Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

We found our baby owl...

Late Tuesday afternoon, our summer employee Kevin was cutting some grass in one section of the park and he spotted our baby owl! We came and had a look, and sure enough, there it was sitting against the bushes. We were so happy to see it alive and well.

We had seen the mom in the same area, so she's definitely looking after it and making sure it's fed. After dinner, we decided to go move it and put it in a nearby tree. So we grabbed the camera and went to see how it was doing.

But it was gone!

We searched the bushes, but it's obviously very good at hiding. We feel a little more confident that it is able to survive, but we'll still keep our eyes open for it in that area.

Yesterday was grocery day, so we drove the 50 minutes each way to Swift Current and did our groceries and ran some errands for the park.

Scenery along the way.

 The Canada geese are everywhere...

Get off the road!


Seasonal campers are starting to move their trailers in. Only about seven or eight moved in so far, but this is opening weekend and the weather forecast is calling for sunshine and highs of 21C (70F). So although we don't have many reservations, we could get a lot of last minute people showing up to camp. 

Fantastic deal on a digital multi meter. Every RV should have one in their tool and repair kit.


  1. The prairies are so lovely in the spring! I love your header photo today...makes me homesick for my beloved Montana. So happy to hear the baby owl is doing well. Hopefully he/she will be ready to fly soon. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. We have found that the prairies have really grown on us over the last 5 years. :-)

      We are so happy to know the baby is alive and well, even though we lost sight of it again. We are feeling pretty confident now that it will make it and hopefully be flying by the end of the month.

  2. We are finally getting some sunshine too - exactly the same kind of weather expected for the next 10 days or so! So glad about the little baby owl.

    1. Glad to hear that you are finally getting some sunshine, you guys really needed some!

      We are so glad too about the baby owl, you should have seen the smiles on our faces when we saw it the other day.

  3. Glad you found the baby owl, and the nice weather for the weekend sounds pretty good.

    1. Yep, all is well in our world again, now that we know the baby owl is doing well. Should be a great weekend!

  4. So pretty and peaceful looking there - love your photos! Nice to hear that baby owl was spotted.

    1. It sure is, at least up until the end of June when all hell breaks out and the lake is full of boats and the park is full of kids! ;-)

      Hopefully we will catch sight of the baby owl again and be able get a picture of it. It has already grown quite a bit. Should be flying by the end of the month.

  5. I'm so relieved that you found the owlet! Sounds like the parents are taking good care of their baby and keeping him/her well-hidden. Great news!

    1. Yes, they are definitely doing a great job with the baby, we are sure it has grown even more in the last few days. Hopefully it should be flying before the end of the month. We will keep our eyes open for it and with any luck be able to get another picture. It seems to be a great hide-and-seek player! ;-)

  6. Replies
    1. We will feel much better about it, once it is up off the ground and away from the coyotes! Shouldn't be too much longer before he/she takes it first flight. :-)

  7. Enjoy the long weekend. Hopefully you will have a peaceful and uneventful weekend. Our park will be open but the main pool and washrooms will be closed due to the water situation.

    1. It should be a beautiful weekend. We had a few campers come in yesterday but there's not many at the park and this includes not many of the seasonals, they're all busy seeding their fields at the moment.

      Glad to hear that your park is open, or at least partially open. Hoping that the worst of the flooding is over for you.


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