Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Something we don't see every day at the park...

Well, I was not very successful with repairing the water leak underneath the house trailer. I was under there four or five times, and there's not a lot of room!

There is a tarp type of material holding in the fiberglass insulation under the floor. You have to cut that away to get at any of the pipes, and of course where the water is coming out is not necessarily where the actual leak is.

And, did I mention there's not a lot of room?

So every time I cut away the insulation, water would pour out. And the insulation is soaking wet. And of course you're lying on your back looking up at it. Not a nice job. I actually said to myself  "I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff"! After the last effort, I gave up. We're going to try and call someone who might be a little more prepared for this kind of work. I can do a lot of stuff myself, but I know my limits.

So our owl mom is here, but we don't see any babies. Yet.

She's spending an awfully lot of time in the nest, so we're wondering if maybe they are late this year and she's still sitting on eggs?

Great horned owl at Cabri Regional Park.

We'll keep a close eye on the nest over the next few days and see if there are any changes.

So, I was coming down from the work shop yesterday afternoon, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted something odd. In fact I had to give my head a shake and do a double take! 

Yep, sure enough, there is an airplane sitting on our waterfront. 


Turns out he's the son of one of the regulars here, and he had been helping with our shoreline improvement project last week. He never saw the finished product so he landed on the shore just to have a look.

What a neat little plane. I couldn't believe how little real estate he needed to take off and land. We chatted for a while, and then I took a video of him taking off...

They did a great job on the shoreline. Every year when the water is high, we were losing some of the land to erosion. 

This should fix the problem!

And today, I have to deal with a computer problem. Our office computer simply won't turn on. And we need it to do exactly that by Thursday when we start taking reservations! Hoping it's something simple, but somehow I doubt it...

Good deal on Saucony running shoes...

And it's Kitchen Day at in Canada. The popular "Instant Pot" is on deal of the day, as is the top rated Kitchen Aid mixer... check it out...


  1. Cabri Park now has an airstrip! You could organise fly in parties!

    1. We have just started our 4th year here and never even knew we had an airstrip! Our only problem with organizing fly-in parties is that by June the airstrip would be flooded unless we have another year like last year with the low water level. ;-)

  2. Great Video! By any chance was that Randy Kleim flying that aircraft? Registration looks like a Highlander home-built.

    1. Thanks X! Yes, that was Randy and yes, it is a home-built but he didn't make it. I believe it was built in 2014. Still looks like new!

  3. My husband would love today's post. He has his pilots license and many ratings and LOVES to fly. Hope you get some help with the repair challenges. Looking forward to hearing more about the owls!

    1. Kevin has always wanted to get he's pilots license but it never happened! :-(

      Still waiting on getting this leak fixed, hope it gets fixed soon, it isn't easy living without running water but we are managing.

      So far it looks like the mummy owl is sitting on eggs because she has hardly left the nest all day. She is late this year!

  4. Maybe the cable wires got wet so computer won't turn on? Love mother owl in her nest and the plane video. I guess Ruth is raking leaves again this year....

    1. No, that isn't the case because it stopped working during our last week of work last fall. Kevin found the date on the computer yesterday and it is older than we thought, as it is 2008 so it could just be the age of it!

      Yes, I start blowing and raking today! I may have sore muscles by the end of the day.

  5. Glad you decided to phone a plumber or someone!

    1. Yep, looks like someone is going to be coming along today to hopefully fix the problem. We are surviving without running water in the house but it isn't easy. Sure makes you realize what people had to deal with so many years ago and even now in many countries.

  6. I always wanted to learn how to fly. In Mexico it's a six-month course including engine overview.

    1. So did Kevin! You know there is still time because it is never to late until you die!!!

  7. Sometimes you just have to make a call and let someone else get dirty.
    Technology is great until....

  8. Plumbing can be easy or hard depending on experience, experts will humble you, Shark Bite connectors make you look like a super hero.....from experience, btw love your blog!

    1. Thanks Michael!

      Agreed... however in this situation it's accessing the pipe that is causing the problem. Once we can get to the break, actually fixing it shouldn't be that difficult.


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