6. Im sure I sensed your steps quicken when you spotted the RVs free camping. That just confirms that your holiday will be inexpensive. I can't wait to see the overnight spots you find along the way. Have fun.

    1. Well maybe they quickened just a little. It was nice to hear that there seems to be a lot of opportunities for free camping. We can't wait to see what we will find down the road for tomorrow night.

  7. This is my first time hearing your voices.

    1. Guess you missed our radio interview a few weeks ago!

      Hope our voices didn't disappoint you too much. ;-)

  8. Looks like a nice RV bit small but you both will make the best of it! Looking forward to your first destination spot! We love the water and beaches so we would probably have stuck to the coast line but it is your trip. Safe travels! Nice to hear your voices!

    1. Definitely small compared to North American ones that is for sure. I think we will adapt to Louis quite quickly and seeing that we don't have much stuff with us it should be even easier.

      Most people seem to stick to the beaches and water but we always seem to go the other way. We love mountains and hiking and I am sure that we will have plenty of beach time mixed into the trip as well.

  9. This is great! Thanks for sharing your adventure.

    1. Thank you and we hope you enjoy following along with us.

  10. Whenever you feel that Louis is on the small side, just remember us and Eury, and it will seem gigantic!! Thanks for allowing us to vicariously travel along with you.

    1. No doubt, Louis will seem big compared to Eury! And you two still did lots with him, so I am sure we will be fine in this mini Sherman. ;-)

  11. Have you ever done a walk-around vid of Sherman?

    1. No, I don't believe we have but we have taken pictures of him and they are on the post on the menu bar along the top that is mark "Sherman".

  12. I'm probably enjoying your trip as much as you!

    1. I hope so, because we are really enjoying this adventure. :-)

  13. I am looking forward to learning about RVing in Europe.
    Have fun.

    1. So are we but we will be learning firsthand and you will be able to learn from our mistakes. ;-)

  14. Well, I really like Louise!! It is small but cozy and I really like cozy!!
    You will have a great time I am sure!!

    1. You mean Louis, right! ;-)

      Yes, he is quite small but very cozy and he is well suited for the roads here in Spain and Portugal. He drives almost like a car. :-)

  15. I had to shake my head when you mentioned none of the adapter tips fitting Ruth's laptop, as I had a very similar experience recently. I ordered a DC charger for my HP laptop so I could charge it up when we have no AC electric hookups when boondocking. It is a Targus model with a variety of tips and said it worked for all types of laptops, including HP. I bought it on Ebay for a great price. When it arrived I was dismayed to find that none of the tips fit my HP. I contacted Targus customer service, and even though I bought my charger on Ebay and it came from somewhere in Asia, they were kind enough to send me the appropriate adapter tip for my HP! They said that it should have been included in my set. I was really impressed with their customer service. And, in true Kevin & Ruth style, I paid less than half the price of buying the same charger in an Office Max or similar store in the US! Good luck getting Ruth's charger situation worked out, and I am glad you got your money back. Have fun in Louis! Looks tight, but for two months, very doable.

    1. Yep, it is so frustrating when they say universal but in fact it isn't. Nice that Targus went that extra mile for you that shows what a good company they must be.

      Kevin ordered my new charger in the UK and I should have it by January 19th or so when we met up with some British friends of ours.

      Yes, Louis is small but we think he is perfect for this area and I am sure he will work out just fine for us. There are a few things that we are going to have to tweak a little though.

  16. I bet you will be enjoying some beach camping in the next two months!

    1. Believe it or not we headed straight for the mountains rather than the coast. The coast looks a little to built up for us although I am sure we will spend a little time there too!

  17. Louis looks like a nice, cozy camper. Jimmy and I would fit in it just fine -- our first RV was 23' and not as well set up as the one you're borrowing. No matter, it'll be a grand adventure for you guys!

    1. I am sure you and Jimmy would do just fine in Louis. He really is set up quite well and we can see ourselves enjoying our time with him. He will suit our needs just fine.

  18. You will enjoy the size of Louis when you go into the little villages! We've been in Knausy now since Sept 6th and he's 6m and we do just fine. Love travelling thru EU and Morocco with him 😊 Enjoy!

    1. We already can see the benefits of Louis being a nice small unit. We really couldn't image driving something much bigger than him, especially with some of the places that we want to go with him. So glad that Knausy is treating you well and that you are loving life in him. Happy travels!


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