Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Park clean-up has started!

Kevin is working in the office this morning taking reservations.  Today is the first day and it is always non stop for about 4 hours so today you are getting a rare post from me, Ruth!

Wow, lots of leaves to clean up at the park this year. It looks like the snow came a little early in the fall and covered up the leaves before a lot of them could blow away like the year before. Now that we are into our 4th year here a the park we seem to be getting a better system for the clean up and it should go a little quicker this year, fingers crossed!

We have a work helper again this year and it is another Kevin. He worked full time for us our first year here and about 6 weeks our second year helping out with the spring clean up. We are happy to have him back again this year. He is a hard worker and knows exactly what needs to be done and gets straight to it.

Right now, Kevin's main job is cutting the grass where he can and using the mower to blow the majority of the leaves in piles that we later pick up and then blow and rake the remaining areas. It's lots of work.

Here is one section that he has mowed the leaves into piles. Today we will pick up these piles before they start to blow around everywhere.

This part hasn't been touched yet.

This is section is all done. Looks, good doesn't it?!

The other end of the section.

Almost done this last little part.

Last fall we planted 67 of these little pine trees. Most of them survived, a few went missing in action and a few look a little worse for wear but we'll give them a fighting chance before we remove the sad looking ones.

Our mother-to-be is still sitting up in the tree patiently waiting! We haven't seen any sight of  little ones yet.

The front lawn of our trailer/house and the office and concession building is all cleaned up too!

Lots of leaves here to clean up.

We had campers show up last night!

Yesterday evening a couple and their dog in a canoe showed up on the beach asking if they could camp. We aren't officially open yet as we have no running water to the campground bathrooms but we certainly weren't going to send them away. We told them if they needed anything to just ask and they were welcome to use our toilet and shower if they wanted. They are a couple originally from Quebec City and they are paddling their canoe from British Columbia to Moncton, New Brunswick. They have been on a 4 year journey canoeing Canada and the United States. More on them and their dog Jasmine in tomorrow's post. 

Ok, gotta get out and clean up some more leaves!

Looking for an RV generator? This one has had a huge price drop...it won't last long at this price!


  1. Looks like you are getting a few warm days. Hope it moves eastward!

    1. Yes we are getting beautiful weather, in fact yesterday afternoon was almost to hot for working. I had to find shade to work in!

  2. Love the owl picture today. She looks like she's checking to see who is looking at her! The canoeing couple sound interesting and it will be fun to hear more of their story. I sure wish I had some of those leaves! They make the best compost. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Lori, if you liked this one wait until you see the picture in today's post! :-)

      They were very interesting and we both hit it off well, we soon realized that we think alike on many things. They are true adventurers, especially after hearing a few of their stories just of their trip from British Columbia this spring.

      I wish we could send you some of these leaves, we always have trouble finding a place to put them.

  3. Great job Ruth! We are in our 7th year of working at the park/campground in Wisconsin, and it's amazing the difference in the amount of leaves each year. You are spot on about the early snow causing lots of leaves. This year, the snow was late, so not that many leaves. Good for us! That owl looks like its winking at you. We had a pair of red-tailed hawks in the park for the last 3 years, but they did not come back this year. I'll miss seeing them and the babies, but I don't think I'll miss the constant shrieking.

    1. Thanks Evelyn!

      I am sure that over the last 6 years you have also noticed a big difference in the way the campground looks between then and now, I know we do. It is fun looking back at pictures from that first year.

      I don't think she was winking at me, more like giving me the evil eye, and telling me "don't get too close or else"! Shame that the red-tailed hawks didn't come back to your park this year. It is so interesting watching them grow.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha! Correction made, thanks. Little things like that bug me too!

  5. Looks like it's all coming together, good job.

    1. It'll take a while to get it looking good but so far it is coming along quicker than we expected.

  6. Leaf clean up project looking great - that's ALOT of work!!!! Can't wait to hear more about the canoe couple.

    1. Yep, a lot of work for sure but it is nice to work some other muscles for a change and to spend time outside in this beautiful weather.

      We thought we were fairly adventurous but this couple has us beat! :-)

  7. Looks really good. You have accomplished a lot in a short time :) :) :)

    1. Thanks Barry, we are working hard at it!

  8. I take it that Kevin got the computer working again??

    1. Nope he couldn't get it working again, it is done! We had the campground software program in the office so he downloaded that to his computer and was able to at least take reservations for our first day of reservations. The only problem would be that he would have to input all the personal info again for campers that had already been here before which would have been saved in all the campground program but that isn't really a problem just more time consuming when he booked them in. He has removed the hard drive from the old computer and we just need to get a hard drive reader or someone else to do it and then input that info in later when the campground decides what to do about a new computer or laptop.


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