Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, May 8, 2017

I should have been a plumber...

We noticed yesterday that the drain under the kitchen sink was dripping. It's a double sink, and the dishwasher hooks into the same drain. It was only a small drip, but it wasn't going to get better on it's own!

Turns out the seal between the drain pipe and the sink itself was broken and it needs a new pipe. After taking it apart it wouldn't go back together, so of course now we can't use the dishwasher. But fortunately we can still use the second sink but we have to be careful and drain it slowly.

Plus, there are a lot of other things we need in town so we'll make an early trip into Swift Current today instead of our normal Wednesday outing.

I got the water to the park hooked up. It's the earliest we've had it working in the four years we've been here. Only a few leaks to fix, but one of them is a leaking valve that's not the easiest to get at. I tried tightening it, but it simply snapped off. I should have been a plumber.

I took a video of our owl and baby. It's not the best, but if you watch it until the end, you'll see how far away from the actual nest we are when we take pictures for you. My camera has a great zoom!

Oh, and good news this morning! I checked our Visa account and there was a $60 credit there! Remember when we bought our new Samsung phone while in Spain in February? They had a tax refund form you could get filled out to get back the €41 we paid in taxes at the time. I had to have the form stamped when we left the EU for Morocco, and then when we returned to Canada I had to mail the form back to Spain. I did exactly that only two and a half weeks ago and the credit has shown up already! I thought it would have taken months. 

Gotta go... lots to do today!

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  1. What a difference a blue sky makes!! Seems you are having a lot of problems with leaks this year. Hope it doesn't continue.

    1. Yes, a blue sky makes all the difference! Other than trying to get the one under the trailer found and fixed the others are mainly small ones and Kevin should be able to manage them himself. We hope that it doesn't continue either!

  2. Are you caravan oark managers? You seem to have sunny days. Irs autumn here.loved the owl video. Rhanks for taking the time to post cheers

    1. Yes, we are campground managers. We work from May 1st until the end of September. We are having some beautiful weather at the moment although on Sunday we did have some rain but the sun is out again. Glad you enjoyed the owl photo. We will post more pictures/videos of the owl and her baby in the coming weeks.

  3. The video clip is awesome! Looks like a nice day...

    1. Thanks Peter. I think we will need to use the tripod next time so that the focus is a bit better.

  4. Hey, that's where we parked when we were there! Don't go soft on us with the dishwasher and central air conditioning :) Just kiddin' :)

    1. Yep, that's where you parked Chris and it is awaiting for your return! :-)

      We have always had those amenities here in the trailer, we live in the lap of luxury you know! ;-)

  5. Love the header pic of the park! Everything looks so nice and neat. Kids will love the playground.

    1. Thanks Connie and Barry! The park looks good from far but it is still far from good yet but it will be looking great in a short time. :-)

      The kids love this playground!

  6. That is a great zoom! What type of camera is it?

    1. Nikon P520. It's about four years old now, so I'm sure there are even better cameras out there now. The Nikon B700 is the newer has an even more powerful zoom.

  7. Love the video. My hands are too shaky to hold a big camera now.

    1. Thanks Nora, I am thinking that we could have used a tripod on this video, it was shaking so much but it didn't focus as well as it could have.

    2. Lots of new cameras have image stabilization. It's kind of a must if you have a powerful zoom.

    3. We are thinking about a new camera this year, Kevin may have to keep this in mind when he is looking at the different models, thanks Creigh.

    4. Also, if you don't have a tripod, some folks use a beanbag to steady their camera (sock full of pinto beans?).

    5. We have a tripod so we're ok. I like the sock full of pinto beans idea but can't picture myself carrying that around on a hike. ;-)

  8. I know what you mean about being a plumber. The old park model we bought here in Ontario has some plumbing problems. Our kitchen and the bathroom vanity taps leak. The U pipe under the sink is falling off. Our tub hot water tap just trickles and it leaks. Anyone know a good (cheap) plumber?

    1. Yep, your problems sound similar to the ones we have/are having! We got that one leak into the old house trailer fixed and Kevin fixed the leak under the kitchen sink but we are also have a problem with the hot water just trickling out the Kitchen tap. He has bought the things he needs to fix that but isn't looking forward to the job. And last night we found that we have another leak near the hot water tank and had to turn the power off to it and turn the water off to the trailer, guess I know what Kevin's chore will be first thing this morning after he has finished his breakfast! :-(


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