Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, May 5, 2017

We have another baby!

A baby great horned owl, that is!

After 5 days of watching mom owl in her nest, we have finally caught sight of the baby. There had been no indication at all that there was a baby there yet, except that mom was spending an awfully lot of time in the nest, and I had found some broken egg shell directly below the nest.

But, it's definitely the latest in the season so far compared to past years.

And maybe that has something to do with the weather. The leaves on the trees here at the park are late coming out as well.

So, it will be fun to watch the little one grow up over the next couple of months. At least we think there is only one this year! 

Ruth had mentioned yesterday that we had some visitors to the park. Pierre and Jennifer pulled up on shore in their canoe, along with their dog Jasmine. They spent the night in their tent, and took off back on the water again yesterday morning.

They are on a three year canoeing adventure! Wow!

Like us, they sold everything they owned and took off. But unlike us, they took off in a canoe rather than a motorhome!

Pierre, Jennifer, and Jasmine.

And they're off...

It's amazing that one can canoe right across Canada, isn't it? They started in British Columbia and are headed for Moncton, New Brunswick.

You can read more about them here...

We enjoyed talking with Pierre and Jennifer. Seems we all think a lot alike and we'll be following their journey online. 

Oh, and we're having a heat wave here in southwestern Saskatchewan. It was sunny and 26C (79F) yesterday, and they're now calling for 29C (84F) and sunshine today!

Popular men's and lady's Teva sandals are on sale...


  1. It's always nice watching the wonders of nature.It looks almost like Mother Owl is smiling while letting you see her baby.
    I think we are past the point in our lives that would allow us t canoe around North America.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yep, I think our Mother owl is looking pretty proud and wanting to show off the little one for the first time.

      I guess it is like anything that you love and do that makes the difference. Pierre was telling us that he started canoeing at 18 years of age and has kept doing it ever since. He is now 58 years old and I don't think he would have any problems continuing on with it for a long time yet and I am sure that he will.

  2. What an inspiring couple! (no offense). Seems they hit their breaking point and rather than live a life of quiet desperation and let things happen to them they MADE things happen, took control of their destiny and charged out into the open world at full speed - unencumbered and free. How liberating. Here's to them! Much respect and humility I feel toward their achievements.
    Thank you for sharing their journey.

    1. No offense taken, they are an inspiring couple! Again this is something that we have in common because we did the same almost 10 years ago when we sold everything, except we bought an older motorhome to live in and travel with rather than a canoe. No way will be ever go back to a "regular" kind of job with only two or three week holidays. We found something that will work for us. While we were talking with them, they were very interested in our campground managing job because they said that once this trip is over and Jennifer finishes writing her book and making their movie they are going to need to do some kind of job to keep them going and they liked what we have going for us, so who knows maybe they will end up doing something similar.

      We are looking forward to their onward travels and pictures. They are true adventurers.

  3. It's great to see the baby horned owl! I used to watch a video cam they had set up on Vancouver Island to watch an eagles nest from hatching to the eaglets leaving the nest. It was so amazing to see. Thanks for the link to the canoeing couple. It will be fun to follow their adventure.

    1. It is good to see the baby as well. This is definitely the latest that we have had to wait before seeing the baby.

      I have also watched a video cam of the eagle's nest on Vancouver Island. It really is amazing to see it all from the laying of the eggs right up to them leaving the nest. I can't believe how fast they grow, even here with our little owl.

      They aren't able to update their blog too often but they do try to put up pictures when ever they can and it will be exciting to read about some of their adventures, especially the ones going through British Columbia in early spring, that was a tough haul for them.

  4. Congratulations on the new baby.
    So nice that you met Pierre and Jennifer, it sounds like an exciting adventure. Thanks for the link.

    1. We are so happy to see another baby this year. That is four years in a row now that we get to see the baby owl/s grow up.

      Yep, we thought we were adventurous but they have us beat hands down! :-)

  5. Beautiful photos of the Mama Owl and Owlet! Wow, Pierre and Jennifer are beasts! I can't imagine the cold and deprivation of their trip; very impressive, but better them than me!

    1. Thanks Emily, we will continue to have more pictures as the baby grows.

      Yes, Pierre and Jennifer are beasts for sure. They were telling us about some of the challenges that they have had to face since leaving British Columbia early spring. They saw avalanches along the way, had to deal with wet and cold miserable weather then even had to say put in one place for 10 days because of the weather. Luckily it was at a spot where someone lived in the middle of nowhere and they had a building to sleep in but not a warm one as the winter was so cold this year the guy who put them up and used up all his firewood so he was down to burning just about anything he/they could find. They are an amazing couple for sure. I look forward to reading their book when they have it completed.

  6. Wow a canoe adventure my husband would love that! We have a heat wave here as well hope it continues! Love seeing nature at work baby owl sweet!

    1. Yes, we are hoping the good weather continues as well, it really helps with the park clean up. The baby owl is cute and we will continue to take pictures of it as it grows and post them to the blog. It is amazing how fast they grow.

  7. Your owl pictures are just wonderful. They are so serious looking, both of them. I'd come back to that park to work every year just to watch them. Boy and we full timers thought we downsized. I cannot even imagine down sizing to a canoe. What do they do in the rain? Thanks for the link. I am amazed even at the idea of canoeing across Canada. How fun that you got to meet them.

    1. Thank you Sherry! It was actually funny but the little baby owl was only poking it's head up a little way but when it saw us it started shifting itself around and up higher to have a better look. He/she looked at us with lots of curiosity. The mommy owl look very proud to show off her offspring to us.

      We thought the same thing about downsizing, they are true minimalists. It is amazing though how much they can actually fit in the canoe. They get outfitted along the route with new supplies or clothing as the weather dictates. They have someone mail them things along the way and they mail stuff back as things become unnecessary. Sort of like doing a through hike on the Appalachian Trail or any other long distance trail.

      As for rain, it would depend on the roughness of the water, if it is too rough then they just stay put on shore but if it is safe to paddle then the just don their raincoats or dry suits and paddle on down the river.

      They have paddled all over the USA and Canada. Last year we had another guy stop by and it was his second time paddling across Canada and apparently he is doing it again this year but may take a different route so not sure if we will see him or not. Pierre and Jennifer said he is about 1 - 2 weeks behind them.


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