Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

How to do a motorhome exchange

In the summer of 2016, we gave our motorhome to strangers from Europe to use here in North America for two months. Just imagine that. People we had never met before were going to be using our motorhome. And they were going to be using it for free.

However... a few months later, the tables were turned. We went to Spain and used their motorhome for two months! For free. All of a sudden, this is looking like a pretty good deal!

It's very expensive to rent a motorhome anywhere in the world. So much so that you're better off buying one and selling it when you're finished with it.

But there is another option. A motorhome exchange!

The idea was suggested to us by friends of ours who have done this very thing several times around the world. In fact, in our situation it was these friends who introduced us (online) to the couple we would be exchanging with.

We had several emails back and forth with a British couple who live in southern Spain. They wanted to explore some of western Canada and Montana. We agreed on a two month time frame. They would use our motorhome in June and July, and we would go to Spain and use their motorhome in January and February.

It's tough to get your head around the idea that someone else will be using your motorhome. But, we convinced ourselves that they were also experienced RV'ers. And essentially, they are taking the same risk that you are. After all, we would also be using their RV.

Tana and Graham ready to take off in our motorhome.

One of the agreements was that the owner of the vehicle is responsible for any necessary repairs while the other party is using it. Of course you should make sure that  you have it in tip top shape for the person using it. 

Accidental damage however, is the responsibility of the person doing the driving. Insurance is another thing that we agreed was the responsibility of the vehicle owner. You need to make sure that the person doing the driving is insured on your vehicle.

We also agreed that we would each provide a roadside assistance package for the other driver to use.

Another consideration is the type of vehicle you are exchanging for. In an ideal world, the exchange would be for vehicles of similar value. But it doesn't always work out so comparable, and only you can decide if you would be willing to do an exchange with a vehicle of lesser value than your own.

We decided not to do a formal written agreement. It would be virtually impossible to enforce across borders anyhow, so you have to be able to put some trust in the people you're dealing with. Again, consider that they are taking the same risk that you are. We suggest that you have lots of emails back and forth, and even a video call or two to get to know the people you're dealing with.

The motorhome we used in Spain for two months.

We were fortunate that we were introduced by mutual friends. But there are a few websites out there now that specialize in motorhome and RV exchanges, or "swaps" as they are sometimes called in the UK.

Here are some examples...

RV Worldwide (Paid)

Our first motorhome exchange was fantastic, and under the right circumstances we wouldn't hesitate to do it again. It's a great way to save money while RV'ing in another country! 

Nice little outdoor RV propane fireplace with a big price drop...


  1. I am glad it worked well for you guys, not sure if we could wrap our heads around some of those issues though, it would take a lot of trust.
    Thanks for the tips though.

    1. We are glad that it worked out well for us too! No, it isn't easy to give over your motorhome to someone who you have never met before. In fact the very first time the idea was thrown out there for us we tossed it around for a bit and then said no but a year or so later when asked again we decided that we would do it after all. Yes, lots of trust needed on both sides. You definitely have to have a good feeling about the other party to do something like this. I am so glad that we did end up doing the exchange though. We sure had a good time RVing in Spain.

  2. I've been looking for a Class B to rent. It is incredibly expensive up to $1800 a week. Nuts. I found one guy with 1998 Roadtrek for $500 a week but it is booked into infinity. We want to get a feel of what a B is like because we are gearing ourselves toward buying one. You know, rent first concept.

    1. You might want to consider doing an RV exchange too then Chris! Not sure whether it would still work with a vehicle and travel trailer but it would be something to check out. The other party could use your unit in either the USA or in Mexico. You should look into it, I would expect that there are Class B units that people want to exchange.

  3. We don't own an RV (yet). In 2011 we rented for 3.5 months and travelled Europe with the kids. It was expensive but we had saved up for it. Swapping sounds like the ideal solution

    1. Once we retire we are hoping to buy a used class B but that is still some 7 years from now. Our experience in Europe, however, sold us on the lifestyle. It was a wonderful experience that we wish to continue once we can devote more than a summer vacation to it. Thanks to Kevin & Ruth for showing us the way!

    2. Wow, yeah, I would imagine that it would have cost a fortune for 3.5 months but if you know that ahead of time and save for it then it is so bad. I am sure it still would have been way cheaper that way than to have stayed in hotels and such. After doing a motorhome swap we think that it is a great solution, it's just a matter of finding the right people to do the exchange with.

      Eventually when we need to look at another motorhome we will probably move down in size. We would love to do a trip down to Argentina and a Class B or B+ would really be ideal. Yep, RVing is definitely the best way to travel, at least it is in our option. Hope you can find that perfect unit Duckfeet, 7 years will go by fast enough.

    3. Soy Dr. Carlos Bogni Propietario de Taymenta Posada de campo, de San Juan Argentina, Celular wathsapp +542644169900 y ofrezco para intercambiar por otro motorhome en Europa, por dos meses, mi motorhome Mercedes Benz impecable, con todas las comodidades, estufa tiro balanceado, termotanque, cocina con horno, heladera, (todos estos elementos funcionan a gas envasado) Aire acondicionado frio calor, (con cable a 220v ) Conversor 12 a 220v, TV digital, Car stereo , 2 cama matrimonial, y una single, placares, baño con bañadera, inodoro, lavabo, Tanque de agua, un tanque cloaca agua negra y dos tanques cloacas agua gris, y dos tanques de Gas Oil , autonomia 600km. consumo con GNC 10km X Lts, sin GNC 6Km X Lts. capacidad para 5 personas, comedor, varias alacenas, baul conteniendo mesa de camping, reposeras, parrilla, disco para cocinar, y manguera de gas y quemador. El motor es mercedes Benz 608 a gas oil y a GNC. esta equipado con Sistema Vigia, (infla las cubiertas permanentemente, y en caso de pinchadura, no hay que cambiarlas) tambien proteje el motor en caso de averia. cubiertas nuevas. He viajado por toda sudamerica y se ha comportado magnificamente.

    4. Le hemos pasado información a un amigo nuestro en Europa. No están interesados en este momento, pero iban a pasar la información a otros amigos que podrían estar interesados. Esperamos que pueda encontrar a alguien con quien hacer un cambio / intercambio exitoso.

      We have passed on you information to a friend of ours in Europe. They aren't interested at this time but they were going to pass the information on to other friends of theirs that may be interested. We hope that you can find someone to do a sucessful swap/exchange with.

  4. Wow great info from everyone we have thought about exchanges as well. Would love to do what you and Kevin have done! Thanks!

    1. Well we hope that you find the information helpful and perhaps one day you will decide to do an exchange too. We sure had fun RVing in Spain and now we want to go back for more. :-)

  5. Is there a website where I can exchange my home for someones RV for 2 months. I live on a Golf Course in Palm Desert, Ca. My husband and I would like to try rving before we buy one. There must be someone that would love to stay a month or two in a Golf Course home in exchange for their RV

    1. We don't know of one personally but you might still try the websites above and mention that you want to swap a house for an RV for 2 months. You could also try on Craig's List, putting an ad out for your suggestion or if you are on facebook there are a number of RV groups that you could try posing your question and see if you get any response.

  6. Hi We are a retired couple living in Calgary AB with a class B RV. We want to exchange our unit for two months in Spain. Can you tell us what type of insurance would be needed for the person using our RV and which website is the best to go to. It is our first time trying something like this so good to read your comments.

    1. Because insurance is different in every province, I only know how things work in Saskatchewan. You would have to contact your insurance broker in Alberta.

    2. Hi SueM, I know this message is quite old, but you might be still interested, We are couple living in Canary islands (Spain), We got campervan or house to exchange, We can also bring campervan to Spain mainland, just whatsapp me if there is any interest :) +34 620224788. Anyone reading this message actually :P

    It is my intention to transmit my beautiful experience in my motorhome exchange, with Jean Pierre from France, I traveled all the South of Europe in his Motorhome, they were wonderful days, since we arrived, we were received by his family very cordially, they presented us their Motorhome , prior to all this we had of course email exchanges and Wathsapp, the day after arriving we started our journey from Clermont Ferrand, to Lyon, French Alps, Italian Alps, Turin Milan, Como Lake, Venice, San Marino, Rome, Bologna , and all the cities along the Mediterranean coast, we set up our cell phone so that Google Maps would take us avoiding the highways, and it did so phenomenally (the tolls cost more than the fuel), in addition it diverted us through the countryside, making a trip without equal by the French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese towns. On more days in July our French friends come to visit us and use our Sury touring the north of Argentina. We look forward to receiving them to offer our thanks. IT IS WITHOUT ANY EXTRAORDINARY SYSTEM THE EXCHANGE OF MOTORHOME. I MADE A WRITING THAT I HOPE THAT IT IS USEFUL THAT YOU TRY TO ORDER THE EXCHANGE AND I SHOULD THEM HEAR YOU IF YOU ASK ME BY EMAIL BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LEAVE ME BY THIS MEANS, THAT YOU LIMIT YOUR PUBLISHED WORDS,
    Olivia and Carlos
    wathsapp +542644169900
    [email protected]

    1. Thank you Olivia and Carlos, we are glad you had such a good experience.

  8. Hello everyone who follow Kevin and Ruth's very helpful and insightful RV travel and exchange
    We are new to the site, but not to RVing.
    We are a retired couple living near London, Ontario and wish to exchange our Class C (31') RV with someone in Newfoundland, Canada preferably for a fall trip of 3-4 weeks--- say September of 2020. Email: [email protected]
    Anyone interested, please send me an email.

    1. Not sure how much luck you will have trying to advertise for a motorhome exchange on one of our old blog posts. You would have better luck on one of the motorhome exchange or swap websites on the internet. Good luck, I hope that you will find someone to do an exchange with.

  9. I'm also looking to do a van swap of my van from UK or France with one in USA. For March-June 2023 but I am flexible with dates :) Maybe no one will see this but I've come across this post so maybe they will!
    More details about my van and me can be found here

    1. Your best bet for looking for a motorhome swap would be to google motorhome swap or exchange. There are a number of them out there but one of the more popular ones would be You would be better off checking out a couple of these sites, I am sure you would get a better response. Good luck!


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